HUES 6th Grade Math Choice #13 02-May-2000

Hollis Upper Elementary School, Hollis, New Hampshire

1. 1995-96 Annual 7th grade math contest

1.9.   There are 25% more new windows in my house than old ones.
         What is the ratio of the number of new windows to the number of old ones?

1.19.  I played video games at the arcade from 10:53 AM to 5:05 PM the same day.
         When was I halfway done at the arcade that day?

1.20.  What is the largest prime factor of 77,000,000?

1.28.  If the radius plus the circumference of a certain circle is 6? + 3,
         how long is the diameter of the circle?

1.38.  Of 200 bears, 150 sing and 60 dance.  Of those who dance, 40 sing.
         How many bears neither sing nor dance?

1.39.  What is 1% of 1%?

1.40.  What is the hundreds' digit of 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 998 + 999 + 1000?

Source: The Math League

Don Braffitt