1. “Find a Grave - use web link for details.”
2. “FamilySearch - use web link for details.”
4. “1880 Blooming Grove, Orange, NY Federal Census - William Braffett,”
6. “1880 Tusten, Sullivan, NY Federal Census - Joseph Braffet,”
7. “Hawkes Family genealogy,”
"Jonathan Hawks (1) b. 1790 ME m. Abigail McClennan. ... The children of Jonathan Hawks and Abigail McClennan were: William, John, Johnson, Edward, Mary Ann, Alexander, Margaret, Henry, Huldah and Eliza. ... Edward Hawks was born 1818, served in the Civil War. He married Abigail Holbert and had numerous children, who were raised in Pike Co., PA. After the war, Edward was dead, Abigail had died in 1858, and one child, George Hawks, was adopted by Edward's sister, Hulda Braffet. The 1850 census of Pike Co., Lackawaxen Twp. are Edward 32 NY, Abigail 27, Mary A. 8, Abigail 3, and Royal 2/12. The son George was b. 6/3/1857 and his Hawks relatives pressed for his orphan's pension in 1864-66. In 1864, George Hawks was named the only surviving child of the deceased. ... Huldah Hawks was born about 1831 and married Joseph Braffet. Joseph Braffet, b. 1826, was named guardian of George Hawks, after the death of his parents. No further information."
8. Child's Gazetteer and Business Directory for Sullivan County for 1872-73,
9. “Bible of Rene Paul Braffett,”,
William A. Wasson hand copied 27-Jan-1946 the names and dates from the bible of Rene Paul Braffett and sent that inforation as 2 pages in a letter to James Matthew Braffitt, Jr.
11. “Grant, IN land records,”
Early Land Records of Richland Township 25 Range 6 Grant County Indiana - 8 Dec 1847, James Brafitt, section 36, 160 acres, 8 Dec 1847, Silas Brafitt, section 36, 160 acres
13. “California Digital Newspaper Collection,” CA,
15. 1875 Monterey County Directory,
17. “Obituary for Lydia Braffitt,” Salinas Weekly Index, Salinas, Monterey, CA, 21 Mar 1889,
"Died -- BRAFFIT -- in Salinas City, Mar. 16, Mrs. Lydia BRAFFITT, wife of Jas. BRAFFIT, a native of Ohio, aged 66 years."
18. Salinas Weekly Index, Salinas, Monterey, CA, 25 Feb 1892,
"Born -- BRAFFET -- in Salinas City, Feb. 20, 1892, to the wife of Si BRAFFET, a son."
19. Salinas Weekly Index, Salinas, Monterey, CA, 3 Mar 1892,
"Judge DORN has appointed J.W. ROWLONG, James BRAFFET and L.H. GARRIGUS appraisers of the estate of Matilda HARRIS, deceased."
20. Salinas Weekly Index, Salinas, Monterey, CA, 21 Apr 1892,
"Judge DORN on Thursday made an order appointing L.H. GARRIGUS, James BRAFFET and J.J. KELLY as appraisers of the estate of Florence J. JENKINS, deceased."
22. “15-Apr-1930 Newburgh, Orange, NY Federal Census.”
23. “NY deaths,” 1880-1956.
24. “Orange, NY will for Henry Mapes, probated 04-Mar-1823,” 20 Oct 1812,
25. Portrait and Biographical Record of Orange County, Chapman Publishing, New York and Chicago, 1895, pages 1333-1334.
"A. B. WHEELER, a veteran of the late war, was born in Craigsville, town of Blooming Grove, Orange County, 31 Aug 1846. His grandfather, Seth Wheeler, was the youngest of ten brothers, born in Danbury, Connecticut, all of whom went to sea excepting him, and he remained on the home farm, giving his attention principally to the carpenter's trade. From Connecticut, after a time, he went to New York City, where he was employed as a contractor. Later he went to Bloomingburg, Sullivan County; thence, a few years later, to Fishkill, New York, where he worked as a contractor. In 1830 he settled in Craigsville, and there he died in 1863, at the age of eighty-four. During the War of 1812 he served in defense of this country. In religious belief he was connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church. The marriage of Seth Wheeler united him with Mary Hulse, who was born in the town of Blooming Grove, her father, Benjamin Hulse, having been an early settler there. They became the parents of two sons and one daughter. Their son Henry, who was a carpenter and wheelwright, spent his early life principally in Blooming Grove, thence removed to Newburgh, and fifteen years later settled in Jersey City, where he now resides. The other son, William, our subject's father, was born in New York City and in youth served a seven-years apprenticeship to the trades of carpenter and wheelwright at Fishkill; later worked for a similar period at Brooklyn, becoming a thorough master of these trades. He was a Drum Major in the Twentysecond New York State Militia, the brigade that was commanded by Gen. William C. Little, of Goshen. Settling at Craigsville, he was engaged there as a contractor and builder until his death, which occurred 1 Jul 1859, at the age of forty-three. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Sarah E. Braffett, and was born in Monroe, this county, as was also her father, Hezekiah, while her mother, Elizabeth (Newbury) Braffett, was from Kingston. At the time of her husband's death, she was left with six children, the eldest of whom was thirteen years, and the youngest six months old. She afterward married again, and now makes her home in Philadelphia. Of the children of her first marriage, only three are living, our subject being the eldest of the number. He was reared at Craigsville, and from the age of nine years was self-supporting, as he then began to work at the cotton-spinner's trade in Craigsville. At the outbreak of the CiviI War, Mr. Wheeler's sympathies were aroused in behalf of the Union, and five times he endeavored to enlist in the army, but was refused on account of youth. The sixth attempt, however, proved successful, and 22 Aug 1864, he was accepted as a soldier, though at the time he weighed only ninety pounds. At Goshen he was assigned to Company C, Fifty-sixth New York Infantry, and joined his regiment at Charleston Harbor, 16 Sep 1864, entering active service immediately. He was in the engagements at Graham's Station, Honey Hill, Boyd's Landing, Devore's Neck and Gregory's Farm, and participated in three different engagements, on the 6th, 7th and 9th of December. At the battle of Coosacatcha, 29 Dec, he was wounded with a musket-ball, when firing from the skirmish line, the ball entering the bridge of the nose from the left flank, and passing across the right eye. After being wounded, he walked three miles to the field hospital, being obliged to ford the river with the water rising as high as his neck. On reaching the hospital, the wound was dressed, and he was removed from the activelist. 31 Jan 1865, he was sent to the general hospital at Port Royal, from there went to David's Island, New York Harbor, and was honorably discharged 30 May 1865, on account of disability resulting from injuries received in action. As soon as the condition of his health permitted, Mr. Wheeler resumed work at spinning in CraigsvilIe. Soon, however, he abandoned that occupation and engaged in farming in the town of Blooming Grove. In 1868 he removed to Hamptonburgh where he spent one year, and afterward for ten years cultivated a farm in the town of Goshen. In 1878 he came to Middletown, but continued farm work for a couple of years, after which for five years he was superintendent of what is now the Middletown Ice Company, and then for one year was with C. L. Webster & Co. In Aug 1877, he was appointed a letter-carrier for the city and continued in Government employ until 10 Sep 1894, when political reasons led to his removal, after he had served for seven vears and one month. Since then he has been traveling salesman for the Household Supply Company at Danbury, Connecticut, with branch office in the Central Building at Middletown. In the town of Blooming Grove, 30 May 1867, Mr. Wheeler married Miss Hannah W, Oldfield, who was born in the town of Warwick, as was also her father, Joel Oldfield. Her grandfather, Nathaniel Oldfield, was an old settler and pioneer farmer of Warwick. Her father, who was born in 1812, resided in Tompkins County from 1843 until 1865, returning thence to Blooming Grove, where he died in 1891. He married Melissa Moon, who was born in Monroe. this county, and was orphaned in infancy. Five children were born to the union of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, namely: Melissa A., who is married, and lives in Middletown; Harrison W., who is in the engineer corps, United States regular army, stationed at West Point, and was formerly Lieutenant of General Custer Camp No. 96; Joel B., who is in the employ of the National Saw Company, and is Captain of General Custer Camp No. 96; Emma E. and Sarah L. Politically Mr. Wheeler is a stanch Republican. Socially he belongs to Hoffman Lodge No. 412, F. & A. M.; Paughcaughnaughsinque Tribe No. 77. I. O. R. M., in which he has held official position; Knights of Labor, in which he was for five years Master Workman of his lodge, the strongest of the district; the Tenth Legion Veterans' Association, in which he was Vice- President for four years; and General Lyon Post No. 266. G. A. R., in which he was Commander for seven years in succession. Since becoming a member of the latter organization. he has personally recruited one hundred and sixty-five members. In 1894 he was Aide-de-camp, under Gen. J. G. B. Adams, of General Lauder Post No. 51 G. A. R. at Lynn, Massachusetts. In religious belief he is a Methodist. He is prominent among the veterans of the war, with whom he loves to meet and recount the thrilling events connected with those stirring times."
26. “Letter from Erma Morris,” 16 Jan 1989.
From: Erma Morris, HCR 01, Box 375,Naples, ID 83847 - her husband is a descendant of George Washington Braffett. She references a 1978 letter from Myrtle S. Edwards and summarizes the letter as follows - “She wrote that Mary Mapes married Joshua Braffit. He had a son, Hezekiah Braffit was mentioned in his grandfather’s - Henry Mapes - will. Mary Mapes married 2nd Samuel Smith about 1775 or ‘76 so Joshua must have died about that time. Mrs. Edwards is a descendant of Samual Smith and Mary Mapes.”
32. Rich Braegger, “Braithwaite DNA Project,” 2017-2018,
34. “Y DNA analysis for Donald James Braffitt,” 2007,
35. “1880 Blooming Grove, Orange, NY Federal Census - Joush Braffett,”
37. Portrait and Biographical Record of Lee County, Illinois, 1892, pages 433-434,
"James H. Braffet, M. D., of Paw Paw, is well known as one of the leading physicians of Lee County, whose skill, success in practice, and learning place him well at the head of his profession. He was born in the town of Florida, Orange County, N. Y., October 16, 1834. His father, James Braffett, for many years an honored citizen of this county, was born in the town of Monroe, Orange County, July 22, 1802, a son of John Braffet, who is supoosed to have been of Scotch ancestry. When the father of our subject was five years old, his father took him to Orleans County in his native State, and bound him out to a farmer with whom he was to live until he was twenty-one. In the meantime he was to have his board and clothes, and when he became of age was to have a new suit of clothes, ten dollars in cash, and a horse, saddle and bridle. When he was eighteen years old, he bought his time in order to serve an apprenticeship to learn the trade of a blacksmith, but when he was twenty-one, the old farmer generously gave him the horse that he had promised him. At the close of his apprenticeship, he did journey-work in different places, and finally at Newburg, Orange County, and carried on business in that county until 1855, when he came to Illinois to identify himself with the pioneers of this county, as he wisely thought that skilled mechanics would be in demand in a young and growing country. He came by rail as far as Earlville, then the nearest railway station, and after his arrival he established himself at his calling at East Paw Paw. He carried on business there until 1863, when he removed to Melugin's Grove, and opening a shop there, was actively engaged as a blacksmith for several years. When the railway was completed through Brooklyn Township, he took up his residence at the village of Compton, being one of its first settlers, and there he lived retired until his death, in April, 1888. The maiden name of his wife was Melissa A. Furman. She survives him and still makes her home at Compton. She is also a native of Orange County, N. Y., and a daughter of Josiah Furman, who was born in the Empire State, and was of German ancestry. Mrs. Braffet and her husband were for many years members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but she now belongs to the Presbyterian Church, and is held in great esteem by all who know her.
Our subject is the only survivor of the three children born to his parents. He was given liberal educational advantages, obtaining his knowledge of the common branches in the public schools of his native county, and he subsequently became a student at Chester Academy, which he attended four years. While there he paid particular attention to mathematics and civil engineering, with a view of preparing himself for West Point. He successfully passed the examination required of those desiring admission to that institution, and receiving the endorsement of Mr. Wheeler, the representative to Congress from the district in which he lived, his ambition seemed about to be realized, when his parents so strenuously objected to his entering a military school, that he gave up his cherished dream of becoming a cadet, and turned his attention to the study of medicine, under the instruction of Dr. C. P. Smith, of Chester, N. Y. He defrayed a part of the expenses of his education by teaching, and alternately taught and attended school, and engaged in surveying. He came to Illinois with his parents in 1855, and taught the first term of the East Paw Paw Seminary. He devoted his leisure to his medical studies, and in the winter of 1861-62 attended a course of lectures at Rush Medical College, at Chicago. He still further prepared himself later on by attendance at Bellevue Hospital College, New York City, in the winter of 1868-69, and was graduated from there in the Class of '69. He had already practiced medicine successfully, and went back to his work with renewed vigor. He had first established himself at East Paw Paw, and had gone from there to Melugin's Grove in 1862. In 1875 he opened an office at Paw Paw, and has remained here ever since, acquiring an extensive and lucrative practice. By identifying himself with various medical societies and by careful reading, he keeps well abreast of the times in his profession, to which he is devoted, and his patients feel that safety and confidence under his care that a true physician ever inspires. IIe is a member in good standing of the North Central Illinois Medical Association, of the Illinois State Medical Society, of the American Association, and in 1887 he became a member of the International Medical Association. He is also connected with the Masonic fraternity, of which he has been a member since 1858, but at the present time non-officiating; and of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, which he joined in 1881, and is a camp member.
Dr. Braffet was happily married in 1860 to Miss Ellen S. Billings, who was born near Detroit, Mich., and is a daughter of James and Mrs. (Serville) Billings. They have seven children, namely: Nellie, John, Charles, Mark P., Harvey, William and Essie. Nellie married Sidney Stevens, of Beardstown, Cass County. John is superintendent of a vineyard in Tulare, Cal. Charles is a compositor on the Boston Daily Post. Mark is in the chief dispatcher's office, Rio Grande & Western Railroad, at Schofield, Utah Territory. The three younger are students."
38. “Obituary for Malissa Furman Braffet,” Lee, IL, 9 Mar 1906,
"MALISSA (FURMAN) BRAFFET was born at Florida, Orange Co., New York, on the 9th day of May, 1813, and died at the home of her daughter-in-law (who had cared for her for the past three years) in Paw Paw, Illinois, Friday, March 9, 1906, aged 92 years 10 months. She was united in marriage in her native town to James Braffet, January 16, 1833. To this union were born two daughters, Sarah and Dora, who died in childhood, and one son, Dr. James H. who died July 16, 1899. With her husband she came to Illinois in 1855 and located at East Paw Paw, later moving to Malugin's Grove and thence to Compton where they resided for a number of years. Mr. Braffet died at Compton April 25, 1888 at the age of 86 years. Soon after his death she moved to Paw Paw where she has since resided. At the age of twenty years she united with the M.E. Church at Florida, New York, and remained a member up to the time of her death. During her early life she was an untiring worker for the church and as long as she was able attended church services. For a number of years she conducted the only hotel at Compton, and was known for her sociability--always enjoying to mingle with and entertain her friends. Throughout her entire life her strong traits of character were ever prominent. During her residence in Paw Paw, covering a period of about fifteen years, old age, which was the cause of her death, prevented her making very frequent visits to her old home at Compton. Her birthday has been annually observed for several years, many old friends being present on each occasion. She was unable to leave her bed seven weeks prior to her death and passed away as in a sleep. She leaves seven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The burial was at the Frantz cemetery beside her husband and children."
39. “Gossip Column,” Paw Paw, Lee, IL, 1904,
Newspaper Unknown - 1904, "Last Monday was Mrs. Melissa Braffet's ninety-first birthday anniversary, and in her honor, about thirty-five of her old friends and neighbors gathered at the G. A. R. hall to celebrate the occasion. Mrs. W. I. Guffin had the affair in charge and made it a great success. A fine dinner was served at noon, after which the ladies spent the time in recalling incidents of the good old days, gone by. Mrs. Braffet for many years has been an honored resident of Paw Paw, and in spite of her old age gets about remarkably well. Her old home was formerly over at Compton, and she is pleased to be numbered among those ladies of Paw Paw, whose former residence was at Compton, who enjoy the distinction of belonging to what they call, the "Compton Circle." These ladies have celebrated "Grandma" Braffet's birthday anniversary for the past ten years, but the affair last Monday climaxed them all. The following guests were over from Compton, and enjoyed the day: Mesdames G. W. Bradshaw, Rebecca Kettley, J. N. Knauer, J. K. Mannon, J. F. Cole and H. A. Matthews.”, Contributed by Marilyn Widler (Newspaper Unknown - Approximately 1904) Born 9th day of May, 1813 and died March 9, 1906 at the age of 92 years 10 months."
41. “Emails from Deb to Don Braffitt,” 18 Apr 2005.
"James Gilmore children as follows: James Gilmore b: abt 1803– side I am studying currently, William Gilmore b: abt 1811 – Ann’s father, John Gilmore... Anne Gilmer born: 18 September 1842 in Ballymena Antrim, Ireland, Died: 1862 in Ballymena, Antrim, Ireland. As I stated there was no source information regarding Anne."
42. “1950 census,”,,,
The enumerators went out armed with the fountain pen they were required to have and a two-sided form, 19-by-22 inches, called P1, a "Census of Population and Housing." … The front of the P1 form asked the personal questions whose answers make up Friday’s release. The back of the form asked the occupants questions about housing — running water, toilets, bathtubs, radios, televisions, electric lights and refrigerators. The tantalizing answers to those questions were mined only for statistics. The backs of the forms were not microfilmed and "were not retained," according to the Archives. "After the Census Bureau made microfilm copies, they often destroyed the originals," the Archives said in a blog post in February. Sharon Tosi Lacey, the Census Bureau’s chief historian, said: "We don’t 100 percent know why. But my suspicion is it was a time and money issue. Millions and millions of records are expensive to microfilm and take a lot of time, and they just processed the fronts."
43. “Obituary for Williametta "Billie" Miller,” Times Herald-Record, Orange, NY, 8 Jun 1999,
"WILLIAMETTA "BILLIE" MILLER Goshen, NY Williametta "Billie" Miller of Goshen, a homemaker and lifelong resident of the area, died Sunday, June 6, 1999, in Arden Hill Hospital, Goshen. She was 82. The daughter of William and Elizabeth Thorp Braffett, she was born Oct. 19, 1916, in Hamptonburgh. She was the widow of Frank Lester Miller. She was a member of St. James Episcopal Church, Goshen and past president of American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 377. Survivors include one daughter, Jessie Murabito of Goshen; two sons, Harold Miller of Goshen and Norman Miller of Town of Wallkill; six grandchildren, Sal Murabito, Jr., Jessie Smykla, Debbie Miller, Harold Miller, Norm Miller, Shane Miller; and five great-grandchildren. Visitation will be held from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today, Tuesday, June 8, in Donovan Funeral Home, 82 S. Church St., Goshen. An American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Unit 377 Service will be held at 7:15 p.m. today, Tuesday, June 8. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, June 9, in St. James Episcopal Church, 1 St. James Pl., Goshen. Interment will be in Wallkill Cemetery, Middletown. Arrangements were made by Donovan Funeral Home, Goshen."
46. “MA births,” 1639-1915, 1840-1915, 1860-1970, 1901-1960, 1967-1970.
48. “Obituary for Dorothy J. "Dotsy" Braffitt Greer,” MetroWest Daily News and Framingham Patch, Framingham, Middlesex, MA, 10 Jul 2013,,
"Dorothy J. "Dotsy" (Braffitt) Greer, 82, a resident of Framingham for more than 50 years, died peacefully Tuesday 8 Jul 2013 at MetroWest Medical Center in Framingham. She was the beloved wife of the late Richard J. Greer, Sr. who died in 1992. Born in Newton, she was a daughter of the late James and Ada (Mosher) Braffitt and was a graduate of Watertown High School Class of 1949. While residing in Framingham, Mrs. Greer worked at the former Giovanni's Restaurant on Rte. 9 as a hostess and cashier. She was also employed by the Lumber Mutual Insurance Co. as a file clerk before retiring. She is survived by her loving children: Richard Greer, Jr. of Framingham, Jacqueline Zavaglia and her husband Jim of Arlington, Jennifer Parker and her husband Brian of Framingham and Sara Hartt and her husband Sean of Upton; her biggest source of happiness came from her grandchildren who remember her as their "GiGi": Brittany Jane Parker, Kevin Parker, Ryan Hartt, Owen Parker and J. T. Hartt, and many wonderful friends in both Framingham and Watertown. Mrs. Greer was predeceased by her daughter Jane Greer in 1989, and her siblings: Helen Porter, James, Raymond, and Robert Braffitt. Visiting hours are Thursday 11 Jul from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Boyle Bros. Funeral Home, 173 Union Avenue, Framingham. A funeral service will be held Friday 12 Jul at 10:00 a.m. at the funeral home with burial following in Edgell Grove Cemetery, Grove Street, Framingham Centre. The family suggests memorial gifts be made in Dorothy's name to: the National Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation, (Foundation Fighting Blindness) 11350 McCormack Road, Executive Plaza 1, Suite 800, Hung Valley, Maryland. 21301-1014."
49. “MA deaths,” 1841-1915, 1901-1980, 1970-2003.
50. “Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988,” 1620-1988, MA.
51. “02-Apr-1930 48 Stuart Street, Watertown, Middlesex, MA Federal Census.”
52. “Seabrook, Rockingham, NH marriages.”
53. “FL deaths,” 1877-1998.
54. “Green Lawn Cemetery, Roswell, Fulton, GA,”
57. William Corley Cook (1930-2017), “The Charles Comer Cook Family Web Site,”
58. “Funeral notice for Betty Jean Cook,” Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, GA, 7 Apr 1952, page 18.
File: BettyCook1952a
59. “1930 Shallowford Road, Cross Keys, DeKalb, GA Federal Census.”
60. “Cook/Wild 50th wedding anniversary / 1st Cook reunion,” Aug 1930,
The date of the first reunion is uncertain. It may have been Sunday, 17 Aug 1930 which would have been 2 days after the 50th wedding anniversary.
61. “Obituary for Charles W. Cook,” Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 15 Jun 1990, page E-7.
Files (2): CharlesCook1990a, CharlesCook1990b
62. “MA marriages,” 1840-1915.
64. Bob Hegerich, “Our Extended Family,”
66. “Cumberland, Nova Scotia, Canada births,” 1837-1904, 1862-1877,
68. “Newton, Middlesex, MA death certificate for Alfred N. Mosher,” 24 May 1906, Newton, Middlesex, MA.
File: AlfredMosher1906
69. “Obituary for Mercy Henney Giles,” Victoria, Cumberland, Nova Scotia, Canada, 6 Jan 1929,
"Mrs. Mercy Giles. Victoria, January 6 - The death occurred at Victoria on Christmas Day (1928) of the oldest resident in that community, Mrs. Mercy Giles, at the advanced age of 98 [sic] years 7 months. Born on the farm on which she died, Mrs. Giles had lived the greater portion of her life on the homestead on which she died. Before her marriage, she was Mercy Henney. She will be remembered for her kindly acts and generous hospitality, loving and loved by all. She had been confined to her room for some five years with rheumatism and those who visited her will recall her cheerful mood, always looking beyond her own suffering to something brighter. She is survived by a family of 12 children, Mrs. Sadie Mosher, Newton, Mass; Mrs. Margaret Clarke, New York; Mrs. Mary Jones, New York; Mrs. Annie Rompkey, Watertown; James, Newton; Robert, New York; Mrs. Rebecca Crowley, Streets Ridge; Mrs. Martha Guilderson, West Pugwash; Mrs. Clara Woodlock, West Pugwash; John, David and Leo, at home. The funeral services were conducted by Father McDonald of Pugwash and were largely attended. She was laid to rest beside her husband, the late Thomas Giles, who predeceased her some six years. Interment took place at LeRoy."
70. Sister of Giles Edmund Mosher III, The Mosher Family Tree - Descendants of Hans Jacob Mosher and Thomas Giles, Jul 2006.
71. Edwin Glennie Giles, Jr., The Giles Family of Cumberland County Nova Scotia: Thomas Giles 1772-1851 and Nancy Willis Giles 1775-1845 and Their Descendants, 26 Jul 2001.
72. Major W. H. H. Gore, “Judge Obadiah Gore,” Bradford County Historical Society Annual, No. 4, 1910,
76. Clement F. Heverly, History and Geography of Bradford County, 1923,
78. Clement F. Heverly, Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1770-1800, 1913,
81. “NY births,” 1640-1962, 1881-1942, 1910-1965.
82. “Airmont Lutheran Cemetery, Suffern, Rockland, NY,”
83. “The Gypsie!,” 22-Oct-1904, Chester, Orange, NY.
“Program for a benefit performance for Columba’s Church at Bodlie’s Opera House lists Victoria Braffett along with Lillian Diffily, Helen McDuff, Marjorie Dolan, Ruth Kelly, Florence Kelly, Hazel O'Rourke, Josie McCormick, Bessie Smith, Jennie Edwards, Marry Farrey, and Helen O'Hara in the eleventh number.”
84. “Chester, Orange, NY Historical Society picture #5807,”
Picture taken about 1910 with these names on the reverse: "Joe Boyle, Con Boyle, V. Braffitt, J. Braffitt, Mary Bradnick, Edna Van Rompye (Rompaye), Joe McDuff"
85. “Obituary for Victoria Van Zile,” The Journal News, Rockland, NY, Nov 1980,
"Victoria Van Zile died Tuesday, October 28, 1980 at the age of 82, at Tuxedo Memorial Hospital, Orange County NY. She lived at 24 Mountain Avenue, Hillburn for 65 years and was a native of Orange County. Survivors were:
Daughter Dorothy V. Smith of Hillburn, 2 Sisters Josephine Ransom of Walden, NY, Williametta Miller of Goshen, NY, 3 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren. Funeral was Thursday, Ocotober 31, at Wanamaker and Carlough Funeral Home in Suffern, NY, Interment was at Airmont Cemetery."
86. “22-Apr-1930 Palmyra, Pike, PA Federal Census.”
87. Susan Roedder, “Email from Susan Roedder to Don Braffitt,” 9 Mar 2005.
"Your message had to do with Victoria Braffit who married James Van Zile. At the time I had last corresponded with you, I thought that the James Van Zile sounded like a probable match for my great grandmother's brother, and did indeed confirm it with Victoria and James' daughter, who I met prior to her death. I also met her daughter, who, might very well be interested in the photo you mentioned!. Susan Roedder"
88. “NS marriages,” 1711-1909.
90. James M. Haga and Samuel Daniel Haga, “Descendants of Johan Jacob Hagi,”
92. “MO soldier service records,”
Braffett Ambrose. C 50 Ohio Infantry. Private Private Broffett Ambrose. Union.
Braffett Ambrose. B 183 Ohio Infantry. Private Private 50 Ohio Inf. Union.
Braffett Charles. E 5 Ohio Cavalry. Saddler Saddler Sergeant. Union.
Braffett John. D 7 Missouri S. M. Cav. Private Corporal . Union.
Braffett Orrin. F 155 Indiana Infantry. Private Private Braffett Orris. Union.
Braffett Thaddeus W. O 9 Illinois Cavalry. 1 Lieutenant Corporal. Union.
Braffett Volney M. I 35 Ohio Infantry. Private Private. Union.
96. “Letter from James Richard Braffett to James Matthew Braffitt, Jr.,” 1960s.
J. R. Braffett, 4609 Clay Avenue, Houston, TX, a General Contractor. The letter gives many details on his parents (Orris and Teressa Braffett) and family. The letter mentions his sons (L. S. Braffett and C. O. Braffett) and grandsons (L. K. Braffett and R. E. Braffett) and mentions he has five greatgrandchildren.
97. Rebecca Braffett Schuenemann, “Emails from Becky Schuenemann to Don Braffitt,” 20 Apr 2004.
98. “TX deaths,” 1903-1982, 1903-2000, 1964-1998,
100. Jean Carmean, “Descendants of Jedothon Harnden Sr.,” 01 Feb 2011.
101. “Orris and Teresa Braffett Family Bible.”
102. “NV deaths,” 1911-1965.
104. “19-Apr-1930 1043 Alexander Street, Houston, Harris, TX Federal Census.”
106. “Margaret Elizabeth (Minter) Wilkerson - obituary,” Mar 1912.
108. “Clinton Daily News,” 1958,
"Old pictures from 1916 were featured in the Clinton Daily News. A picture of Clinton residents gathered at Ft. Sill to see the boys before they were shipped off to the Mexican border was one of the pictures. Some of the group pictured included the late Dr. Ross Deputy’s brother, Hilly, Victor Hayden, Fred W. “Happy” Braffett and his parents."
109. “04-Apr-1930 707 Arant Avenue, Clinton, Custer, OK Federal Census.”
110. “Salley Braffett death certificate,” 22 Jul 1935, Kansas City, Jackson, MO,
File: SalleyBraffett
115. 30-Jan-1990 phone conversation between Don Braffitt and Christine Braffet Rubio. She has 2 brothers. One is Jim Braffet who operates an air ambulance and lives in Greensboro, PA. She had info on Orris. George Braffett died infant. Bertha died infant. Another child died 1873 and is buried in Mercer county (probably Mary). She met a Happy Braffett in the early 70s - Happy was then probably in his 80s.
117. “Mountain View Cemetery, Kingman, Mohave, AZ,”
119. “08-Apr-1930 Kingman, Mohave, AZ Federal Census.”
121. “05-Apr-1930 210 Stiles Street, Houston, Harris, TX Federal Census.”
122. Charles Elvin Braffett, “The Braffett Family of Houston,” 29 Dec 2003,
125. “OH marriages,” 1774-1993, 1789-2016, 1800-1958.
133. James Everett Ford, History of Grundy County, Grundy, MO, 1908,
134. “Letter from Elaine Ishmael Lehr to Don Braffitt,” 24 Feb 1990.
The letter includes a good deal of information about Wood and Braffett in Mercer/Grundy, MO.
139. Paul Darrell Ownby, “Ancestral File - Leftwick / Braffet,” 2011,
142. “IN deaths,” 1899-2011.
144. “Letter from William A. Wasson to James M. Braffitt, Jr.,” 8 Dec 1945.
Covers the family of his grandfather Alfred Braffett.
150. “Obituary for Dr. James H. Braffet,” Lee, IL, 16 Jul 1899,
"JAMES H. BRAFFET. The Angel of Death visited our little city again the first of the week and took from our midst one of Paw Paw's most respected citizens. Dr. James H. Braffet died at nine o'clock last Sunday evening after a lingering illness of over a year. Dr. Braffet began failing in health nearly two years ago and continued growing worse until a merciful God relieved him of his suffering. During his last illness he showed a spirit of complete resignation to his fate, knowing full well that his disease was beyond the power of human skill to relieve. He was conscious until a few moments before the end and bid his family and friends good-by. So far as religion was concerned Dr. Braffet was a Free Thinker and remained firm in his belief until death robbed him of his power of reasoning. A post mortem was held over the remains last Tuesday conducted by Drs. Stevens, Stetler and Agler of this place; Vosburg and Mosier of Earlville, E. P. Cook, Jr. of Mendota and White of West Brooklyn. The result of the examination showed that Dr. Braffet's death was due to a sarcoma in the right pelvis, and the decaying of the bones near it. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church Thursday morning according to the rites of the Masonic Lodge, conducted by Rev. Wm. Matthews. The remains were interred in Frantz Grove Cemetery. 2nd Notice: Dr. James H. Braffet was born in Florida, Orange Co., New York, October 16, 1834, and died at his home in Paw Paw, Ill., July 16, 1899, aged 64 years and 9 months. He was the eldest of three children of James and Mellissa A. (Firman) Braffet. He attended school at Chester Academy under Deacon Bros., formerly of the Chicago "Tribune," and his successor, Rev. Phineas Robinson, as principals, completing a scientific course as also one in civil engineering. He studied there with a view to a course at West Point, passed the required examination and received the requisite credentials; but at this point he concluded to pursue the study of medicine, which he began in 1853. In 1855 he came to Illinois and located at East Paw Paw. Here he followed surveying a year, then went into the practice of medicine, which he pursued until the session of 1860 and '61, when he entered the Rush Medical College of Chicago. After this he was constantly in practice 'till the session of '68 and '69, when he entered the Belleone Hospital Medical College, New York City, where he completed his college course. In 1868 he became a member of the Medico-Pathological Society, in1878 a member of the North Central Medical Assoc. of Ill., in 1879 of the Ill. State Medical Society, in 1880 of the Am. Med. Association. In the fall of 1860 he was married to Ellen S. Billings, of Shabbona, DeKalb Co., Ill., and daughter of James M. Billings. Before leaving the east he was for 5 years a member of the Caliopean Literary Society, and for several years was an honorary member of the Atheneum Literary Society, connected with the classical Seminary of East Paw Paw. He pursued the practice of medicine at Malugin's Grove and Compton for several years. In 1874 he moved to Paw Paw, where he has since resided. In politics, Dr. Braffet was a staunch democrat and was postmaster of Paw Paw during Cleveland's second term. He was a member of the board of education for eighteen years. He was formerly a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the A. F. & A. M. but had dropped his membership in both orders. A wife and seven children survive him. The two youngest, Will C. and Miss Essie, reside at home. Nellie N. Stevens at Beardstown, Ill.; John J. at Helper, Utah; Chas. C. location unknown; Mark P., Price, Utah and James H. Jr., at Malta, Ill."
151. John Emery Morris, The Felt Genealogy: A Record of the Descendants of George Felt of Casco Bay, 1893,
152. “Will Carlton Braffet death certificate,” 30 Jul 1938, Salt Lake, UT,
155. Mickey Braffet, “Email on Braffet family from Mickey Braffet to Don Braffitt,” 12 Aug 2001.
"Subject: Re: Braffet family, Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 From: Mickey Braffet, ... Regarding TED BRAFFET: there are two Ted Braffets that I know of. 1. Ted Thomas Braffet - born January 26 (?), 1904 in Kingman Ariz. This was my father. My Dad died in 1958 in Los Angeles, Calif. My Grandfather was: Benjamin (Ben) Braffet, born I believe in Missouri and died in Kingman Ariz around 1945. My father had a brother: Virgil (Casey), sisters Nell and Grace. 2. Ted Braffet - born in Kingman Ariz in 1932/33 is my cousin and the son of Virgil (Casey) Braffet and Granny Roe (referred to constantly in the Braffet Page you have referred to. ... Mickey Braffet"
156. Chris Braffet Delnat, “Email on Braffet family from Chris Braffet Delnat to Don Braffitt,” 14 Aug 2001.
"Subject: Re: Braffet family, Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001, From: Chris Delnat, I do tie into the Braffet Family web site line as well as the Bentley Braffet line. The two Teds are different people. Ted Braffet from the Braffett Family web site is my father and Ted Braffet from the other reference is my father's uncle. Casey (who runs our family site) is my cousin. My grandfather, Casey Braffet married Mary Lou McDermott. He died when he was 42 and she subsequently remarried. She is an LDS member named Mary Lou Roe. She lives in Kingman, Arizona. It is my understanding that her daughter (my aunt) Chris Rubio has quite a bit of genealogy done for the Braffet line but she only has it on paper. ... Chris Braffet Delnat"
157. “Obituary for Mary Louise Roe,” The Kingman Daily Miner, Kingman, Mohave, AZ, 2 Aug 2009.
"Sunday, August 02, 2009 Mary Lou Braffet Roe passed from this life Wednesday, July 29, 2009, in Kingman just one week before her 93rd birthday. She was born Aug. 7, 1916, in Woodward, Okla., to Betty Louise Coombes and Peter Joseph McDermott. Raised in a railroad family, she lived in many places throughout the western U.S. including Salinas, Lancaster, Los Angeles and Marysville, Calif., as well as Jerome, Mayer, Wickenburg and Wikieup, Ariz. The family moved to Kingman in 1929 when she was 13 years old and she spent most of the rest of her life in Mohave County. She met Virgil "Casey" Braffet at a dance in Wikieup and they were married in Williams on Sept. 29, 1931. They eventually moved to Davis Camp where Casey helped construct Davis Dam until World War II took him away for three years. During that time Mary Lou moved back to Kingman and worked at Citizens Utilities as a telephone operator. After the war the young couple and their three children returned to Davis Camp where construction on the dam was continuing. Many wonderful friendships were forged during those years and happy memories made. Three more children would be born to the Braffets after the war, making a total of six. Tragedy struck in December of 1953 when Casey died, unexpectedly, of a heart attack at a young age, and Mary Lou was left to raise her six children alone. Returning to Kingman, she once again worked as a telephone operator and a few years later married Leslie Roe, who was also a long-time Kingman resident. They were married until his death in 1996. Mary Lou was a lovely and multi-talented person who could design and sew patterns to perfection, crochet, knit, paint, sing and play the piano. She was a voracious reader and an avid crossword puzzle fan. She loved traveling as well as boating, fishing and sometimes hunting with Casey. She especially loved watching as her grandson raced his truck in desert races and was an avid Diamondbacks fan. She had a lust for life and was interested in everything that went on and read newspapers thoroughly, from front to back, and happily shared that information with everyone around her, which was quite a family joke. She kept us all well informed. Mother taught us correct principles and social graces that have enriched our lives and allowed us to be comfortable in any setting we found ourselves. She was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and held many positions including in the Stake Relief Society, Sunday School, Young Women, and she loved singing in the choir. Mary Lou was profoundly patriotic and so proud of her family's service to our country beginning with Casey's service in the Sea Bees during WWII, son Ted's service in the Navy, son Jim's service in the USMC as a helicopter pilot, son-in-law Don Baldwin's service in the USAF, and son-in-law Jack Duey's service in the USN in Vietnam. She loved and adored her many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and delighted in their accomplishments. She loved having them come visit her and always had a little gift hidden away just for them. They loved her as well, and their special name for her was GG (Great-Grandmother). Mary Lou worked several jobs during her life as a telephone operator and also as an assistant at a local optometrist. She was a dedicated employee and enjoyed her jobs, although her favorite was that of mother, grandmother, GG and loving friend to many. Mary Lou was predeceased by both of her parents; her three siblings, Helen Hart-Martin, Jim McDermott and Ward McDermott; her husbands, Casey Braffet and Leslie Roe; by a grandson, Gary Rubio; and a great-granddaughter, K'lee Kristine Duey. She is survived by and cherished by her children, Ted (Cheryl) Braffet of Point Roberts, Wash., Bette Baldwin of Lake Havasu City, Christine (Albert) Rubio of Kingman, Peggy (Jack) Duey of Kingman, Jim (Theresa) Braffet of Greensburg, Pa., and Nancy (Kirk) Hawkins of Vancouver, Wash.; stepdaughter, Katherine (Elvie) Henderson of Bishop, Calif.; along with 21 grandchildren; and she was also blessed with many, many great-grandchildren who will all miss her. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Aug. 3, at the LDS Stake Center on Eastern Ave. in Kingman. A viewing will precede the service at 9 a.m. Burial will be at Mountain View Cemetery and a reception/luncheon will be served at the church immediately following the burial. God be with you 'til we meet again, Mama. We love you most!"
165. Fred A. Henry, Ancestor Henry Jaques and descendants and Jaqua (Jaques) data 1617-1935 : from notebooks of Fred A. Henry of Geauga Lake, Ohio, 1971,
166. Biographical and Historical Record of Jay and Blackford Counties, Indiana, The Lewis Publishing Company, 1887, page 691,,
"J.B. JAQUA, of Portland, a member of the bar, and one of the most active and enterprising citizens of Jay County, was born in Darke County, Ohio, in the year 1820, a son of Judson and Lucinda (Braffit) Jaqua, natives of New York and Pennsylvania, respectively. His grandfather, Gamaliel Jaqua, was born in the State of Connecticut, and his grandfather, James Braffit, was a native of Massachusetts. Until attaining the age of nineteen Mr. Jaqua was reared to agricultural pursuits. He was educated principally at the academy at Centerville, Indiana, and for four or five years followed school teaching, and during his leisure hours studied law. After completing his legal course he was admitted to the bar in 1852, at Hamilton, Ohio, and the following year came to Portland, where he has since made his home, practicing law, farming and working for the material interests of the community. Mr. Jaqua was married in 1848 to Miss Eliza J. Avery, who was born in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1829, and died in Portland in 1871. She was a daughter of Daniel Avery. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Jaqua, six of whom are living -A.L. Genevra, wife of Nathan B. Hawkins; J.A., M.Z., C.W. and F.B. ..."
167. “Jaqua Genealogy Database.”
168. Margaret Moore Post, First Ladies of Indiana and The Governors 1984.
pages 84-88 and page 238 cover Eliza Jaqua Gray, wife of Gov. Isaac Pusey Gray.
169. “1830 Burlington, Bradford, PA Federal Census,”
170. “1840 Burlington, Bradford, PA Federal Census,”
171. Mrs. Turney Sharps, Caulkins Family Manuscript, 1949,
This book covers the descendants of Hugh Calkins. Page 105 includes information on descendants of Moses and Thankful (STEVENS) CALKINS. Their son Moses married Evaline BRAFFETT.
179. “Email from James Braffett to Don Braffitt,” 4 Dec 2000.
"I made several attempts to e-mail you and realized I had the spelling of Braffett wrong It was Braffitt. Well anyway It was nice to here from you. Off and on for several years now I've been trying to link the Braffett branches too, but with no success. I believe my line in the U.S. begins with two brothers James Braffett and George Washington Braffett. James was born in Ulster Co. NY in 1772, but could not find any info on his parents yet. I've contacted a descendant of George in Utah who tells me George married Amanda Davis cousin to Martha Washington and was in charge of setting up base camps for the continental army during the revolutionary war. James who I believe is my direct descendant married Lucretia King also from Ulster Co. NY in 1792. his son William Wiban Braffett fathered Eliza Braffett who lived in ten mile river PA who married Sarah M. Castle. Among other children they had two boys William and Edwin. Within the bibles I have was a news paper clipping announcing the death of their son Edwin at age 8yrs, William was 10 yrs at this time. William married and settled in Craigsville NY and named his son Edwin after his baby brother. Edwin is my grandfather. I could not find very much info on William's children maybe theres a link between me and you. Before I began my family tree search I moved to Monroe NY and realized how strange It was that my family descendants all lived at my back door (strange forces at work) The Mapes family was a very prominent family in Monroe I found a Carol O. Braffett would married into the Mapes family maybe she could be Hezekiah's sister? I've recently discovered a great web site Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Genealogy Family Search and traced the Braffett family name to England. If you think there are a lot of Braffetts in Orange so check this out. The earliest date I found of a Braffett dates back to 1592 Agnes Braffett Bermondsey London England. Well I'm rambling I can go on and on. Hope some of this is helpful lets keep in contact and maybe we can help each other. p.s. check out that web site! James Braffett."
180. “Y DNA analysis for James William Braffett.”
181. “Obituary for Eileen K. Macintosh,” 16 Aug 2003,
"EILEEN K. MACINTOSH Bullville, N.Y. Eileen K. MacIntosh, a biller and typist for Grick's Medical Supply in Queens, and a 7-year area resident, formerly of Queens, died Thursday, August 14, 2003 in Montgomery Nursing Home, Montgomery. She was 76. Eileen was the daughter of Arthur and Sarah Webber Powers, and was born on November 12, 1926 in Brooklyn. She was a member of St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church, Bullville. She is survived by two daughters, Allison Winters and her husband, Richard, of Bullville, and Glynis Eble and her husband, Raymond, of Ridge; seven grandchildren, Colleen, Caitlin, Matthew, Breanne, Ethan, Liam, and Erika; sister, Joan Powers of Bullville; brother, Arthur Powers and his wife, Shirley, of Ocala, Fla.; niece, Kathleen Jagiella of Canton, Ga.; and several great nieces. She was predeceased by her husband, Bruce W. MacIntosh; sisters, Genevieve Shaughnessy and Edna Rakowski; brother, Edward Braffett; and great great niece, Meghan Kotlar. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on Sunday, August 17 at the Cornelius, Dodd and Connell Funeral Home, 26 Grove Street, Middletown. A Funeral Mass will be offered on Monday, August 18 at 10 a.m. at St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church, Route 17K, Bullville. Deacon John Frohbose will officiate. Following cremation, Inurnment will be in Calverton National Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association, 255 Lafayette Avenue, Suffern, NY 10901. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Cornelius, Dodd and Connell Funeral Home, Middletown."
182. Sandra Johnson, “Email from Sandra Johnson to Dan Murray,” 27 Apr 2004.
"Nice to find another Bloom researcher. This is a collateral line for me but it is so important to follow those. Rebecca Gore would be my half-grtgrtaunt.I posted a reply to the Darke list with a bare outline. Would like to share info with you. Let me know. Sandra Johnson. Joseph Bloom was born 1792 in New York. Moved to Luzerne Co, Penn., the part that became Bradford Co. Married about 18ll Rebecca Gore Braffit. (She was about 16 years older!). She was born 1776 in Luzerne Co., Penn. Married James Braffit about 1794 in Luzerne/Bradford Co. He born about 1763 in Plainfield, Windham, Conn. He died in Oct 1807. Their children: Lucinda born 17 Sep 1797, died 29 Apr 1885 in Darke Co., mar. Judson Jaqua; Eveline/Evelina born 9 May 1805, died 15 Sep 1882 in Preble Co., mar. Moses Calkins; Silas born 28 Dec 1799, died 24 Jul 1867 Grant Co, Indiana, mar (1) Mary Woods in Darke Co.; Alfred born 12 Nov 1802 , died 28 Apr 1866 Preble Co, mar Eliza Long in Bradford Co, Penn.; Minerva born 23 May 1807, died 8 Jan 1899 Darke Co, mar Rial Lawrence. Joseph and Rebecca Bloom had the following children: Charles born 9 Jan 1813, died 21 Aug 1830 Darke Co; Celenda/or? born about 1817, mar Ambrose L. Northrop/up 25 June 1837 Darke Co; Guy born about 1816 mar, Frances Jamison 24 Jul 1845; Hiram born about 1820 Penn, mar Lucy French 1845 Darke Co; ?Kesiah born about 1824 Penn. Rebecca died 8-6-1859 Darke Co. Joseph married (2) ? (thought I had this but it is not written down. Will have to look for it.)
(3) Mrs Elizabeth Thompson 30 Oct 1862."
184. “Ancestral File - George Washington Braffett,”
188. Marcella Houle Pasay, Windham County, CT County Court Records 1726-1732; Abstracts, volume I.
189. Lloyd Braffet, Jr., “Email from Lloyd Braffet, Jr. to Don Braffitt,” 22 Mar 2003.
191. History of Wayne County, Indiana, Inter-State Publishing Co., Chicago, 1884, volume II, pages 156-158,,
"City of Richmond - Thaddeus W. O. Braffett, Auditor Wayne County, Ind., was born in Bradford County, Pa., April 12, 1829, a son of Alfred and Eliza (Long) Braffett, his father a native of Pennsylvania, of French descent, and his mother a native of Vermont, of English descent. In 1831 his parents removed to Ohio, settling near old Fort Black, built as such by General William Henry Harrison, near New Madison, Darke Co., Ohio; subsequently moved to Braffettsville in the same county, and in 1839 removed to New Paris, Preble Co., Ohio, where his father died in the year 1865, and where is mother still lives, now in the eightieth year of her age. Our subject is the second of five children. He received a commercial school education and followed merchandising with his father until the year 1855. In 1857, having lost his wife, he went to California and spent three years in the mining interest, returning in 1860. In January, 1861, he went to Geneseo, Ill., taking charge of a wholesale and retail drygoods and agricultural house. When the first gun was fired on Fort Sumter, he at once offered his service to the Government as a private soldier and enlisted in Company B, Ninth Illinois Cavalry; was promoted to Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain of his company. The regiment went into camp at Camp Douglas, Ill.; from there to Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Mo., and later was ordered to Pilot Knob, Mo., where his regiment was first engaged in battle with the guerrilla bands of the Rebel Colonel Pickett; the regiment, with others of infantry, was placed under the command of General Steele, and took up marching orders to join General Frank Siegel at Pea Ridge, but with guerrilla bands and bushwhackers in front impeding the march, the battle of Pea Ridge was fought before General Steele's arrival. They were then ordered to Jacksonsport, Ark., where, after its arrival, communication was cut off by the rebels, but the timely arrival of General Curtis's command from Pea Ridge relieved them from all being captured as prisoners of war. Under General Curtis the command was ordered to Little Rock, Ark., having to fight their way all along the line of march for two weeks. With superior numbers of rebels in front, the line of march was changed to Helena, on the Mississippi River. From constant exposure, forward marches and attacks by guerrilla banks in front and rear, the little army of General Curtis was badly cut to pieces. On arriving at Helena they went into camp on the low grounds and disease easily took hold of the men, and of those left, one-third of Captain Braffett's company died. After two months in camp, the regiment was ordered to Memphis, Tenn., Captain Braffett contracting the malaria disease that carried so many of his company to death; laid at Helena for two months almost dead, but rallied sufficiently to return to his home, then at New Paris, Ohio. After a short furlough he again returned to his regiment, but the old disease again took hold of him and prostrated him lower than ever. On account of this disability, he reluctantly tended his resignation. He was discharged in January, 1863, returning to his home, then in Richmond. In 1865 Captain Braffett was elected Assistant Clerk (by the Republicans) of the Indiana House of Representatives, also Assistant Clerk of the special session of that body in the same year, and Journal Clerk of the Indiana State Senate in 1869. Subsequently he became the traveling agent for the wholesale grocery house of William Glenn & Sons, Cincinnati, Ohio, whom he represented for several years and afterward connected himself with the New York house of Francis H. Leggett & Co. In 1880 he resigned his traveling agency and was appointed Deputy Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court, which position he held for three years, having been (in the meantime) elected Auditor of Wayne County, which responsible office he is now filling, having entered upon his duties Nov. 1, 1883. Captain Braffett is a Mason of high rank, having taken all the degrees conferred by that order in the United States (save the Thirty-third degree). He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was married in 1849 to Sarah A. E. Ireland, of New Paris Ohio, who died in 1855, leaving three children. One son and daughter reside in Cincinnati, Ohio, and one daughter in Richmond; all married. In January, 1862, Captain Braffett, while in the army was married to Miss Lizzie J. Mitchell, of Oxford, Ohio. They have three children---two sons and one daughter (unmarried). They reside at No. 36 South Thirteenth street, Richmond. Captain Braffett and family are active members of the United Presbyterian church."
193. Clement F. Heverly, Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1800-1825, 1915, volume II,
197. “NY marriages,” 1866-1937, 1881-1967, 1907-1995.
198. “Obituary for William H. Ransom,” Walden, Orange, NY, Jul 1982.
File: WilliamRansom1982
199. “Obituary for Elizabeth "Betty" Markle,” Times Herald-Record, Middletown, Orange, NY, 1 Mar 2002.
''ELIZABETH "BETTY" MARKLE, Walden, N.Y. Elizabeth "Betty" Markle, a homemaker and lifelong resident of Walden, died Thursday, February 28, 2002, at the Orange County Residential Health Care Facility. She was 82. The daughter of Frank E. and Josephine Braffet Earl, she was born June 25, 1919, in Craigsville. Elizabeth was the wife of the late LeRoy E. Markle. She is survived by one daughter, Linda Werner of Walden; one brother, Fred Earl of Wallkill; two sisters, Frances Snyder of Newburgh and Clara Popp of Walden; one grandson, Roy Werner; and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services will be held at 10 a.m., Saturday, March 2, 2002, at Wallkill Valley Cemetery, Walden. The Reverend James VanHouten will officiate. Burial will take place in Wallkill Valley Cemetery. Arrangements were made by the Gridley-Horan Funeral Home Inc., Walden.''
File: WilliamRansom1982
204. “MO marriages,” 1754-1850, 1766-1983, 1800-1991, 1805-2002.
207. “Mrs. H. Braffett death notice,” Kokomo Tribune, Kokomo, Howard, IN, 16 Jan 1875,
210. “1880 7th Ward, Indinapolis, Marion, IN Federal Census - Byrd,”
211. “New York, NY deaths,” 1795-1949, 1862-1948, 1892-1898, 1900-1902, 1949-1965,
212. James Braffett, “Braffett in PA,”
214. “NJ marriages,” 1670-1965, 1901-2016.
217. “1930 470 76th Street, Brooklyn, Kings, NY Federal Census.”
225. Fred E. Woods, The Cemetery Record of William D. Huntington, Nauvoo Sexton,
226. “Ancestral File - Amanda Lucretia Braffett,”
229. “1961 OH research trip by James Matthew Braffitt Jr.,” 1961, James Matthew Braffitt Jr.
Family Record of Braffett copied 26-Nov-1961 by James Matthew Braffitt Jr. from the bible of Mary J. Ireland. James Matthew Braffitt Jr. notes include "Thads Father Frank Ireland" at the top of the bible notes.
231. “KY deaths,” 1852-1963.
233. “1908 Frank Braffett and Mabelle Farrow wedding,” Richmond Palladium, Richmond, IN, 8 Oct 1908, page 5,
"One of the most beautiful and charming weddings of the fall season was that of Mr. Frank Braffett and Miss Mabelle Farrow, which was celebrated last evening at the Reid Memorial church at eight o'clock. The church is one of the most handsome structures in the state and therefore added much to the beauty of the affair. The bride is one of the most beautiful young women in this city, while Mr. Braffet is well known in society circles. Decorations consisted of two huge clusters of white chrysanthemums placed on the pedestals at either side of the chancel. Palms bordered the rail and were also placed about the organ loft. Knots of white chiffon ribbon were used to indicate the pews for the house guests. Miss Laura Gaston, a well known musician of this city and an accomplished organist played the following program of bridal airs: Wedding Benediction: St. Saen; Humoresque: Dvork; Wedding Music: West; Carillons Wostenholme; Hymme: Meyer-Helmund; Prelude and Bridal Chorus: Selected; Salut D'Amir: Elgar; March: Mendelssohn. After the program the bridal procession entered. Three of the ushers Mr. Earl Gaar, Mr. Robert Stimson, and Mr. S. S. Strattan Jr., going down the north aisle, while Mr. Milton Craighead, Mr. Richard Cannon of Danville, Illinois, and Mr. Elmer Eggemeyer proceeded the maid of honor, who came before the bride and Mr. Charles Farrow, down the south aisle. The ushers stood three on either hand of Dr. S. R. Lyons, pastor of the church and Rev. Thomas Graham pastor of the First Presbyterian church. All faced the church guests. Mr. Braffett and Mr. E. B. Needham of Charlestown, W. Va. met the Miss Farrow and her father, with the maid of honor, making a group around the pastors. Dr. Lyons assisted by the Rev. T. J. Graham used the full ring service of the church. The bride was radiantly beautiful in her elaborate gown of cream-colored mesaaline satin, made in empire fashion with the long clinging effect. Irish lace formed a yoke and panel to the hem of the gown. Her tulle veil was held with orange blossoms. She carried a shower boquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley tied with white chiffon ribbons. Miss Belle Puntenney of Columbus, Ohio, was maid of honor. She wore a very pretty dress of white silk net over green silk, with a wreath of pink rose buds in her hair. Her boquet was of pink rose buds. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farrow on North Ninth street, only the relatives and most intimate friends of the families being invited. The guests numbered about 50. The out of town guests were: Miss Mae Levering, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Nye and Master Francis Nye, Mr. James Roberts, Mrs. Berniee Drake, all of Piqua; Dr. and Mrs. A. M. McClintock, of Springfield, Ohio; Colonel and Mrs. Hugh T. Reed, of Chicago; Mr. A. T. Maynard, of Boston, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. John Putman, of Winthrop Beach Mass.: Mr. Lenox Lindsay, of Boston; Mrs. Marshall Stewart, of Oxford, O. and Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace of Oxford, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Marshall, of Washington, D. C; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Braffett and Mr. and Mrs. Sackett, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace of Hamilton; Mrs. V. M. Braffett, of Indianapolis; Mrs. Lida Shade, of Cincinnati and Mrs. Pearl Hall Junkerman, of Avondale. The wedding colors green and white were carried out in the house decorations. Chrysanthemums were used in the reception room, with white roses placed on the chimney piece. Ferns and palms were placed about the archway, between the reception room and the parlor. Richmond roses also added color to the beautiful embellishments. Supper was served at small tables. The table in the dining room was attractively appointed with tall cathedral candles in cristal candlesticks. A French basket of white roses being used as a center piece for the table. A basket of the same flowers was also placed on the buffett. Smilax entwined the chandelier. A number of beautiful gifts were received by Mr. and Mrs. Braffett. Among these was a handsome mahogany table and chair with a cut glass decanter and glasses. Mr. and Mrs. Braffett left last evening for a wedding trip to Chicago. Milwaukee and other northern cities. They will be at home, upon their return at 30 South Thirteenth street. Mrs. Braffett's traveling gown was of blue broadcloth with hat and gloves to match."
234. “IN births,” 1880-1920, 1897-1940.
235. “ME marriages,” 1892-1996.
236. “VA births,” 1584-1917, 1853-1911, 1853-1917, 1864-2014, 1912-2014.
237. “1900 Beaver Dam, Hanover, VA Federal Census,”
238. Jean Roope Bryan, “Byrd Family of Wilkes, NC,” 1998,
This web site includes many generations of Byrd ancestors back to Sir Hugo le Bird including surnames Bird / Byrd / le Bird (of Charlton, England), Domvel, Brentishall, Fitzhugh, Cheyney, de Broxton / Broxton, Codogan, de Brickerton, d’Edge, Bulkey, de Reley, Dutton, Dodd, Phelkin, Holland, Bine, and Palyn.
243. “05-Apr-1930 820 Orient Avenue, Clinton, Custer, OK Federal Census.”
244. “Custer, OK Draft Board Meeting,” The Thomas Tribune, Thomas, Custer, OK, 16 Sep 1954, page 8.
"In a meeting of the local draft board Monday, September 13, 14 registrants were classified for the first time, and 37 others were reclassified, Fred W. Braffitt, county board chairman reports."
245. Marlin A. Field, Pioneers of North Central Missouri, Dogwood Printing, Ozark, MO, pages 268-269.
246. “Clinton Daily News,” 14 May 2005.
"Burgtorf said he and the late Happy Braffett, a Democrat who was the county’s longtime Election Board chairman, fought often. Figuratively, of course. “He and I agreed to disagree many times”, said Burgtorf. “You interfered with Happy and his turf as Election Board chairman, and you had trouble”. Before Braffett’s death, though, they ended up actually being pretty good friends."
247. “OK marriages,” 1889-1951, 1890-1995.
250. “1800 Cheesecocks, Orange, NY.”
File: Braffet1800
251. “Holbert Family Notes.”
"Eleanor Smith was a daughter of Samuel Smith and Mary Mapes (widow of John Braffit) of Dutch Hollow, Town of Chester, N.Y."
File: HolbertFamilyNotes
254. “Letter from Myrtle S. Edwards,” 26 Mar 1986.
From: Myrtle S. Edwards, PO Box 112, Meadow Ave., Chester, NY 10918, 914-469-4207 - she has Braffit ancestors indirectly on her family tree
255. Barbara Spitler, “Pedigree Resource File - William Wood Braffett and Martha Patton,” 2013,
256. “MT marriages,” 1865-1933, 1865-1987, 1865-1993.
258. 24-Feb-1990 FGS from Elaine Ishmael Lehr for the family of her parents Alva Rubert Ishmael and Lema Viola Wood.
259. “1910 Beaver Dam, Hanover, VA Federal Census,”
260. “SC deaths,” 1821-1965.
261. “1880 Hendersonville, Henderson, NC Federal Census - Taylor Williams,”
263. “NC deaths,” 1906-1930, 1908-2004, 1909-1975, 1931-1994.
265. “IL marriages,” 1790-1860, 1791-1850, 1800-1940, 1810-1940, 1815-1935, 1860-1920,
266. Tim Doyle, “The Stevens Family of Shabbona, Illinois,” 2003,
269. “Hannah Johnson Braffet obituary,” 8 Dec 1938,
"Thursday, December 8, 1938. Mrs. Braffet Dies At Home on Tuesday After Long Illness. Mrs. Hannah Johnson Braffet, 65, died at her home here Tuesday evening after a lingering illness. She was the widow of mark P. Braffet, pioneer lawyer and political leader who died here several years ago. Funeral services were conducted this morning at 10:00 o'clock in the Wallace morntuary chapel, burial to take place in Mounta Olivet cemetery, Salt Lake City. Mrs. Braffet was born at Westman Land, Iceland, July 2, 1873, daughter of Mr. and mrs. Einar Johnson, Through her long residence here she was well known. Surviving are two sons, James H. Braffet of Price and Robert Braffet; a daughter, Mrs. Maude White of San Francisco, California; a brother, Nick W. Johnson, Ogden; two sisters, mrs. Augusta Thorstinson of Spanish Fork and Mrs. Alice Tipton of Los Angeles, California; and a grandson. [obituary located in Western Mining and Railroad Museum]"
270. Terreah Snow, “Emails and GEDCOM from Terreah Snow to Don Braffitt,” Feb 2007.
"I was looking on the Carbon County web site and saw a link to your e-mail address. Mark Pomeroy Braffet's son, Robert Ingersol Braffet, is my great grandfather through my mother, Joeen Lynn Braffet. My Mother's father is Robert Mark Braffet. ... I noticed that the Mother's name for Robert Mark Braffet was wrong, his mother is Ellen ‘Nellie’ Hayes. She died when he was 2 years old and then Grand-dad (Robert Ingersol Braffet) remarried to Mary Evora Savage. This was the personal knowledge of my grandfather (Robert Mark Braffet) and my mother (Joeen Lynn Braffet). I also have some other names of family memebers that I would be happy to share. ... Terreah Snow"
272. Guy and Joy Neal Kidney, Descendants of Orsamus & Betsy (Herrington) Kidney, 1973,
273. “1880 Paw Paw, DeKalb, IL Federal Census - Francis Kidney,”
274. “04-Apr-1930 Elizabeth Street, Paw Paw, Wyoming, Lee, IL Federal Census.”
275. Dixon Evening Telegraph, Dixon, IL, 16-Nov-1944, p. 2.
279. “CA marriages,” 1849-1980, 1850-1952, 1949-1959, 1960-1985.
280. “CA births,” 1905-1995.
281. “NV marriages,” 1956-2005.
282. “07-Apr-1930 531 San Julian, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Federal Census.”
286. John Fishbeck, “Families of DU PAGE, GRUNDY, KENDALL, LA SALLE, and WILL Counties in northeastern Illinois,” 9 Dec 2006,
287. “AL marriages,” 1800-1969, 1805-1967, 1809-1950, 1814-1935, 1816-1942,
288. “KY births,” 1911-1999.
289. Jackson Sentinel, Maquoketa, IA, 4 Oct 1956, page 2.
290. “2005 Pierce, DeKalb, IL tax assessments.”
291. “Austin Christopher Braffet birth announcement,” Daily Chronicle, DeKalb, IL, 3 Oct 2005.
"Stacie and Chris Braffet of Sycamore announces the birth of a son, Austin Christopher, born ... at Kishwaukee Community Hospital in DeKalb. He weighed 6 pounds. His grandparents are Gary and Vicky Braffet of DeKalb, René Donnelly of Centerville, Ohio, and Mike and Terry Donnelly of Shabbona. His great-grandparents are Pat and Alberta Braffet of DeKalb."
292. “Obituary for Alberta M. Braffet,” Elburn Herald, Elburn, IL, 1 Dec 2011.
293. “Obituary for Jeanette Louise Nepean White,” Times-Herald News, Forrest City, AR, 11 Nov 2002.
"Jeanette Louise Nepean White. Mrs. Jeanette Nepean White, age 60, of Wynne, died Friday, Nov. 8, 2002, at St. Bernard's Regional Medical Center in Jonesboro. Mrs. White, born April 29, 1942, in DeKalb Ill., was the daughter of Roy Olson and Nora King Olson. She was a cook for 10 years at Wynwood Nursing Center in Wynne, and was employed at Warwick in Forrest City. She was a Baptist. Mrs. White married Alvin Leon White in 1959 and he preceded her in death on Oct. 7, 2002. She is survived by one son, Bryant White of Wynne; six sisters, Dorothy West of Sycamore, Ill., Betty Marbutt and Gloria Roach of DeKalb, Ill., Ruby Long of Sherwood, Ill., Rosemary Olsen on Genoa, Ill., and Carol Simpson of Cortland, Ill; two brothers, John Nepean of Lanark Ill., and Lonnie Olsen of DeKalb Ill.; and two grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two sisters, Edith Votaw and Colleen Nepean, and a brother, Robert Nepean. Funeral services for Mrs. White were held on Monday, Nov. 11, 2002, at 2 p.m. at Thompson-Wilson Funeral Home. Burial followed in Lewis Cemetery in Hickory Ridge. The family requests memorials be made to the American Cancer Society."
294. “US Public Records Index,” 1970-2009.
296. Richard Lee Braffett, “Email on Richard Earl Braffett Family from Richard Lee Braffett to Don Braffitt,” 05 Jun 2004.
"My name is Richard Lee Braffett. I was born ... in Houston Tx. & I have never married & have no children. My father’s name was Richard Earl Braffett who was born in 1935 and was married to my mother, Helen Sandra Hayes in June of 1956. They were divorced in April 1962. My brother’s name is Charles Elvin Braffett born ..., who was married briefly & has no children. For further info please E-mail him. My sister’s name is Lisa Marie Caughron & she was born ... She married Daniel Jarose in 1980 & were divorced. They had 3 children: Rebecca Irene Jarose born ..., Janice Mary Jarose born ..., Daniel Lee Jarose born ... Rebecca has 1 child (Alexis Marie Anderson) born on ... If you need any further information please feel free to contact me. Richard Lee Braffett"
297. “Obituary for Margaret R. Braffett,” Houston Chronicle, Houston, Harris, TX, 12-Dec-1972, section 3, p. 25.
“BRAFFET - Mrs. Margaret R. Braffett, 52, of 5446 S. Crooked Creek, died Monday. Survivor: Daughter, Miss Bonnie Weeks, Houston. Former employee of Hughes Tool Co. Arrangements pending. Niday Funderal Home, 4136 Broadway, 644-3831.”
298. “TX marriages,” 1824-2014, 1837-2015,
299. “Harris, TX divorces.”
300. “09-Apr-1930 5810 Walrond, Kansas City, Jackson, MO Federal Census.”
301. Craig and Kristi Rush, “Lawter emails from Craig and Kristi Rush to Don Braffitt,” 28 Nov 2003 and 01 Dec 2003.
"I am 99.9% positive that I am the grandson of the Claude Ewing Lawter and May (actually Elizabeth May Lawter) that you are referencing on your webpage identified below. The passing of my great-grandfather Ewing was when I was five years old (1973) and he is buried in Rose Hills Cemetery. They lived in Montebello, CA at a home in which I visited frequently. My grandfather Claude did pass in 1987. You have no burial information for him listed as he chose to have his ashes spread at sea. Unfortunately, this last month has seen the passing of my grandmother May."
303. “John P. Ireland obituary,” New Paris Mirror, New Paris, Preble, OH, 24 Jan 1895.
In "Obituaries from Preble County, OH Newspapers", volume 3, page 181, by Audrey Gilbert, "Ireland, John P., died 17-Jan-1895 at the home of his daughter Mrs. C. F. Braffett in Richmond, IN of consumption, age about 65. IOOF. Buried at Springlawn."
305. “GA marriages,” 1699-1944, 1754-1850, 1785-1950, 1808-1967, 1828-1978.
306. “Estate of Jason D. Ledford,” 16 Jan 1899, Clay, NC,
309. “TN deaths,” 1908-1958, 1914-1955.
311. “KY marriages,” 1802-1850.
313. Elroy McKendree Avery and Catharine Hitchcock Tilden Avery, The Groton Avery Clan, volume II, Cleveland, 1912,
315. Lawrence G. Fobes, WILDE, Apr-2001 (earlier editions in 1991, 1989, 1985, and other years),,,
The book by Larry Fobes covers descendants of brothers Felix Wild and Hans Jacob Wild (St. Gallen, Switzerland -> PA -> NC -> GA -> many western states including CA).
317. “Corporation Commission,” The Journal Record, Oklahoma City, OK, 10 Jan 1997,
“Cause CD No. 960 005313 Before the Corporation Commission of the State of Oklahoma. Applicant: St. Mary Operating Company. Relief Sought: Separate Allowable - Clinton Townsite No. 14-2 Well. Legal Description: All of Section 14, Township 12 North, Range 17 West, Custer County, Oklahoma. STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas and all other interested persons, particularly in Custer County, Oklahoma, and more particularly ... J.M. Braffett; J. Scott Braffett; Jay B. Braffett; Willa D. Braffett ...”
318. “Obituary for Elaine Lehr,” Trenton, Grundy, MO, Jan 2012,
''Elaine Lehr, an 88 year old resident of Trenton, MO passed away at 9:25 a.m. on Monday, January 9, 2012 at the Wright Memorial Hospital in Trenton. The body was cremated. A memorial service will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 12, 2012 at Resthaven Mortuary of Trenton. Rev. Paul Fraser will officiate. Inerment of cremains will be held at 2:00 PM Tuesday January 17, 2012 in the Resthaven Memorial Gardens of Trenton. Memorial contributions have been suggested to be left to the First Christian Church. These may be left at or mailed to the Resthaven Mortuary at P.O.Box 587, Trenton, MO. 64683. Mrs. Lehr was born on April 24, 1923 in Laredo, MO the daughter of Alva and Lema (Wood) Ishmael. She was married to Darrell Lehr on November 21, 1942 at Holbrook, AZ. She had worked various jobs, but became a full time homemaker after her 2 daughters were born. She is survived by her husband, Darrell Lehr of the home; a daughter, Rhonda Schmidt of St. Louis, MO; 2 granddaughters, Jessica Brie and Sara Wilhelm; and a brother, Chester Ishmael of Trenton, MO. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Cynthia Wilhelm; and a brother, Eugene Ishmael.''
319. “Obituary for Chester Ishmael,” Trenton, Grundy, MO, 18 Dec 2012.
''A memorial service for Ret. Lt. Col. Chester Ishmael will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec.19, 2012 at Resthaven Mortuary of Trenton with military rites to follow. Rev. Denny Chesnut will officiate. The body has been cremated and inurnment of cremains will be held at a later date at Resthaven Memorial Gardens of Trenton. Mr. Ishmael, a 91-year-old Trenton resident, died at 6:46 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 16, 2012 at the St Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City. Mr. Ishmael was born on July 5, 1921 in Trenton, the son of Alva and Lema Woods Ishmael. He was married to Constance “Connie” Clay on May 21, 1944. She preceded him in death on July 7, 2009. He served in the U.S. Air Force where he was a pilot, retiring in 1964. He was proud to be a college graduate of North Central Missouri College this year at the age of 91. He was a member of the First Baptist Church, Joseph L. Norton V.F.W. Post 919, Sons of American Revolution Society, Major Dale Stepp American Legion Post 31, and NCMC Alumni. Mr. Ishmael is survived by a son, Gary Ishmael and his wife, Inez of Daphne, AL; a daughter, Anne Ishmael of Houston, TX; three grandchildren, Suzanne Jarrell and her husband, Ronald, Allen Ishmael and his wife, Kara, and Karen Koppersmith; five great-grandchildren; and a brother-in-law, Darrel Lehr of Trenton. In addition to his parents and wife, he was preceded in death by a sister, Elaine Lehr, and a brother, Eugene Ishmael. Memorial contributions are suggested to the First Baptist Church or the Joseph L. Norton V.F.W. Post 919.''
321. “Hackler Family Genealogy Forum - Grayson, VA,” 1999,
326. “Dr. Charles Jaqua obituary,” Winchester, Randolph, IN,,
''JAQUA, Dr. Charles died 23 Feb 1903 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Andrew Stakebake of Winchester, IN. He was born at Lebanon, Warren County, IN 01 Aug 1818. He died at the age of 84 years 6 months, 21 days. He was the son of Judson Jaqua, who moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio in the early settling of Ohio. His father was of French lineage, although born in New York. His mother was from Pennsylvania. Dr. Jaqua was one of twelve children, and only three survive him; James B. Jaqua of Portland, IN; Mrs. Teresa Swerer of Columbus, Ohio and Eliza, the widow of the late Governor Isaac P. Gray, who now resides in Indianapolis, IN. He married Mary I. Putman in New Madison, Ohio 31 Oct 1843. She died at Winchester, IN 16 Aug 1872. They had nine children of whom the following survive: Mrs. Ann F. Stakebake, widow of Andrew J. Stakebake; Edwin S. Jaqua of Winchester, IN; Hiram P. Jaqua of Bedford, Iowa; Charles Jaqua of Houston, TX; Ernest P. Jaqua of Billings, Missouri; Phebe Creamer of Los Angeles, CA. Two daughters died. Jessie died in 1871 at the age of 14; and Mrs. Louisa Smith died in 1893 at the age of 26. Dr. Charles Jaqua graduated from Ohio Medical school in 1842 and began practice in New Madison, Ohio. He had also learned surveying and engineering from his father, an accomplished early surveyor.''
328. “Randolph, IN marriage license for Benjamin E. Hinshaw and Mary Stakebake,” 05 Oct 1905, Randolph, IN,
File: HinshawStakebake1905
330. “1820 Burlington, Bradford, PA Federal Census,”
333. Karen Kready Geist, “Email from Karen Kready Geist to Don Braffitt,” 04 Jun 2007.
"My Grandmother, was Terrisa Maud Swerer Kready, daughter of Elmore J. Swerer and Ora Zinn Swerer. Elmore J.'s parents were Lewis C. and Terissa O. Swerer. Terissa O. Swerer, Maude E. Swerer, Olive L. Swerer, Elmore J. Swerer, Sr. (his wife, Ora Swerer), and Elmore J. Swerer, Jr. are all buried at Greenlawn Cemetery, Columbus, OH."
334. “1880 New Paris, Preble, OH Federal Census - Lewis C. Swerer,”
337. Darke County, OH Genealogical and Biographical Record, 1900.
Article on Daniel Miller (b:1829) page 557-559. This article includes information on Daniel's 10 siblings, parents, and grandfather.
341. “NC marriages,” 1741-1868, 1741-2011, 1759-1979, 1762-1979.
342. Ken Bradford, “Ken Bradford's Genealogy Pages,” 2001,
347. “Cook, IL births,” 1871-1922.
348. Bill Weston, “Wiles Family of Wilkes County, North Carolina,” 2002,
351. Joyce Tice, “Revolutionary Soldiers of the Tri-Counties, Bradford County, Pennsylvania,” 1997,
352. “CT marriages,” pre-1870, 1560-1900, 1630-1920, 1897-1968, 1897-2001,
355. “NJ deaths,” 1901-2017.
356. “Death notice for Emogene W. Tyler,” Newark Star Ledger, Newark, Essex, NJ, 27 Jul 1978, Transcriptions Feb-2006 by George Yourstone and Nov-2019 by Don Braffitt.
"Emogene W. wife of the late Frank S. Tyler of East Orange N.J. on July 25 1978. Mother of Mrs. R. L. LaMartine of Caldwell and Cutler W. Tyler of West Orange. She is also survived by four grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. Funeral service private. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions to the New Jersey Federation of the Blind would be appreciated. Arrangements by the Weatherhead Funeral Home Orange NJ."
File: EmogeneTyler1978
357. “OH births,” 1774-1973, 1800-1962, 1821-1962, 1841-2003.
358. “New York, NY marriages,” 1600s-1800s, 1829-1940, 1881-1967, 1907-2018.
359. “Obituary for Emogene Tyler LaMartine,” Montclair Times, Montclair, Essex, NJ, 13 Nov 1997, page A11.
"Emogene Tyler LaMartine. Services for Emogene Tyler LaMartine, 87, of Montclair, were held on Friday, Nov. 7 at Dancy's Funeral Home in Caldwell. Mrs. LaMartine died Tuesday, Nov. 4, at the Little Nursing Home in Montclair. Born in Columbus, Ohio she lived most of her life in New Jersey. She was graduated second in her class at Madison High School and attended Douglass College in New Brunswick. Mrs. LaMartine lived in Bloomfield, Little Rock, Ark, and West Caldwell before moving to Montclair eight years ago. Her husband, Richard LaMartine, predeceased her. After her husband's death, Mrs. LaMartine worked for a number of years at the Great American Insurance co. She was also a volunteer at the Caldwell Public Library, and an active bridge player. She enjoyed traveling to Europe. Surviving are two daughters, Judy LaMartine Westwood and Laurie LaMartine Huberman; and three grandchildren."
360. Laurie Huberman, “Email from Laurie Huberman to Don Braffitt,” 08 Mar 2010.
"I can tell you that my father died on June 6, 1966 (my parent's 30th wedding anniversary). I married Alan Michael Huberman ... and we have three sons, Anthony Michael ... and Benjamin and David ... (twins) ... My husband died on Jan. 4, 2001. My sister Judy was married to Andrew Westwood ... They didn't have any children."
364. “1880 Bloomington, Muscatine, IA Federal Census - Lemuel Barrows,”
366. “1880 Bloomington, Muscatine, IA Federal Census - Albert Barrows,”
367. “IA marriages,” 1809-1992, 1838-1934.
368. “FamilySearch - Gamaliel Jaqua and Christina Thomas,”
369. “OR deaths,” 1903-1998.
370. “IA births,” 1880-1935.
371. “Grand View Memorial Park and Crematory, Glendale, Los Angeles, CA,”
373. “1880 West Sonora, Preble, OH Federal Census - George Hossafous,”
375. “VA deaths,” 1853-1912, 1853-1917, 1912-1987, 1912-2014.
376. “Allison Family of England, Maryland, NC and TN,” Fredric Z. Saunders, 2000,
377. S. K. Turner and S. A. Clark, Twentieth Century History of Carroll County Missouri, B. F. Bowen & Company, volume I, 1911,
379. “PA marriages,” 1852-1968.
381. “Obituary for Baxter Crumley,” The Gainesville Times, Gainesville, Hall, GA, 7 Sep 1983.
"Baxter Crumley: Funeral services will be held at 2 pm Thursday at the chapel of Ward's Funeral Home of Gainesville for Baxter Crumley, 72, of Pine Valley Road, Gainesville, route 10. The Rev Donald Tritt and the Rev. Wilburn Peeples will officiate with interment in Memorial Park. The body is is at the funeral home where the family will receive friends Wednesday night from 7 until 9. The body will be placed in the chapel at 1:30 pm. Mr. Crumley, a native of Banks County (Georgia), who lived in Hall County 60 years, died Tuesday at his residence (Sept 6th, 1983) following a sudden illness. He was retired from New Holland Mill and was of the Baptist faith. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ruby Crumley, Gainesville; two sisters: Mrs. Mae Ferguson, Lula; Mrs. Montine Strickland, Tallapoosa; one brother, William Crumley, Clinton, SC. The Gainesville Times, September 7th, 1983."
385. “Obituary for Harold C. "Hal" Miller Sr.,” The Record, Orange, NY, 20 Nov 2003.
"HAROLD C. "HAL" MILLER SR. Goshen, N.Y. Harold C. "Hal" Miller Sr., of Goshen, a self-employed carpenter, died on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 at Orange Regional Medical Center, Arden Hill Campus in Goshen. He was 68. The son of Frank L. Miller and Williametta Braffett Miller, he was born on September 8, 1935 in Goshen. He was a member of Elk's Lodge #1097 in Middletown; Eagles Club, in Middletown; Moose Lodge, in Mamakating; and was an honorary member of the Dikeman Engine and Hose Company, in Goshen. Survivors include his wife, Kathy Miller at home; sons, Harold C. Miller Jr., Shane W. Miller, both of Goshen; brother, Norman C. Miller of Middletown; cousin, Albert J. Stoppy Sr, who was like a brother; sister, Jessica Muribito of Goshen; grandchild, Ryan F. Miller; and several nieces and nephews. Visitation will be held at Donovan Funeral Home, 82 South Church Street in Goshen on Thursday, November 20 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be held on Friday, November 21 at 10 a.m. at the funeral home. Interment will be in Wallkill Cemetery."
386. “Obituary for Jessie E. Murabito,” Sullivan County Democrat, Callicoon, NY, 15 Nov 2005.
"Jessie E. Murabito. Nurses Aide, 67. Jessie E. Murabito of Goshen, a nurses aide for Orange County Home and Infirmary in Goshen and a lifelong area resident, died Friday, November 11, 2005 at home. She was 67 years of age. The daughter of Frank and Williametta Braffett Miller, she was born April 5, 1938 in Goshen. She was a member of St. John the Evangelist R.C. Church in Goshen, and the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Unit 377 of Goshen. She is survived by her husband, Salvatore V., at home; a son and daughter-in-law, Salvatore V. and Michele Murabito Jr. of Florida; a daughter and son-in-law, Jessie E. and Ronnie Smykla of Middletown; a stepdaughter, Jacqueline McCloud of Bloomingburg; a brother, Norman Miller of Middletown; five grandchildren, Niclolas, Kayla, and Ronnie Jr., Jacqueline, and Ricky; and two great-grandchildren, Justin and Crystal. She was predeceased by a brother, Harold Miller, and three grandsons, Edward, Vincent, and Adam. Burial was made in St. John’s Cemetery in Goshen. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Orange and Sullivan Counties, Inc., 800 Stony Brook Ct., Newburgh, N.Y. 10924; the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Unit 377, Goshen, N.Y. 10924; or to the Goshen Volunteer Fire Police, Goshen, N.Y. 10924. Funeral arrangements were made by the Donovan Funeral Home."
387. “Cook, IL deaths,” 1878-1984.
389. “Ramapo Reformed Dutch Church, Rockland, NY marriages,” 15 Aug 1896.
390. “Email from Susan Roedder to Don Braffitt,” 22 Nov 2002.
"I saw that you have Van Ziles in your family tree. You have a James Van Zile born around 1877, who was father of Harold and Percy. You don't have parents listed, but I believe he was probably the brother of my great-grandmother. My great-grandmother Emma Van Zile was from Sloatsburg, Rockland County. I have a page from her bible that shows a brother James born May 19, 1875. Her father was James, born around 1836 and an iron mine engineer according to the 1880 census. He was married to Mary. I don't know her surname. She is listed as Mary M in the 1880 census. Back in the 60's my grandmother had given me her surname as Racker, but I have been unable to substantiate this. Susan Roedder"
391. “Nova Scotia deaths,” 1763-1957, 1864-1877, 1890-1955, 1908-1968,
393. “AZ marriages,” 1865-1972.
395. “VT marriages,” 1720-1908.
396. “Letter from Dr. David Long (1761-1852) to his nephew Aaron Long Jr.,” 1851,
398. “VT births,” 1720-1908.
401. “Martha Radford obituary,” Meigs County Telegraph, Meigs, OH, 14 Jan 1891,
402. “WA deaths,” 1883-1960, 1907-1960.
404. “WA marriages,” 1854-2013.
406. “AR marriages,” 1837-1957.
407. Richard B. Drewes, “Emails from Richard B. Drewes to Don Braffitt,” Jun 2006.
408. “FL marriages,” 1823-1982, 1927-2001.
412. “New York, NY births,” 1846-1909, 1878-1909, 1891-1902, 1910-1965.
413. “Obituary for Harold Vanzile, Jr.,” The Journal News, Rockland, NY, Jun 1972,
“Harold Vanzile died Monday June 12, 1972 at the age of 51. He lived at 4 Frontier Lane, Monsey. He was born in Hillburn, was a veteran of World War II, and worked for Orange & Rockland Utilities as a lineman. He was survived by his wife, Theodora, son James H. of Monsey and daughter Mary Elizabeth of Monsey. Also by his sister Dorothy Smith of Hillburn. The funeral was Friday June 16 at his home address, officiated by Reverend LaForge of the Grace Episcopal Church of Suffern. Interment was in Airmont Lutheran Cemetery.”
417. “Obituary for William Nathan Braffet,” Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, CA, 12-Apr-1949, p. 34.
"BRAFFET, In Sacramento April 8, 1949, William Nathan Braffet, beloved brother of Ben Braffet of Chico, Frank Braffet of San Mateo, Fred Braffet and Annie Machado of San Miguel, Clara Pedrotto and Mary Castro of Santa Maria and Blanche Willard of San Francisco; a native of California, aged 57 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Wednesday) April 13th, at 3:30 p.m. at the Veterans Plot, City Cemetery, Sacramento. Arrangements Miller Funeral Home, Folsom."
418. “Obituary for James Frederick Braffet,” Telegram-Tribune, San Luis Obispo, CA, 7 Jun 1951, page 34.
File: james-frederick-braffet
428. History of the Allison Family, Dec 1948.
4 page pamphlet which includes descendants of Moses Allison, son of Thomas Allison and Cassandra Bird.
History of the ALLISON FAMILY
December, 1948
The Allisons came from England during the Colonial days and settled in Maryland, the Virginias and the Carolinas. One Richard Allison in the latter part of the 17th century settled in Swannanoa Gap in the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains,North Carolina. His first family consisted of three boys and four girls. The boys were John, Noah and Billy. The girls were Virginia, who married Fletcher Fortune on North Fork in Buncombe County. Polly settled on the old homestead on Swannanoa Gap marrying an Allison. Lydia married Hiram Kelley and they settled near Old Fort, N. C. Susannah married Moses Allison of Old Fort. Great Grand-daddy Dickie married Polly Ricketts the second time and they had four children. There was Tom, Jimmy, Lucy and Becky. Jimmy and Becky ... blink and were educated at the Blind Institute in Raleigh, N. C. Jimmy became a preacher and settled at Black Mountain, N. C., and lived there until the day of his death.
Thomas Allison settled near Old Fort on what now is known as the Blackwelder farm about two miles out of Old Fort. His family was Moses, and one sister, Winnie, who married John Ricketts, and another son, name not known, who had a daughter, Winnie, a son William, who married Connie Burgan of Old Fort. Richard married Margaret Bird of Old Fort. Winnie married a man by the name of Duncan who settled in Henderson County on Boylston Creek.
Moses Allison was born July 15th, 1805, and his wife Ssusannah was born October 10, 1806. They settled on the old homestead in McDowell county near Old Fort. They had eleven children, six boys and five girls: Jessie A. Allison, born May 26, 1828; Elinder, born September 15, 1829; Casender born November 27, 1831; J. E., born December 9, 1834; Thomas B., born October 12, 1836; M. Lydia M., born May 23, 1839; Mary N., born August 12, 1841; Sarah J., born September 12, 1843; Richard I., born August 16, 1845; W. D., born October 22, 1847; Elisha, birth date not known.
Jessie R. married, but died young, and so far as known had no heirs. Elinder married Dan Burnett; Cassander married Ed Lambert; J. E. married Jane Burnett; Thomas married Martha Bird Hicks of Old Fort who was a widow with three children, Rebecca, Albert and Emily Hicks; M. Lydia married Ben Gallion; Mary married Jabe Huntley; Sarah married Fate Burnett; Richard married Mary Ann Meredith, his first wife; second wife Emily Hicks (daughter of Martha Hicks Allison); W. D. married Molly Allen; Lish (Elisha) married Lou Gudger.
Thomas B. Allison and Martha Bird Hicks Allison had six children, five boys and one girl: T. Howell, born May 5, 1863, who married Savannah Silver; George Lee, born May 10, 1866, and married Daisy M. Fraker of Colorado Springs, March 28, 1894; Andrew T., born September 20, 1868, married Nan Ray; second marriage to Nellie Masters. Susan Allison was born April 22, 1871, married John E. Goode. Millard M., born October 14, 1873, married Nettie Jones. Marion A., born March 20, 1876, married Maggie Crow.
T. Howell Allison and Savannah Silver had nine children. Hessie married Charles Stepp. They had one girl and two boys, George married Dessie Stroud, had one girl and three buys. Nora married Verd Setzer and they had one girl and three boys. Lonnie married Florence, they had one girl and five boys; Geneva married William Tisdale, had two girls; Arthur married Hettie Tisdale; Lola married Ed Lonon; Sue married John Bates and they have two girls; Nellie married David McKeithen and they have one girl.
Meloy Allison, eldest son of George, married Clara Eller, who have five children, four boys and one girl,David, Marion, Alan, Douglas and Anita. Meloy's children are the seventh generation of Allisons who have lived continuously in McDowell County, North Carolina.
George and Daisy Allison had five children: three girls and two boys. Bertha Rice, born January 20, 1895, married Arthur L. Peterson, February 24, 1916, and have two girls: Helen and Edith.
Edwin Lee, born May 7, 1896, married Elizabeth Gandy, October 20, 1920. They have feur girls and two boys: Ruth, Norma, Juanita, George L., Irma and Alan.
Hettie Elita, born February, 7, 1898, married Sharold Whisenand, June 18, 1919, They had one girl and four boys: Elita, Marion, Ordway, Keith, and Kent. Hattie married John W. Hale, July 18, 1945.
Nile May, born August 12, 1900, married George B. Lake, March 24, 1928. They had three children, two boys and one girl: Gene Allison, Veda and Roger. Gene was married to Wilma French on March 28, 1948, Easter Sunday, his grandparents' 54th wedding anniversary, who are George and Daisy Allison.
Alva Alvis Allison, born November 30, 1904, married Myra Groves, July 4, 1925; Verla Hollibaugh, second wife, married June 10, 1944.
Andrew T., and his wife, Nan Ray, had one child; Otis; by his second wife, Nellie Masters, three children, Edith, Wilburn, and Herman.
Susan Allison married John Goode in 1891. They had eight children, six girls and two boys: Della, born July 6, 1892, married George Lancaster, they have two boys and one girl; Carra born November 24, 1893, married Sorenser [Satter], had two girls and a boy; Ida, born May 29, 1898, married Harry Barnes, had three girls; Edna was born Nov. 8, 1897, married Harold Sorenson, and have two boys and two girls; Thomas was born in 1899, killed in the First World War at the age of 17; Alda, born in November 1902, married Roy Walker, and they have three boys; Eula, born in January 1908, married Everett Knox, and have two boys and two girls; Lionel, born March 27, 1914, married Jean, and have one girl.
Millard M. Allison and Nettie Jones married August 22, 1896. They had twelve children, eight girls and four boys: Arthur T., born June 5, 1897, died in January 1919; Taylor, born October 28, 1898; Ernest, born February 22, 1900; married Viola Oiley, July 1923, and had one girl, Gladys; Lola, born August 20, 1901, married Loui Bettis, November 11, 1946; Jessie, born March 24, 1903 married Dewey Fitzgerald, September 24, 1926; Grace, born October 5, 1905, married Robert Pringle; Olive, born December 27, 1907, married Lloyd Saladay, July 9, 1928; Blanche Pearl, born January 17, 1909, married Bernard Foreman, March 28, 1928, and have one boy and one girl; Ruth, born May 16, 1912, married Jack Waddell and have three girls: Gwendolyn, born April 20, 1914, married Arthur Russell; Lillian, born February 26, 1916; Earl, born December 14, 1917.
Marion Allison and Maggie Crow married March 27, 1900. They had two girls and four boys: Alda born July 6, 1901, married Oscar Maul, January 18, 1922. They have three girls and two boys: Katherine, Anna Mae, Ella, Oscar and Glenn.
Garland, born February 3, 1903, married Mildred Murrow, they have two boys and two girls: Garland, Naomi, Thomas and Ruth.
Orlando born December 5, 1904, married Geneva Butler, June 19, 1926. They have one girl and four boys: Darlene, Paul, Marion, Ronald and Raymond.
Donald, born March 27, 1906, married Myra Groves Allison, September 27, 1936.
Lennie, born January 23, 1908 married Carl Quinn, April 8, 1928. They had two [3] girls and two boys: Eoline, Dwayne, Joan and Jack [Sheryl].
Arla, born September 14, 1914, married Catherine Lundeen, July 19, 1941. They had three boys: Gerald, Dallas and James.
Richard I. Allison, born August 16, 1845, married Mary Ann Meridith. They had six children: Lulu, Hattie, Lilly, Mary, Will and Maggie. Lulu married Bud Burnett, Mary married Robert Creasman, Will married Lonie Ray, Maggie did not marry, Hattie married John Moffett of Bull Creek, Lilly married Jesse Burnett of North Fork.
Richard I. Allison later married Emily M. Hicks of Old Fort, N. C. They had six children, five girls and one boy: Alma, Nora, Lela, Carra, Harley and Callie. Nora married Miller of the Miller store, ... Creek, they had one girl. Carra married Rufus Armstrong of Ashville and had two girls and two boys. Harley married Lillian Duckett, and had two girls. Callie married Champion, they had one boy. Alma did not marry.
Mills Hicks and Martha Bird were married in 1851. They had four children: Rebecca, born in December 1852; Jane, who died when she was 7; Albert L., born August 11, 1855; and Emily, born January 5, 1858.
Rebecca married Mills Hicks, son of Young Hicks, in 1876. They had nine children, six girls and three boys: Ada married Belk. Ollie married Charley Morris, second husband Mr. Maulden. Vesta married Hart. Willard died in early manhood. Mattie married ... Della Lee married Dr. A. J. Guinn. Arthur married Jeannette. Arrie married. Edgar married Tate.
Albert Hicks, born August 11, 1855, married Lizzie Tisdale in 1871. They had six girls and two boys. Mollie married George Bradley and had one daughter. Mills married Carrie. They had three children, one girl and two boys. Selma married Charley Tate, they have two boys. Laura married Mr. Lewis of South Carolina. Dora, Francis and Lulu did not marry. Will married Maggie Bradley, they had one girl.
Files (2): Allison1948, Allison1948
430. “1880 Old Fort, McDowell, NC Federal Census - Thomas B. Allison,”
431. Elita L. Hillman, “Ancestral File - Thomas Bird Allison and Martha Matilda Bird,”
434. Ronda Smart, “Ancestral File - John Elcaney Allison and Mary Jane Burnett / Daniel Burnett and Elinder "Nellie" Allison,”
435. Dale Bandy, “Bandys/Bannings of Talbot County, Maryland,”
436. “1880 District 189, Nacoochee, White, GA Federal Census - Sidney Crumley,”
437. Patricia L. Banks, “Ancestral File - Madison M. Crumley and Martha Holmes,”
439. “CO marriages,” 1853-2006.
440. “Carr Family History and Genealogy,” 2005,
Includes details on the Whisenand family.
445. “Letter from Marjorie Burroughs to Don Braffitt,” 01 Apr 1988.
Includes information on some descendants of William Smith Crumley.
448. “Allison Family,” Gene Byrd, Black Mountain News, Black Mountain, NC, 2 Feb 1961, page 3.
File: Allison1961
450. “1880 Black Mountain, Buncombe, NC Federal Census - M. L. Burnett,”
452. “Richard Bird Maffitt 1870s letter to his children,” Johnson County Arkansas Historical Society Journal Vol. VII No. 1 Apr-1981,,
453. “MD births,” 1662-1911.
454. Mrs. Preston Thomas of Asheville, Buncombe, NC and William Ernest Bird of Cullowhee, Jackson, NC, Data on the BIRD Family,,
In Carson House, McDowell, NC and also in Old Buncombe County Genealogical Society Library.
456. Elfriede Ludwig Wilde, Jacob Wild Year 1500: A St. Gallen, Switzerland, Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee Connection, edited by Darryl Norton, 2011, Mars Hill College Bookstore,,,,
458. “07-Sep-1767 Dorcester, MD account record for James Banning,”
folio 268 - 7 Sept 1767
BANNING, James, dec
Adm - Benoni BANNING
Sureties - William STEVENS
Wife - Angelica BANNING
Son - Benoni BANNING
Son - James BANNING
Dau - Angelica BANNING
Dau - Sarah BANNING
Son - Jeremiah BANNING
Son - Alexander BANNING
folio 267 - 27 July 1767
BANNING, James, dec
Adm - Benoni BANNING
Sureties - William STEVENS & Winlock RUSSUM
459. “Banning Family Bibles,” 1743-1794, Carolyn Malmberg, Carol Marston,,,,
Copies of 3 pages of Banning Bible material from Carolyn Malmberg 1986 with birth years ranging from 1743-1794 along with a discussion thread of the Benoni Banning Bible started by Carol Marston in 1998.
Files (3): BanningBible1, BanningBible2, BanningBible3
460. Katherine Keogh White, The King’s Mountain Men, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1985,
462. “VA marriages,” 1660-1800, 1740-1850, 1785-1940, 1936-2014.
463. “Obituary for Mary Gib Coker New,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 1 Nov 2006, page C7,
"Mary Gib Coker New, of Chamblee, passed October 31, 2006. She was born in Roswell, GA May 4, 1918 and lived in Chamblee for over 50 years. She was the oldest of 8 children. A life long member of Chamblee First United Methodist Church, she was well known in the Jesse Wallace Circle for her devotionals. She owned DeKalb Metro Letter Service for 10 years. After retiring she participated in a tutoring program at Nancy Creek Elementary School. She was preceded in death by her husband, James A. New. She is survived by children, Richard and Rachel Pounds of Butler, GA, Ronald Pounds of Charlotte, NC, Patricia and Joe Sitz of Lilburn, GA; 8 grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; brothers, Jim Cook, Loy Cook and sister, Barbara Beiter. Funeral services will be held Thursday, November 2, 2006 at Roswell Funeral Home at 11 am. The family will receive friends on Wednesday from 4 pm to 7 pm. The Roswell Funeral Home and Green Lawn Cemetery, 950 Mansell Road, Roswell, GA 30076 770-993-4811."
464. Martha Bell Jones, “Emails, letter, pictures, and Bell descendant chart from Martha Bell Jones to Don Braffitt,” 2003-2009.
"Hi Don!! I saw your information on Henry Lasseter and Liza Dukes on GenForum. My Great-grandparents were Doc Jesse Bell and Abigail Lasseter. My grandfather was their son, George Henry Bell. My Father was the son of George Henry Bell and Martha Elizabeth Harris Bell. His name was James Davis Bell <deceased>. I am interested in finding the name of the parents of Henry Lasseter and the parents of Liza Dukes... I have several photos of Doc Bell and Abigail and their family."
467. “1930 1582 Howell Mill Road, District 469, Fulton, GA Federal Census.”
468. Kathy Marsh, “Family of Matthew W. Bell,” 23 Mar 1997,
"Researching the family of Matthew W. BELL. He was born on 18 October, 1803 in Abbeville, SC. He died on 11 July, 1886. Do not know where he died but it could have been in Georgia. I found him on the 1830 - 1840 censuses in Carroll County, Tennessee. Sometime between 1840 and 1850, he moved to Cobb County, Georgia. He was married to Elizabeth Dial. Children were: (1) Unknown female b. ca. 1833 (2) Joseph W. b. ca. 1834 (3) Richard N. b. ca. 1836 (4) William b. ca.1837 (5) Sarah b. ca. 1842 (6) M.I., a female, b. ca. 1846 (7) Samantha b. ca. 1849 (8) Louisa b. ca. 1849 (9) Rosannah b. ca. 1850 (10) Roxannah b. ca. 9 March 1853 (11) J.M. b. ca. 1855."
469. “1903 Bell/Blackwell picture,” Martha Elizabeth Bell Jones,
470. “Obituary for Emma Blackwell,” The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 8 Jan 1978, page 15D.
Files (2): EmmaBlackwell1978b, EmmaBlackwell1978a
474. “Obituary for Bonnie Cook Turner,” Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 07 Aug 1964.
Files (2): BonnieTurner1964a, BonnieTurner1964b
475. “1880 Crooked Creek, McDowell, NC Federal Census - Albert J. Bird,”
476. “1880 Crooked Creek, McDowell, NC Federal Census - Albert L. Bird,”
477. “1880 Burningtown, Macon, NC Federal Census - Joseph M. Wild,”
479. “1880 Burningtown Creek, Macon, NC Federal Census - Benjamin Byrd,”
482. “Rock Creek (Prince George’s Parish), Prince George’s, MD Register,” 1711-1798.
483. “Letter from Thomas M. Byrd to Don Braffitt on pre-1800 NC Bird/Byrd families,” 1 Apr 1989,
484. “MD church records,” 1668-1995.
488. “Byrd/Wild cemetery plots at Little River United Methodist Church,” 20 Feb 1989.
Note that this church was known as Little River Baptist Church and is located at 5422 Route 92, Woodstock, Cherokee, GA, about 2 1/2 miles east of GA Highway 5 in Woodstock. Letter from Wayne H. Montgomery of the Little River United Methodist Church to Don Braffitt regarding cemetery lots for Wild and Frank and Louella Byrd. Wild - lots 3063, 3064, 3065 (6 graves total) - no info on first names or if all lots were used. Frank and Louella Byrd tombstone - lots 2169 and 2170 - several other Byrd burials in the same area. Mr. Harold Self, who lives across from the church, says some of Frank Byrd's relatives are still in the area.
490. Shirley Katherine Brittain Cawyer, “The Genealogical Study of Jame Brittain of Buncombe County, North Carolina,” 1988,
491. “1860 Macon, NC will for John Wild,”,, 14 Oct 1860.
Summary - mentions wife Margarett Wild; sons P. C. Wild, B. G. Wild, Alexander Wild, Joseph M. Wild; daughters Adaline Fouts, Matilda Talent, Elizabeth Wild, Sophronia Bird, Mary Dean. Details - "N. C. Macon County Oct. 14th A. D. 1860 -- In the name of the Lord Amen I John Wilde of the County & State above mentioned, being of sound mind but in bad health, do make this my last will & testament Viz:1st. My Wife Margarett Wild; to her I bequeath & give my residence & Dwelling during her life time: Also I desire that My son P. C. Wild shall take care of her during her life. 2nd. To My sons B. G. Wild, P. C. Wild, Alexander Wild & Joseph M. Wild I bequeath & give all my home Lands; consisting of 4 Tracts; One tract of 109 acres No. 58; One of 76 acres, No. 57; One of 50 acres No. 1263; one of 294 the East side of the Creek, sold to H. H. Ray No. 1; all of which is to be equally divided among them. 3rd. To My daughters Adaline Fouts, Matilda Talent, Elizabeth Wild, Sophronia Bird & Mary Dean, I bequeath & give each one one hundred Dollars, which shall be paid by my 4 sons to them equally; in witnefs whereof I hereunto set my hand & affix my seal the day and date above written. John Wild seal Attest H. H. Ray John Ray D. McCoy"
493. Records of Old Macon County, N.C., Barbara Sears McRae, Clearfield Company, 1991.
496. “Email from Penny Spencer to Don Braffitt,” 10 Jul 2006,
497. Francis Curtis Bogy, A Curtis Genealogy, Nortex Press, 1988,
498. “US and International marriages,” 1560-1900.
499. “Obituary for Alba Moore Love,” Asheville Citizen-Times, Asheville, NC, 25 Jun 1938, page 5.
File: AlbaLove1938
501. “Smokey Mountain Ancestral Quest Index,”
503. Robert A. Moffitt, “Ancestral File - William Whitaker Maffitt and Elizabeth "Eliza" Bird,”
508. Veldon R. Hodgson, “Ancestral File - Thomas Iredell Duvall and Elizabeth Jane "Betty" Byrd,”
511. “TN marriages,” 1780-2002, 1851-1900.
518. “1880 Burningtown, Macon, NC Federal Census - Joshua C. Byrd,”
519. “1880 Burningtown, Macon, NC Federal Census - Henry C. Burnette,”
520. Gloria Owenby, “Family Group Record - Joshua Curtis Bird and Katherine Sophronia Wild,” Dec 1983.
523. “1864 McDowell, NC estate settlement for Annia Bird,”
"North Carolina Archives, 1864 McDowell County Estate of Annia Bird. Name appears as A. Bird, Ann. Bird, and Annia Bird = Annanias?. Heir Lemuel Bird was hoping to purchase land in Tennessee with his inheritance but he had left unpaid an I.O.U. for $148.00. The money was due Thomas Hemphill of McDowell Co., and the Administrator (who was Lemuel's broher) treated the debt as an advancement. The Admr. paid Lemuel's debt leaving Lemuel with only the balance. Handwritten letter from Lemuel Bird in this estate file."
524. “Hot House Baptist Church Cemetery, Fannin, GA,”,
"Hot House Baptist Church is located on Hwy 60 North of Mineral Bluff, Georgia. From Hwy 515 and Hwy 60 Intersection, go north on 60 for approximately 7 miles. Hot House Baptist Church and Cemetery is located on the right."
525. “1880 Hot House, Fannin, GA Federal Census - Richard I. B. Curtis,”
532. “Journal of the Florida Annual Conference of The Methodist Episcopal Church South,” part VI, page 263, 2013,
533. Patricia Base Schlabach, The Westlake Family, 15 Jun 1981, WV Archives and History Library, 6 Jun 2003.
535. “Email from Sherry Kobee to Don Braffitt,” 10 Mar 2004.
"Sherry Shaw Kobee, d. of Norma Jean Franklin & Howard C. Shaw (Denville, NJ); Norma Jean Franklin, d. of Minnie Lou Byrd & William Vernon Franklin (Morganton, NC); Minnie Lou Byrd, d. of Julia Jane Cuthbertson & Quince A. Byrd; Quince A. Byrd (b. 1884), s. of John Asbury Byrd and Alice Cora Goforth; John Asbury Byrd (b. 1850), s. of Richard I. Byrd & Elizabeth Westlake. Our line of Byrd's has a family reunion in August every summer."
539. “1880 Crooked Creek, McDowell, NC Federal Census - Wilson L. Bird,”
543. “Letter from Mary Gib Coker New to Don Braffitt,” 15 Mar 1990.
Glenn family information is one page of births starting with Dr. J. M. Glenn born 22-Oct-1832, one page of deaths starting with Dr. J. M. Glenn died 12-Mar-1892, and one page of marriages starting with Susan N. Iverson and James M. Glenn married 22-Jul-1869.
544. 1937 family record by T. A. White - lists marriage date, children, and birthdays for Daisy May Blackwell and Charles C. Cook. The document has "May" instead of "Mae". The document hung in the back bedroom at the Cook house on School Street, Chamblee, DeKalb, GA until 1982 when the house was sold. Dorothy Nadine Cook Braffitt of Stone Mountain, DeKalb, GA had this document until her death in 2000 and now her son, Don Braffitt, has this document in Blacksburg, VA (2024).
545. “Obituary for Jess B. Cook Sr.,” Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 9 Dec 1969, page 8-B.
Files (2): JessCook1969b, JessCook1969a
547. “Obituary for Eloise Blackwell Pope,” Feb 2012,
"Eloise Blackwell Pope, 92, joined the Lord, on February 4, 2012. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia to the late Edgar and Nettie Blackwell. Eloise was the wife of Walter Frederick Pope, who predeceased her in 1991. She is survived by her loving children: Judy Pope Cole and husband King of Morehead City, NC, Rick Pope and wife Beverly of Concord, NC, Tom Pope and wife Donna of Lexington, VA, Dale Meyer and husband Dennis of Charlotte, and Kerry Pope and wife Roxanne, of Charlotte. She is also survived by thirteen grand children: Reagan LaFleur and her husband Gary, Heath Knight, Julie Siomacco and her husband Mike, Cathy Sterrett and her husband Rob, Jason Pope and his wife Amy, Shannon Pope, Michael Pope and Jaime Beckland, Catherine Breathnach and her husband Cormac, Whitney Meyers and husband Tim, Stuart Pope, Spencer Pope, David Meyer, Jennifer Meyer and Frank Freeman, and eleven great grandchildren: Aaron LaFleur, Brandon Pope, Kayla and Emily Staff, Kaitlyn Siomacco, Adam and Josh Bodner, Zoe and Savannah Sterrett, Anna Breathnach and Ramona Meyer Freeman. Eloise was well known for her oil paintings and watercolors. She attended Shorter College in Rome, GA and continued her education at Atlanta’s High Museum School of Art. She studied in workshops with America's best known watercolor and oil painters. Ms. Pope owned Pope’s Gallery in Charlotte, N.C. for 17 years and was president of the Watercolor Society of N.C. for two years, 1982 and 1983. She was the artist for the Charlotte Greek Festival posters and billboards for 1991, 1992 and 1993. She assisted in producing Thistledown Farm Art Workshops for five years from 1992 to 1998. She won numerous juried art awards. Her work has been published in several art magazines and books, including The Best of Watercolor by Betty Lou Schlemm and Tom Nicholas. She traveled and painted all over the United States, Europe, Italy and the Greek Isles. Over the last few years she painted only for exhibiting in galleries. Her passion was her family and her art. The family would like to especially give thanks to Dr. Rick Miller, Dr. Greg Weidner and their staff at Mecklenburg Medical Group in Charlotte for the excellent care they gave to Eloise over the years. In addition, special thanks are given by the family for the wonderful caregivers that helped Eloise stay in her home: Shannon Pope, Roxanne Pope, Reagan LaFleur, Bridget Black, Sonia Bollinger and Liz Zeibel. The Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, February 9th, at 11:00 AM at Ascension Lutheran Church, located at 1225 E. Morehead Street, Charlotte, NC 28204. The family will receive visitors at the church, following the service. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations go to Samaritan’s Purse, P.O. Box 3000, Boone, NC 28607-3000 or to the charity of choice."
File: EloisePope
548. Nola Duffy, “Descendants of George Pegram of Williamsburg, Virginia,” 7 Apr 2009,
549. “Maude Blackwell death certificate,” 31 Mar 1925, Atlanta, Fulton, GA,
550. James Rives Childs, Reliques of the Rives (Ryves), 1929,,
"includes autobiographical sketch of John Edwards Rives"
552. “NC births,” 1800-2000, 1865-2012 (Mecklenburg).
553. Kellie Dayvault, “Emails on family of Vernon L. Blackwell from Kellie Dayvault to Don Braffitt,” Nov 2001.
554. Anne Marie Alexander, “Emails from Anne Marie Alexander to Don Braffitt,” Jul 2005.
"My dad was born in Atlanta, GA (but grew up in Ball Ground). If you like, I can give you a lot of information about his genealogy, especially on his mother's side -- His mother's name was Annie Pearle McCollum. I was lucky enough to meet a McCollum relative online who had a TON of information back to the 1600's. I also noticed you have a McCollum surname on your web site. Now, more on the Blackwell side. My grandfather's full name was William Lester Blackwell, Sr. His other children:
*Mary Bess Blackwell b. Nov. 23, 1912, d. Jan.12, 1915 buried in Riverview Cemetery, Canton, GA
*William L. Blackwell, Jr. b. 1918, d. 1978 buried in Cherokee Memorial Cemetery
Martha Jane Blackwell Haney deceased I think she is buried in Quitman, GA
His wife was:
*Ada E. Blackwell b. 1888, d. 1964 Buried in Cherokee Memorial Cemetery
*Cemeteries of Cherokee County, GA (Shirley Morris, 1997, Wolfe Publishing)
Ada E. Blackwell info – She was Ada Elizabeth Edwards, daughter of William Twitty Edwards and Frances E. Sewell. All printed sources I have seen have the Sewell name translated into Lewell – that is incorrect. William Twitty Edwards was the Canton postmaster for many years and he also owned and ran the Canton Hotel (which later burned to the ground). I will send you more on the Edwards later if you like.
The Cemetery book has the following for her parents:
*William T. Edwards, b. August 11, 1846, d. Dec. 10, 1934
*Frances S. Edwards, b. August 23, 1859, d. Aug. 18, 1903"
555. Shirley Morris, Cemeteries of Cherokee County, GA, Wolfe Publishing, 1997,
"Mary Bess Blackwell – b. Nov. 23, 1912, d. Jan.12, 1915, buried in Riverview Cemetery, Canton, GA.
William L. Blackwell, Jr. – b. 1918, d. 1978, buried in Cherokee Memorial Cemetery.
Ada E. Blackwell – b. 1888, d. 1964, buried in Cherokee Memorial Cemetery.
William T. Edwards - b. August 11, 1846, d. Dec. 10, 1934, father of Ada Elizabeth Edwards Blackwell.
Frances S. Edwards - b. August 23, 1859, d. Aug. 18, 1903, mother of Ada Elizabeth Edwards Blackwell."
556. Hache-Hash Genealogy and Allied Lines, Lella Gertrude Saylors, 1970,
1970 FHL film 896871 item 3, 929.273 H115J. The focus of this book is on the HASHE/HASH family of Grayson, VA including OSBORNE and WARD. According to Mrs. Ben Howard, Gertrude's sister, Gertrude did no further work on this genealogy after 1970. Gertrude was living in a nursing home 12-Feb-1984.
557. David Halsey, Halsey Genealogy since 1395 A.D., Heritage Books, Inc., 1995,
561. “Bible in possession of Ben Couch, 1970.”
563. “Richard Clarke, last will and testament, 27-May-1723, Dorchester, MD.”
Mentions wife Ann Clarke, sons Thomas Clarke, Abraham Clarke, and John Clarke, and daughter Mary Clarke.
565. “Daniel Clarke, last will and testament, 02-Oct-1696, Ann Arundel, MD.”
Mentions wife Elizabeth Clark, sons Thomas Clark, William Clark, and Richard Clark, and brother William James.
566. Barbara Webber, Ann Clark & Benoni Banning of Maryland, Virginia, & North Carolina.
Annandale, VA
567. “Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cemetery, Tucker, DeKalb, GA,”
568. “Obituary for Mary Cofer Pounds,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 26 Nov 2007.
“Mary Pounds. Family-Placed Death Notice. MARY COFER POUNDS Mary Cofer Pounds, 85, of Stone Mountain, Georgia passed away Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2007, at the home of her loving daughter and caretaker, Denise Pounds. She was preceded in death by her husband of 45 years, Richard Everett Pounds, Jr. of Chamblee, Ga. Mary was born and raised in the Tucker, Georgia area and was the last of 9 children born to Charles and Sophronia Cofer. She is survived by her children, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pounds of Buckhead, Ga., Denise Pounds of Stone Mountain, Ga., and Sheila Pounds Vaughan of Porterdale, Ga. She is also survived by many beloved nieces and nephews. All those who knew her will remember her for her loving and caring nature and her willingness to sacrifice for those she loved. Gracious and giving, Mary's children felt her love at every moment in her presence, and she will be held in their hearts forever in her absence. Her children would like to express their deep appreciation to the Crossroads Hospice in Tucker, Ga., whose staff provided compassion, care and comfort for Mary during her final days. In lieu of flowers, Mary would want you to make a donation in her name to "Crossroads Hospice Charitable Foundation," mailed to Crossroads Hospice of Atlanta, 1957 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 500, Tucker, Ga. 30084. Published in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on November 26, 2007”
569. Edna Grant Simpson, The Sullivan Family of Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia, 1975, 1981,
"This book details descendants of the Sullivan and Mashburn families, includes descendants from marriages into the Wild and Cook families, and details Wild, Cook, Bird, and Banning ancestors."
570. Jen Cook White, “Email on descendants of Benjamin A. Cook and Sarah Rebecca Josephine Odom from Jen Cook White to Don Braffitt,” 9 Aug 2003.
"1 Benjamin A. Cook 1855 - 1923
. +Sarah Rebecca Josephine Odom 1856 - 1905
... 2 Ruth Cook 1879 -
...... +? Ballew 1875 -
... 2 John C. Cook 1883 - 1945
...... +Nancy Alice Johnson 1877 - 1927
........ 3 Marvin Cook
........ 3 Marvin Cook 1901 -
........ 3 Esta C. Cook 1902 -
........... +? Davis
........ *2nd Husband of Esta C. Cook:
........... +? Davis 1899 -
........ 3 Bertha C. Cook
........... +? Jones 1900 -
........ 3 Emily Cook
........... +? Dickey 1901 -
........ 3 Noah Webster Cook 1906 - 1990
........... +Edith Bandy 1908 - 1997
............. 4 Glen Cook
............. 4 C. J. Cook
............. 4 Jack Cook
............. 4 Betty C. Cook
............. 4 Katheline Cook
............. 4 Sue C. Cook
............. 4 Nancy C. Cook
............. 4 John Cook
........ 3 William Lester Cook, Rev. 1910 - 1989
........... +Sadie Elizabeth Bandy
............. 4 Glenn Cook
............. 4 C.J. Cook
............. 4 Jack Cook
............. 4 Betty C. Cook
................ +? Bingham
............. 4 Katheline C. Cook
................ +? Hertzog
............. 4 Sue C. Cook
................ +? Ballew
............. 4 Nancy C. Cook
................ +? Caine
............. 4 John Cook
... 2 James Thomas Cook 1890 - 1970
...... +Manda W. Deal 1888 - 1974
........ 3 Arnold (Agie) H. Cook
........ 3 Delilah Cook
........... +S. N. Cole
........ *2nd Husband of Delilah Cook:
........... +S. M. Cole
........ 3 Dorothy Cook
........... +C. S. Hughes
........ 3 Ruth Delorois Cook
........... +Jack Rayburn
............. 4 Maxine Rayburn
........ 3 Arnold H. (Agie) Cook
........ 3 Homer Ben Cook 1912 - 1965
........... +Marie Simmonds
............. 4 Jean Cook
................ +Roland White
............. 4 Jimmie Harold Cook
................ +Peggy Louise Holman
.................. 5 James Harold Cook
.................. 5 Teresa Lynn Cook
..................... +? Carter
.................. 5 Lisa Gayle Cook
.................. 5 David Thomas Cook
.................. 5 Elizabeth Ann Cook
..................... +? Lee
........ 3 Charles Hobart Cook, Sr. 1915 - 1971
........... +Minnie Lee Harper 1916 - 1998
............. 4 Charles Hobart Cook, Jr. 1940 - 1991
................ +[1] Linda Lou Murphy
.................. 5 Lisa Renee Cook
..................... +Marvin Freedman
....................... 6 Charles Eric Freedman
....................... 6 Matthew Tyler Freedman
.................. *2nd Husband of Lisa Renee Cook:
..................... +Dewayne Hooker
............. 4 Betty Ellen Cook
................ +Ronnie Leon Gentry
.................. 5 Ronnie Tyrone Gentry
..................... +Judy Carol Whaley
....................... 6 Ronnie Tyrone Gentry, Jr.
....................... 6 Kristin Ashley Gentry
....................... 6 Shana Brett Gentry
.................. 5 Robert Troy Gentry
..................... +CherieTemple Bailey
....................... 6 Carrie Gentry
.................. 5 Sonya Gentry
..................... +Charlie Mitchell
....................... 6 Charlie Mitchell
.................. *2nd Husband of Sonya Gentry:
..................... +Michael Cronin
....................... 6 Katie Cronin
.................. 5 Sherry Lee Gentry
..................... +Donald Sliger
...................... . 6 Meagan Sliger
....................... 6 Ryleigh Rae Sliger
............. 4 Hubert Ray Cook
................ +[1] Linda Lou Murphy
............. *2nd Wife of Hubert Ray Cook:
................ +Geraldine Ingram 1941 - 1996
............. 4 Ronnie Lee Cook, Sr.
................ +Elizabeth Anne Roeder, Sr.
.................. 5 Jennifer Marie Cook
..................... +Robert Charles White, Sr.
....................... 6 Robert Charles White, Jr.
....................... 6 Anthony Albert White
....................... 6 Annaliese Mary White
.................. 5 Elizabeth Anne Cook, Jr.
.................. 5 Ronnie Lee Cook, Jr.
.................. 5 Katherine Mary Cook
..................... +none
....................... 6 Ginamarie Danielle Nichols
.................. *2nd Husband of Katherine Mary Cook:
..................... +Juan A. Velasquez
....................... 6 Christoffer Antonio Velasquez
........ 3 Desmer Cook 1925 - 1942
........ 3 Desma Cook 1925 - 1942
........ 3 Delzie J. Cook 1928 - 1951
........... +[2] Wallace R. McDonald
........ 3 Detzie J. Cook 1928 - 1951
........... +[2] Wallace R. McDonald
........ 3 Delma Cook 1930 - 1931"
571. Kyle Cook, “Descendants of James Madison Cook and Emily Emma Crumley,” 3 Feb 2005,
572. “1880 Lower Young Cane, Union, GA Federal Census - Benjamin Cook,”
573. William Boehmer, “Boehmer, Logan, Twelker, Fisher Family Tree,” 31 Jan 2016,
574. Virginia R. Frey, “Ancestral File - James Madison Cook and Emily Crumley,”
575. “Obituary for Bob Cook,” Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 18 Jan 1976, page 16-C.
577. “Mary Jane Wild Cook remembrances,” 2 Sep 1948,
02-Sep-1948 remembrances told by Mary Jane Wild Cook. Transcribed from 3 typewritten pages with some written in notes which are included below in brackets [].
Memorandum of Story of Mrs. Mary Wild Cook, Route 1, Roswell, Georgia, told at the home of William Claude Cook, her son, September 2, 1948, in response to questions of Robert L. Kincaid, her nephew, the son of her sister, Virginia Augusta Wild Kincaid.
"I was born March 11, 1860 at our home in Macon County, North Carolina at a place near Burningtown. My father was Alexander Leroy Wild; my mother was Celia Bird Wild. I was third in a family of nine children. The children in order of birth were as follows: Modena, who married John A. McClure; John; Mary, who married Charles Comer Cook; Virginia Augusta, who married James R. Kincaid; Margaret, who died in early childhood; Robert; Laura, who married John Sullivan and went to Texas; Norman; and Bell, who married Harrison McCollum. All are now gone except me and Bob, who lives in California.
I remember my grandfather, John Wild [Oberra's great grandfather], very well. It seem to me that he came to Macon County, North Carolina from directly across the waters. We always understood that he was from Holland, and he could speak the Dutch language. My father, Alex, learned to say many words in Holland-Dutch. He could count to one-hundred in the language. Grandfather John Wild was a blacksmith and a handy man around in the community. I do not know who my Grandmother Wild was. It seems to me like she may have been a DuWees. That name is in my mind somehow.
I remember Grandpa Clark Bird very well. He must have been around 80 when he died. It seem to me that Grandmother Polly Curtis Bird died just about the time of the Civil War. I scarecely remember her. The Birds were great hunters. I remember hearing my grandfather and the boys in the family telling of their big deer hunts in the mountains.
During the time of the war, we lived in a double house near a big peach orchard and a river. Father went to the war [in Virginia] pretty early, and he was captured sometime around 1862 or 1863 and was taken to a prison in Delaware. He did not come back until the end of the war, and I presume he stayed in prison during that time. I think he was a wagoner during his service in the Confederate Army, but in prison I think he was a cook, because I have heard him tell about cooking for the other prisoners. He often told us that the best way to cook tough beef was to boil it a long, long time. He suffered a great deal from hunger while in prison, and at times the prisoners were forced to eat big rats.
I remember our home was pestered a great deal by Home Guards coming and going. They would come to the house and demand of Mother anything she might have to eat, and insist upon searching the house to see if we were hiding anyone. Mother was aggravated a great deal by many of the annoyances of these visiting soldiers, our Home Guards.
After Father returned home from the Army, he took up his work in the blacksmith shop where he seemed the handiest. All of his life he was primarily a blacksmith. The blacksmith shop was burned three times in his life, but he always managed to start another when he was burned out. After one was gone, the first thing we children knew was that he had another bellows ready to go to work again.
I do not know why Father and Mother moved from Macon County, North Carolina to Union County, Georgia, about 16 miles south of Murphy. I was about 15 years old when the move was made. It took three wagons to hold our things. The lead wagon was pulled by four horses. There were several men, and women, and children in the whole company during the trip. We carried along two tents and camped out at night when we had no place to stay. The thing that I remember most of that trip was crossing Nantahala Mountain. Modena and I, being old enough to go it alone, walked on ahead as we climbed the mountain. I remember that it must have been six miles from foot to foot of the mountain, and as we climbed up the side, we soon got into snow. We took near cuts and were quite a distance ahead of the wagons. We saw some big tracks in the snow, which looked like bear tracks. Finally we got to the top of Nantahala Mountain where there were deep drifts of snow, and where the wind blew bitterly. We nearly froze to death waiting for the wagons to come slowly up the mountain. We could see the wagon tops way down the mountain as they circled back and forth, back and forth up the cork-screw road. We could throw a rock down upon the tops of the wagons, and it looked like we could spit upon them, we were so far above them. When the wagons finally arrived, Father and the men had to take shovels and clean out the big drifts before the teams could pull the wagons through. We at last got to the bottom of the other side and made our camp in a big snow. Father and the men cleared away the snow, put down fodder and bedding, and we pitched out tents over the bedding, as our resting place. I do not remember how long it took us to make this wagon journey from Franklin, North Carolina to the place on Jack Creek in Union County where we made our home.
About two year later, Father had to go back to Franklin to collect the money from the man to whom he had sold his farm. For some reason or other, he took me along with him. When he got back to Macon County, he found that Bill Shepherd, the man to whom he had sold the farm, had recently killed a man by the name of Bill Lakey, and was hiding from the law. He found out where Shepherd was and looked him up in his hiding place, and made an appeal for his money. I do not know how it came out, but Shepherd gave to Father a fine mare to go on the debt. When we were ready to return to our home in Georgia, Father arranged for me to ride the mare. Since I could not ride bareback, he bought a side saddle for me. So I rode the mare on the side saddle all the way back to our home. I seems like we were crossing a river or big stream rearly all the time. I remember when we got to the Nicholson Ford at Notla River, there was a little bridge there, and I was greatly frightened as I rode the mare across the little bridge and looked down into the deep water. The side saddle later went to your mother, Jinny.
I remember once that Uncle [Tom] Cunningham, who had been someplace with a wagon and two mules, came to our house in North Carolina and found the river frozen over from bank to bank. He took the wagon across the [ice]. I do not remember whether he unhitched the mules or not.
Father soon established in Georgia his blacksmith shop. He also had a syrup mill and ground hog [thresher]. He also ran [a tan yard] where he tanned leather for people in the community. He could do anything. I remember that he made tongues for Jew's harps. There was nothing that seemed to bother him. He had turning lathes in his shop and could make furniture. I do not know positively whether he made the big four-poster bed which he gave to Jinny for a wedding present, but I rather think he did. He also have to me a similar bed when I was married. You know how a ground hog [thresher] works. It is pulled by four to six mules or horses which go round and round in a circle, stepping over the power arm which operates the threshing machine. The people in the community would bring their grain in for him to thresh out on toll. I do not know when Father and Mother sold their property to Mel Smith and moved to Cherokee County, near Woodstock, Georgia. It must have been around 1895. In their new home near Woodstock, they set up house-keeping again, and Father, as usual, began to do blacksmithing for the people in the community. Grandfather was a short, dumpy, heavy set man, and he was crippled with paralysis in his last days. He was born November 22, 1831, and died May 15, 1900. Mother, who was born April 28, 1832, lived about among the children until her death, November 29, 1924. They were married March 4, 1855. They were buried in the Little River Camp Ground, four miles east of Woodstock. A marker about three feet high is at their graves.
Of the children of Grandfather John Wild, I can remember the following: John; Posie; Alexander Leroy; Rev. Barnett Wild; and Betsy, who never married; Tilda, who I think married [Joshua] Bird; and Mary, who married the last time a man by the name of Potts. I remember also that Asbury Bird, one of the brothers of Mother, was drowned. Jess[e] Bird, another brother, died during the war. I married Charles Comer Cook, of Union County, Georgia, at my parent's home. Rev. Asbury Sullivan was the minister. My husband died Nobember 3, 1939. We had eight children, all of whom are living. I have now living three great-great-grandchildren."
578. “Obituary for Mrs. C. C. Cook,” Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, GA, 17 Feb 1956, page 26.
File: MaryJaneWild1956
579. “Obituary for Harley F. Cook,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 23 Nov 1970, page 13B.
580. “1880 Lower Young Cane, Union, GA Federal Census - Cook,”
584. Jan Wheeler and David Sheppard, “Emails from Jan Wheeler to Don Braffitt,” 2004.
"I have a few updates and corrections to my branches of the tree. David Sheppard, another cousin, has also been working on the Cook family tree. These updates are from what he has discovered along with what I know personally."
585. Kyle Cook, “Email from Kyle Cook to Don Braffitt on James T. Cook and Manda W. Dills,” 11 Jul 2005.
"I have a correction to submit. The wife of James Thomas Cook is Manda W. Dills, not Manda W. Deal. I have attached a photo of their headstone from when I visited the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church cemetery just inside Polk County Tennessee, which is very near Mineral Bluff, Georgia. My name is Kyle Cook, the great-great-grandson of James Thomas Cook. The other headstones are Mary Lee Dills and Jennie Lee Dills. The first husband of Mary was a Mr. Lee, who was the father of Jennie, before she was adopted by Levi Dills, the father of Manda. Mr. Lee passed and did not divorce Mary. I came by this information in the book entitled "Abstracts of Fannin County"."
592. “Obituary for Gloria Jeanne Hancock,” Tallahassee Democrat, Tallahassee, Leon, FL, 22 Aug 2014,
"Gloria Jeanne Hancock. On August 19, 2014, Gloria Jeanne Hancock (83) passed peacefully into the arms of her heavenly Father. Jeanne was born June 3, 1931, in Atlanta, Georgia. In June of 2014, she celebrated 60 years with her husband Kenneth Dal Hancock in Tallahassee, Florida. Her life has been defined by her faith, her family and her friends. Jeanne was preceded in death by both parents, OraBelle Hasty Cook and Verney Clifton Cook, as well as her step-mother Doris Cook and her son-in-law Wesley Harmon. She is survived by her husband, their three children Tara Harmon, Brook Miller (Paul), and Eric Hancock, their three grandchildren Carliayn Kell (Jason), Morgan and Bryce Miller, their first great-grandson Bennett Miller due in October, her beloved sister Verney Gwytha Telotta (Bobby), her surrogate daughter Denise Brousseau, as well as numerous cousins, nieces, nephews and their descendants. Jeanne loved her Lord, family, church, and friends deeply. She enjoyed music, history, poetry, reading, watercolor painting, Bible study and all forms of learning. She was known for her way with words, her enthusiastic theatricality and for bringing joy to everyone that knew her. She has left a powerful legacy for her many friends and family members. Jeanne's family is thankful for the wonderful people from Big Bend Hospice, Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, TMH Rehab, and Fellowship Presbyterian church for their wonderful care and support over the course of Jeanne's struggle with lymphoma. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made in memoriam to Big Bend Hospice or St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. A celebration of life will be held at 1:00 pm on Sunday, September 7, 2014, at Fellowship Presbyterian Church. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Fellowship Presbyterian Church. Published in Tallahassee Democrat from Aug. 22 to Aug. 24, 2014."
593. Nina Sage Davis, “Emails from Nina Sage Davis to Don Braffitt,” Jan 2005.
594. “Obituary for Bertha E. Cook,” 25 Feb 2011, Roswell, Fulton, GA,
"Bertha E. Cook. Date: July 1st, 1902 - February 25th, 2011. Obituary: Bertha Etris Cook, age 108, died peacefully February 25, 2011 in Marshville, NC. She was born on July 1, 1902 in the Providence community of Old Milton County to the late Williams Samuel and Amanda Stover Etris. She graduated from Roswell High School and received her teaching degree from Georgia State Normal. She lived on Etris Road in Roswell until she was 100 at which time she moved to Pageland, SC to be with her son and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Cook was preceded in death by her husband, William "Claude" Cook. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, William "Corley" and Barbara Cook of Pageland, SC; sister, Fannie Etris Holcombe of Alpharetta, GA; four grandchildren, Stanley Corley Cook (Monica Maxley) of Waxhaw, NC, David Claude Cook (Shirley Havel) of Tucson, AZ, Patricia Cook Wolfe (Don) of Dallas, NC, Tyra Cook Skinner (John) of Wesley Chapel, NC; 10 great-grandchildren , 5 great-great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews also survive. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 2:00pm in the funeral home chapel. Interment will follow at Green Lawn Cemetery. The Cook family will receive friends on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 from 6-8:00pm at Northside Chapel Funeral Directors, Roswell, GA 770-645-1414. Cemetery: Green Lawn Cemetery. 10993 Alpharetta Hwy. Roswell, GA 30075. Visitations: 6:00PM to 8:00PM on Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 at Northside Chapel Funeral Directors and Crematory. Services: 2:00PM at Northside Chapel Funeral Directors & Crematory on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011."
595. “Obituary for Bertha Cook,” Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, GA, 1 Mar 2011,
"Bertha Cook, COOK, Bertha. Bertha Etris Cook, age 108, died peacefully February 25, 2011 in Marshville, NC. She was born on July 1, 1902 in the Providence community of Old Milton County to the late William Samuel and Amanda Stover Etris. She graduated from Roswell High School and received her teaching degree from Georgia State Normal. She lived on Etris Road in Roswell until she was 100 at which time she moved to Pageland, SC to be with her son and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Cook was preceded in death by her husband, William "Claude" Cook. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, William "Corley" and Barbara Cook of Pageland, SC; sister, Fannie Etris Holcombe of Alpharetta, GA; four grandchildren, Stanley Corley Cook (Monica Maxey) of Waxhaw, NC, David Claude Cook (Shirley Havel) of Tucson, AZ, Patricia Cook Wolfe (Don) of Dallas, NC, Tyra Cook Skinner (John) of Wesley Chapel, NC; 10 great-grandchildren, 5 great-great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews also survive. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 2:00pm in the funeral home chapel. Interment will follow at Green Lawn Cemetery. The Cook family will receive friends on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 from 6-8:00pm at Northside Chapel Funeral Directors, Roswell, GA 770-645-1414. Published in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on March 1, 2011."
599. “James Crumley and Catharine Gilkey of Chester County, PA,” 8 Jul 2014,
601. Ida Crumly Varnon, Transformation of a Wilderness, Nora Lee Varnon, DeArman Printing Service, 12 Apr 1952,
606. D. Larry Crumbley, “Crumbley's from Pennsylvania/Virginia,” 6 Nov 2002,
608. “Shady Grove Cemetery, Owltown, Union, GA,”,
Shady Grove Cemetery is located south of Blairsville, Union, GA on the road from Cleveland to Blairsville near the intersection of Owltown Road and Jimmy Nicholson Road. The turn off is near a bridge and the road that leads to Vogel State Park.
619. “Email from Dawna Lund to Don Braffitt,” 30-Jun-2004.
"Lydia Ann Collins, daughter of Zebulon Collins and Mary "Polly" Johnson, should be Lydia Matilda Collins. She is listed as Lydia M. in the 1880 census with her parents and also in the 1900 census (Olive Twp, Meigs County, Ohio) with her husband Charles Hull. Her birthdate is given as Jul 1866. Charles Hull was listed as a widower in 1910 census. The marriage record of Gladden V. Hull lists his parents as Charles E. Hull and Matilda Collins."
625. “Obituary for Dixie L. Moore,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond, VA, 19 Dec 1950, page 26,
631. “Obituary for Phyllis J. Platt,” The Monitor, McAllen, Hidalgo, TX, 29-Jan-1995, p. 2B.
“PHYLLIS J. PLATT MISSION - Phyllis J. Platt, 83, of McAllen, died Jan. 28. 1995 at Rio Grande Regional Hospital in McAllen. She was born in Princeton, Mo., and lived in Mission for 20 years. She was a registered nurse and was head nurse at Heights Hospital in Houston for more than 25 years. She was a member of St. Mark's Methodist Church in McAllen. She was preceded in death by her husband, George Platt, in 1967. Survivors include one son, Jimmy Platt, of McAllen. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at Virgil Wilson Chapel in McAllen. Graveside services will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Hollywood Cemetery in Houston.”
632. “Ancestral File - Rietmann / Scheitlin/ Egger / Spindler,” 2013,
"Includes several more generations of Rietmann, Scheitlin, Egger, Spindler, Walder, Wettach, Suger, Billwiller, Kaiser, Harder, Straub, Hogger, Zollikofer, Herzog, Schlumpf, Remburg, Corrinder, Kaiser, Ebneter, Merzin, Loerer, Kuenzli, Aigen, and Scherrer ancestors in St. Gallen, Switzerland, Thurgau, Switzerland, and Insbruck, Tirol, Austria."
633. Ann Lyday Laver, Gloria Walker Rupprath, Thomas N. Crocker, “Ancestral File - Fain / Taylor,” 2011,
638. “Hot House Baptist Church Cemetery, Fannin, GA - Ebenezer Fain Memorial Marker,”
642. Charles S. McCleskey, Descendants of Thomas Trammell, Revolutionary Soldier, 1972,
The book covers ancestors of William Trammell and siblings and focuses on descendants of William's older brother Thomas.
645. Bob Erwin, “Descendants of Rev. Francis Bird and Franky Abernathy,” 2007,
647. Max Fain, Nicholas Fain of Tennessee, Atlanta, GA, 1980.
651. Herbert Olan Fain, “TO THE OZARKS AND BEYOND: Biography of Richard Calhoun Fain,” 2003,
652. “1880 Coosawattee, Gilmer, GA Federal Census - William Fouts,”
655. David Boehmer, “Email from David Boehmer to Don Braffitt,” 18 Feb 2003.
''I am attaching my family connection to Rev. Thomas M. Hughes and Nancy Bird. Their daughter Martha Jane Hughes married my gg-grandfather, William Reuben Logan. She was his second wife. He was her second husband. Her first husband was Joab Addington. My family connection is to William R. Logan and his first wife Mary F. Reid. See attachment.''
661. “Ancestral File - Wilde,” 2013,
"Includes several more generations of Wilde/Wild, Reitmann/Reitman, Kreis, Iselin, Egger, Scheitlin, Walder, Wettach, Billwiller, Harder, Straub, Spindler, Hogger, Zollikofer, Herzog, Schlumpf, Remburg, Corrinder, Kaiser, Ebneter, Merzin, Loerer, Kuenzli, Aigen, and Scherrer ancestors in St. Gallen, Switzerland, Thurgau, Switzerland, and Insbruck, Tirol, Austria."
662. James E. Kincaid, “Kincaid Family,” 20 Feb 2006,
664. Annette Burgess, “Email from Annette Crumley Burgess to Don Braffitt,” 30 Mar 2001.
666. Josie Ashcroft of Sacramento, CA, “15-Feb-2001 email from Josie Ashcroft to Don Braffitt,” 15 Feb 2001.
"Patience Place Newell is possibly the daughter of John Place and Patience Downing. John and Patience married 11-Jul-1781 in Rochester, Strafford County, NH. Having three children, Patience Downing Place died shortly after childbirth. They lived in Barnstead, Belknap County, NH where Patience Place was born 11-July-1786 (IGI Record). John then married Lydia Jackson Garland in 1787. They moved to Colchester, Chittenden County, VT where they appeared in the 1800 and 1810 census records. John was a boat builder. The Newell, Fairchild, and Gilbert families migrated to Washington County, OH. That migration took two years traveling by river, etc. and included many hardships."
668. “Descendants of Abraham Dufur,”
"A short saga about the Place family - prepared by Audrey Merriman
The Place family came from Devonshire, England to New England in 1634. Later they migrated to Stafford County, New Hampshire, then on to Chittenden County, Vermont, where Sidney Place was born April 21, 1807, the youngest child of John and Lydia (Jackson) Garland Place.
The family migrated to Washington County, Ohio when Sidney was just a boy. His father served in the Revolutionary War, and with the end of the war these veterans received land grants as their payment for time of duty. These many veterans began to demand that the Northwest Territory be opened up for settlement, so with the passing of the Northwest Ordinance, Ohio was opened for settlement, thus began the vast migration into Ohio.
There was a great contrast between the long cold winters of Vermont, New Hampshire and New York and the mild winters of the Ohio country. Settlers arriving at the Falls of the Hocking River on April 7, 1788, reported that they found the trees in full leaf, and the grass high enough to pasture all their livestock. It was a land of huge trees, fertile soils, and plenty of wild game. One oak tree is recorded as being 41 feet in circumference. It had 463 growth rings when cut down. The soil was so rich that farmers were said to boast that their corn grew eight inches in 24 hours. Wild turkeys weighing from 16 to 30 pounds roamed the woods. They were caught and put in pens by the hundreds and clubbed to death. One hunter told of killing 20 deer in one day and the carcasses were used to the feed the people in the settlement of Marietta. Tales such as these stirred an interest in the heart of every man, and that explains why the Place family, the Dufurs, Gilberts, Fairchilds and others migrated to Ohio. The New England winters were very severe and the summers were short, so as to make it very difficult for farmers in that area, so I am sure the milder winters of Ohio was by each and all, appreciated.
John Place, who was a boat builder, and a friend of his, Eli Gilbert, Sr., and their families heard these stories and decided to move to this wonderful place called Ohio. After much talking and planning, on September 25, 1816, they loaded their possessions into wagons and started the long journey across New York and Pennsylvania, and down the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers to the far off settlements around Marietta, Ohio. They didn't have the famous conestoga wagons that were used for the western treks, but only farm wagons, pulled by horses.
All went well until they reached Seneca Falls, New York, where one of their horses died and left them stranded. They stopped here and set up camp and Mr. Place and Mr. Gilbert went to work making charcoal, which was then in demand for the iron furnaces there. They got enough money together to buy another horse, and traveled on a few miles to Geneva, New York, where they camped and stayed nearly a year, and Mr. Place worked there as a boat builder. While there they built flat boats for themselves to carry them down the Allegheny River, and on March 1, 1818, they set out again for the Ohio country. They got over onto the Ohio River and went into Marietta, Ohio and spent a week looking around. But were not satisfied with it, so they went on down river to Little Hocking. They stayed here for about a year, then moved on to Decature Township in Washington County, Ohio. Here they stayed and began to farm the land.
While here in Ohio, Sidney Place grew to manhood, helping his father farm the land on which the family resided. He met a beautiful young lady by the name of Rhoda Dufur, daughter of David and Sarah Dufur. She was born Mach 24, 1807 in New York and migrated to Ohio with her parents about the same time as the Place family. Her family, too, came down river on a flat boat, but had the misfortune of losing their boat and possessions in an accident which also took the life of her father. This friendship grew into a love affair and Sidney and Rhoda were married November 3rd, 1927, in Decature Township by the Justice of the Peace, Eli Gilbert, Sr. They resided on a farm and began to raise their family.
By the spring of 1838 that part of Ohio had become thickly populated and economic opportunities were not as plentiful as before, so early settlers began to thirst for new frontiers to settle. The Places and Gilberts were again thinking of moving West. Illinois was being opened up for settlement as it had become a state in 1838. Eli Gilbert and Sidney Place went to Illinois to look the country over and see what they thought of it. Family legend says that these two men walked the length of Illinois from Shawneetown to Chicago, Illinois, looking the land over, trying to decide where the ideal place for them to settle would be. They finally chose Jefferson County, thinking it best suited for their needs and would make very good farm ground. Then they returned to Ohio and began to make plans. That fall Sidney and his brother, Isaac Place, Eli Gilbert, Sr., and Asa Newell, returned back to Jefferson County, Illinois to select land they wanted to buy. They got into Mt. Vernon and started out on a road until they came to a house where a Mr. Rightnowar lived, they stopped there to do some inquiring. He invited them to spend the night with him and his family. They accepted the invitation and made this place their headquarters while exploring the land to the south and to the west.
The first night there they had quite a scare and were frightened, as there was quite a bit of robbery and a murder in the Illinois country at that time. They were rolled up in their blankets in front of the fireplace, and Mr. and Mrs. Rightnowar had retired to the only bedroom in the house, when some young backwoodsmen came noisily into the house. Mr. Rightnowar said, "You boys be quiet and go on up to bed, we've got visitors tonight." The boys slept in the loft, which was reached by climbing a ladder outside the house. One of the was heard saying in a rough voice, "Recon they've got any money?" The men were somewhat uneasy for the rest of the night, for they did have money which they brought with the to buy land and pay for their lodging. All land had to be bought in those days, as the homestead law wasn't passed until 1863. The men made it up among themselves to take turns staying awake. Later they found it wasn't necessary as the boys meant no harm.
The next day the men set out in search for land. They followed the trail on across the West Muddy River and looked around the area that was known as Knob Prairie. Each man found land suitable for his needs and selected the land of their choice. This land was bought and paid for at a land office in Shawneetown, Illinois. The Rightnowar boys helped them to erect pole shelters for each of them, so they would have a place to live while they built their permanent houses. These men selected land near each other, so they would all be neighbors in this new settlement. After completing the pole shelters, they returned back to Ohio to make plans for the final move to Illinois.
They made one more crop in Ohio and Mr. Gilbert began to saw the lumber which they would need for their new houses, a mill, a store, and several flat boats before dismantling his saw mill. They worked fast and furious all summer getting this work completed. When the flat boats were finished in the fall of 1939 they began to load them. They loaded all household goods, the big iron kettles, livestock, wagons, tools and lumber, spinning and weaving tools and the late mill stone of Mr. Gilbert. The millstone and one of the iron kettles is still in Waltonville, Illinois, in Jefferson County, near the post office on public display for all to see, then with many sad goodbyes and tears the party parted from friends and relatives and started out for Illinois.
There were several people in this party, for several families came together on this long journey to a new home. Even though many loved ones were going with them to Illinois there were many who could not go, so their hearts were very heavy as they started down the river to Shawneetown, Illinois. They were two or more weeks on the river. Since they were only a few days from Pittsburg, Pa., when they started, the old saying, "From Pittsburg to Shawneetown is a long ways to go, fifteen days upon the Ohio." Probably applies to them as well. The river trip was no doubt a lot of work, as there was more than two hundred sunken vessels and other obstructions between Pittsburg and Shawneetown at that time, according to historical records. They also had to go over the falls of the Ohio at Louisburg, Kentucky unloading the boats and letting them down with ropes, then reloading them on the other side. There was several huge flat boats in the group so it must have been quite a task and taken a lot of time and hard work to navigate the falls. Upon reaching Shawneetown the Places and some of the others sold their flat boats and loaded their possessions upon their wagons for the rest of the journey. Mt. Gilbert dismantled his boat though, and salvaged the lumber for later use.
In was in October of 1839 when they arrived in the settlement known as Knob Prairie in Jefferson County, Illinois. This is a large section of flat prairie land with a few scattered patches of timber. Each family then began to do what was necessary to get living quarters ready for their own use. They were all very busy and that helped them get over the feeling of loss they felt on leaving loved ones behind in Ohio. I have a feeling the women probably suffered this the most, as Rhoda gave birth to a son in March of 1840 and she named him Stephen Decature Place. Decature for the old Ohio settlement she had left behind. To add to her sorrow, one of her children died in March of lockjaw. These pioneer woman were strong in courage, and faith and all did their share in helping carve out a new home in the wilderness.
Sidney and Rhoda Place brought five children with the from Ohio and had five ore born in Illinois. They settled on a large farm and all of the family worked very hard the first few years in Illinois getting settled. When they came there were but three or four other families in Knob Prairie, but it grew very rapidly.
In the 1840's many other Ohio families followed these first settlers, Rhoda's sister, Sarah Dufur, who married Stephen Gale Gilbert in Washington County, Ohio and their family moved in near Sidney and Rhoda Place, as did other family members. Soon it began to resemble the old settlement in Ohio, as these relatives and friends gathered together again. Sidney planted a big walnut grove soon after he settled in his family. His daughter, Emily (Place) Hirons often told of how, as a small girl, she helped start this grove by dropping the walnuts in the ground for planting, and how much her back ached and how tired she was from doing this work. It was an experience she never forgot. The children always had to work hard, the same as the parents, for the life of the pioneer was never an easy one.
In 1845 Sidney Place and others began building roads in the community. And the families realized a need for a church, so they got together and formed the Universalist Church, since that was the church they had all attended and helped start in Ohio. They secured a minister and the first church and Sunday School was formed. There is still (in 1977) a Universalist Church in Waltonville, Illinois, which was created from this early church which these people helped form, and many descendants of Sidney and Rhoda Place still are active members of this church. The love and labor of this small group of faithful pioneers is still a part of the community today, and something we can all be proud of.
A railroad came through in 1854 and this gave the farmers access to the big city markets and settlers began to raise livestock and drive them to the railroad where they were loaded on cars and shipped to the city. The livestock included turkeys, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep. Mr. Gilbert set up his mill and built a store, then things began to boom around Knob Prairie. An agriculture association was formed in 1860 and Sidney Place became an officer in it and also held an office in the Fair Association in 1862.
In their last days, Sidney and Rhoda had to give up their home and live with their youngest daughter and her family. They lived there until they died. They are buried in the old cemetery known as the Davenport or Place Cemetery in McClelland Township, Jefferson County, Illinois."
673. Edwards-McLeighton & Goddard McLeighton Funeral Home, “Obituary for Richard Gib Pounds, Sr.,” 6 Nov 2011, Butler, GA,
"Richard Gib Pounds, Sr. (October 17, 1935 - November 6, 2011) Funeral services for Richard Gib Pounds, Sr., 76, of Taylor County, will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at 2:00 pm at Junction City Baptist Church. Burial will follow on his farm which he loved dearly. Mr. Pounds passed away on Sunday, November 06, 2011 at his residence. He was a native of Chamblee, GA and had resided in Taylor County since 1975. For the past twenty eight years he served in the ministry and was currently serving as pastor at Junction City Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, James and Mary Coker New. Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Rachel Crumbley Pounds of Taylor County; four children, Richard Gib "Rick" Pounds, Jr. and wife Del of McDonough, Charles Randall "Randy" Pounds and wife Donna of Butler, James Russell "Rusty" Pounds and wife Michelle of Butler and Robin Cochran and husband Chad of Butler; one brother, Ronald S. Pounds of Charlotte, NC; one sister, Patti Sitz of Dunwoody; ten grandchildren, Ryan, Shawn, Lauren, Gib, Rus, Olivia, Jake, Cole, Levi and Caroline; step-grandson, Miles; five great-grandchildren, Kolby, Kooper, Carson, Aubree and Addison. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: Georgia Baptist Children's Home, PO Box 440, Meansville, GA 30256. Visitation will be held on Monday evening from 6 to 8 pm at the funeral home. The family may be contacted at the residence, 1482 Wesley Church Road, Junction City, GA. Edwards- McLeighton Funeral Home of Butler is in charge of arrangements."
674. “Obituary for Richard Gib Pounds, Sr.,” The Telegraph, Macon, Bibb, GA, 7 Nov 2011,,
''Richard Gib Pounds, Sr. -TAYLOR COUNTY - Funeral services for Richard Gib Pounds, Sr., 76, of Taylor County, will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at 2P.M. at Junction City Baptist Church. Burial will follow on his farm which he loved dearly. Mr. Pounds passed away on Sunday, November 6, 2011 at his residence. He was a native of Chamblee, GA and had resided in Taylor County since 1975. For the past twenty eight years he served in the ministry and was currently serving as pastor at Junction City Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, James and Mary Coker New. -Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Rachel Crumbley Pounds of Taylor County; four children, Richard Gib "Rick" Pounds, Jr. and wife Del of McDonough, Charles Randall "Randy" Pounds and wife Donna of Butler, James Russell "Rusty" Pounds and wife Michelle of Butler and Robin Pounds Cochran and husband Chad of Butler; one brother, Ronald S. Pounds of Charlotte, NC; one sister, Patti Sitz of Dunwoody; ten grandchildren, Ryan, Shawn, Lauren, Gib, Rus, Olivia, Jake, Cole, Levi and Caroline; step-grandson, Miles; five great-grandchildren, Kolby, Kooper, Carson, Aubree and Addison. -In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: Georgia Baptist Children's Home, P.O. Box 440, Meansville, GA 30256. -Visitation will be held on Monday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. at the funeral home. -The family may be contacted at the residence, 1482 Wesley Church Road, Junction City, GA. Edwards-McLeighton Funeral Home of Butler is in charge of arrangements. Published in The Telegraph on November 7, 2011''
675. “1880 Bloomington, Muscatine, IA Federal Census - Ed. Barrows,”
676. “IA deaths 1850-1990.”
677. “Geyer Cemetery, Chester, Meigs, OH,”
680. Darlene Sue Timmons Dible, “Email on family of America Grubb and Melvin Thomas from Darlene Sue Timmons Dible (4G granddaughter of Jacob Grubb and Celia Eleanor Richardson) to Don Braffitt,” 6 Apr 2001.
681. “Obituary for Mary E. Ross,” Bristol Herald Courier, Bristol, VA, 18 Jul 2004.
"Mary E. Ross. MARION - Mary E. Ross, age 81, passed away Sunday, July 18, 2004, in the Valley Health Care Center in Chilhowie. She was born in Grayson County to the late Sam and Leota Thomas Sexton and was preceded in death by her husband, Raymond Ross, and a brother, Melvin Sexton. Along with her husband, she owned the Millstone Service Station and the Valley Restaurant. Survivors include: one daughter, Patsy Patton, Marion; two sons, William Paul Ross, Marion, and Tom E. Dewey Ross and wife, Hazel, Abingdon; half-sister, Norma Joan Musser, Marion; seven grandchildren; and two great- grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, July 20, 2004, at 11 a.m. from the Bradley’s Funeral Home Chapel in Marion, with Pastor Wayne Lewis officiating. Entombment will follow in the Roselawn Cemetery Mausoleum. The family will receive friends Monday evening from 6-8 p.m. at the funeral home. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to the family at Bradley’s Funeral Home, Marion, is serving the Ross family."
682. “Obituary for Sarepta Wilde,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 26 Mar 1955.
684. Obituary for Rev. A. G. Hash in History of Bethel Association Including Centennial Meeting, 1912,
685. George Brown Goode, John Goode of Whitby, 1981,
686. Harold Ernest O'Kelley, Four Families Through Georgia - A Southern History of the Adcock, Blackwell, O'Kelley, Yates and Related Families, Ninety Seven Twenty Five, Inc., 300 Geneseo Road, San Antonio, TX 78209, 1985,
687. MaryAnn Isert, “Email from MaryAnn Isert to Don Braffitt,” 5 Apr 2005.
"I will start with Josiah Blackwell b. 1777. m. Sarah Barnett: Their son, David Glenn Blackwell was b. 1807 m. Mary Barnes. I have not done any other research on him and his wife at this time. 1st born son to Josiah and Sarah is JoRoyal Blackwell his middle name is Barnett. JoRoyal and Elizabeth also had a son named David Glenn Blackwell b. 1821 and he married Mary Turpin Goode. All the children listed for your David Glenn Blackwell is correct. Marion Jefferson Blackwell is my grgrgrandfather. He married Nancy Anna Mayes, 1866 Hall Co, Georgia, d. June 13 1899 Jamestown, Tuolumne Co, California; buried at Jamestown. Their children is as follows: Frances G, b. Sept. 12 1868, Hall Co, Georgia; John Robert b. Sept 20, 1870, Atlanta, Georgia d. March 24 1945 Oakdale, Stanislaus Co, California; Minnie Hilda b. Oct 27 1873, Georgia d. California; Andrew Jackson b. June 27 1877, Georgia, d. California; Fannie Elizabeth b. Nov 26 1879, Jamestown, Tuolumne Co, California; Mary Irene b. Nov 11 1881, d. Aug 15 1857; William b. Sept 2 1884; Harry b. Nov 8 1886 Jamestown Tuolumne Co, California d. Jun 27 1931 San Francisco, California."
690. Diana Mollart, “Email and GEDCOM on Marion Jefferson Blackwell descendants from Diana Mollart to Don Braffitt,” 11 Jul 2001.
692. “Obituary for Louis Pedrotta,” Telegram-Tribune, San Luis Obispo, CA, 3 Jan 1942.
693. “Obituary for Clara Pedrotta,” Santa Barbara News Press, Santa Barbara, CA, 10-Apr-1983.
694. “1880 Shallow Ford and Cross Keys, DeKalb, GA Federal Census - Jasper Mitchell,”
695. “Email from Jerri Whitmire Rives Givens to Don Braffitt,” 05 Dec 2002.
"My name is Jerri Rives Givens. My line is from Capt. John Forsyth Rives, Mary Elizabeth Rives (his daughter b. 1851) Albert Lucious Hardin Boyd, Thelma Jean Boyd and myself, Jerri Whitmire Rives Givens. I'm related to ex-husband, our lines meet at Thomas Henry Rives. I md. Givens but go by the name of Rives. I have a lot of info for you about Mary Elizabeth Rives Boyd and Rev. Boyd's children. I can give you census info, death certificate info, etc. Mary Elizabeth Rives died in 1918 of the flu in Ringgold, Ga. Rev. Boyd is William H. Boyd and he died after preaching a sermon on Sunday, went to lie down & died of Heart attack I have much more. I also have info on Hopson Boyd's line but I have to look & see if I have proof for you on that one. ... Did you know that Rev. William H. Boyd is the son of Hopson Boyd and Martha Patsy Blackwell. He was born on 1849. They called him "Billy". ... some of the sons of Hopson Boyd & Martha Blackwell were in the same Company K, 43rd Regiment, Ga. as Capt. John Rives. I believe 4 of them lost their lives in war."
696. Claiborne Thweatt Smith, Jr., “The Thweatt Family,” The Southside Virginian, volume 7, Jan 1989, pages 19-29,
698. Sybil McRay, The TIMES, Gainesville, GA, 2 Jun 1974.
''Valentine Warren Family here before 1820, Valentine Warren moved to Hall County prior to 1820 and settled in Yellow Creek area near Murrayville. He was enumerated in the 1820 Census of Hall County, and he and his wife, Mary, are listed on the Membership Roll of the Yellow Creek Baptist Church. Valentine Warren Joined the Church by Letter February 19, 1825 and his Death is given as 1832. Mary also Joined the Church by Letter on the Same day as her Husband, and a Letter was Granted to her Dec 15, 1832. Valentine Warren According to Family Records, was married to Mary Whilchey, or Whilcher. The Name could have been Whelchel. Many Members of The Whelchel Family migrated to Hall County from South Carolina in the 1820's. The Warrens were parents of Nine Children:
1 Ann Warren, born May 7, 1799. Her Marriage to George Barnwell is recorded in Hall County on June 24, 1819. The 1850 Census of Hall County enumerates The Family: George Barnwell age 55 born North Carolina; A (Ann) age 51 born Ga, J (or T) P (male) age 21 born Ga, P. (male) age 19, L.A. (female) born Ga, E.J. (Female) age 12, Valentine T age 14, A.T. (Female) age 9; Living in The Home with Ann and George was Jane Rigins (Or Ragans) age 94,Widow. Jane is Probably the Widow of Buckner Ragan who was Living in Jackson County around 1800 and listed as joining the Yellow Creek Church by Letter Aug 14, 1830 and died There soonafter. It is assumed that Jane is Connected with the Family by Kinship to Either Ann Warren or George Barnwell, Probably to The Barnwells. Ann Warren Barnwell is buried in the Yellow Creek Church Cemetery.Her Headstone states that she died May 22, 1877.
2. Mary Warren daughter of Valentine and Mary Warren, was married in Hall County Nov 12, 1802 to Mark Castleberry (or Castlebury). The Family Moved to Dade County, Florida.
3. Elizabeth Warren, daughter of Valentine and Mary Warren, was married to The Reverend John Edward Rives. The License was issued in Hall County dated April 30,1824, and was returned by David Tallant J.P. and date of execution of marriage was Not given. The Marriage has been found recorded in Lumpkin County,Records.Children of John Edward Rives and Elizabeth Warren were Lucinda Prudence, born July 1825, John Forsyth born about 1827 Dorinda Caroline, Thomas Valentine, Jane, William Rufus, Burwell Edward, Mary S, and James Rives. Elizabeth Warren Rives is Buried in Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery Dawson County. There are No Dates inscribed on her Headstone: however there is a Inscription "Married to Jackie Rives, 1824".
4. Jane Warren daughter of Valentine and Mary Warren, was married in Hall County to E.H Collins on Feb 4 1836. Jane's Brother in Law J.E. Rives was The Officiating Minister (This is Edly Collins).
5. William Warren, son of Valentine and Mary Warren, was married in Hall County to Sarah Robertson on Sept 28 1839. Sarah Robertson was Probably the daughter of Peter Robertson.
6. Sarah Warren daughter of Valentine and Mary Warren, was married to William Kanady in Hall County on Feb 12, 1841. The Family soon after the marriage to Tazewell County, Va, where the Kanady Children were born. In 1870, after the Death of William Kanady and the Deaths of Husbands of her Daughters, Sarah and The Four daughters were aboard one of The Trains that left for the West. All The Ladies were widows at this time. The Mother and Daughters settled in Salt Lake Utah, One Daughter attended Medical School while her Mother Cared for the Small children. Sarah Warren Kanady lived with her Daughter Mary Elizabeth until she died in 1881. (I have a Copy of The Medical License somewhere but do not know where it is at This time).
7. Frances Warren Daughter of Valentine and Mary Warren, was married to Thomas Duning (denning) on Dec 28 1841 J.E. Rives, Husband of Elizabeth Warren was the Officiating Minister. (this is Ours).
8. Valentine Warren Jr son of Valentine and Mary Warren, was married to Serena C Baker Feb 24 1841 in Hall County.The Officiating Minister was J.E. Rives, The 1860 Census of Hall County 575th District P.O Wooleysford, enumerates: V.T. Warren age 37 Farmer born Georgia. Evidently, Serena was dea by This date. The Children Living in The Household were: Wm. V age 17, Mary F age 14, Marion P age 12, Thomas J age 10, and Sarah J age 8 Living in The Household was the mother Mary Warren age 77 born in Georgia,another marriage is recorded in Hall County Sept 16 1861 of V Thorton Warren to Dorcas L Alman. This could be the second Marriage of the Son of Valentine Sr and Mary Warren.
9. Posey Warren son of Valentine and Mary Warren. No Record of his marriage in Hall County Evidently Migrated West."
703. “St. Stephens Episcopal Church Records,” San Luis Obispo, CA,
706. “Obituary for Thelma Wright,” Athens Daily News, Athens, GA, 3 Feb 2000,
"Thelma Wright. Cornelia. Thelma Wright, 83, died Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2000. A native of Arkansas, Ms. Wright was a daughter of the late Alexander and Lena Crumley Wright. She was retired from Carwood Manufacturing Co. and was a member of Cornelia First United Methodist Church. Services will be at 2 p.m. today at McGahee-Griffin & Stewart Funeral Home, Cornelia, with the Revs. Marcus Martin and Robert L. Ramsey officiating. Burial will be in Enon Baptist Church cemetery. Survivors include cousins. Athens Daily News, Thursday, Feb. 3, 2000."
707. “Obituary for Thelma Wright,” Banks County News, Homer, GA, 9 Feb 2000.
"MISS WRIGHT. Cornelia UMC member. CORNELIA - Miss Thelma Wright, 83, died Tuesday, February 1, 2000, at her residence following an extended illness. Born in Arkansas, Miss Wright lived most of her life in Habersham County. She was a daughter of the late Alexander and Lena Crumley Wright. Miss Wright was retired from Carwood Manufacturing Co. and was a member of Cornelia First United Methodist Church. Funeral services were held Thursday, February 3, in the chapel of McGahee-Griffin & Stewart Funeral Home, Cornelia, with the Revs. Marcus Martin and Robert L. Ramsey officiating. Burial was in the Enon Baptist Church cemetery. Miss Wright is survived by a number of cousins. McGahee-Griffin & Stewart Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. The Banks County News, February 9, 2000."
708. “San Antonio, Bexar, TX death certificate for J. R. Rives,” 2 Feb 1946, San Antonio, Bexar, TX, 6238,
709. “San Antonio, Bexar, TX death certificate for Eugenia M. Rives,” 19 Jun 1941, San Antonio, Bexar, TX, 25636,
710. “Henrico, VA will for Thomas Goode.”
Henrico, VA Wills & Deeds 1714-1718, p. 269 - Will of Thomas Goode of
Henrico Parish. To brother John Goode, 100 acres joining my brother's at "Whitby" and negro Abraham. To brother Joseph Goode, 100 acres, being paret of 1/2 of land given to John, negro boy Ned, clothes, etc. If Joseph die, my sister Anne to possess the 100 acres, etc. All the rest to brother John, and he to be executor.
Dated 31 May 1718. Wit: John Green, John Wiley, Mary Wiley, John Levingston
Recorded 7 July 1718.
(Source: Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia, Part One, 1654-1737,
Abstracted and Compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger, III.)
712. “1880 Mills River, Henderson, NC Federal Census - Rebecca Allison,”
714. “1880 District 4, Sequatchie, TN Federal Census - William Byrd,”
718. “1880 Burningtown, Macon, NC Federal Census - William F. Byrd,”
724. “Forest Park Cemetery, Houston, Harris, TX,”
725. “FL divorces,” 1927-2001.
726. “Obituary for Milton Doyle Cook,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 27 Apr 2009.
“Milton Doyle Cook, 72, of Bowersville died Saturday. Funeral, 11 a.m. Tuesday, Canon Baptist Church; Pruitt Funeral Home”
727. “Obituary for Frances Cook Grizzle,” Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 2 May 2004.
"Mrs. Frances Cook Grizzle, 78, of Roswell passed away on Saturday, May 1, 2004 at St. Joseph Hospital. Mrs. Grizzle was a native and life long resident of Roswell. She retired from the Fulton County School System, where she worked for 11 years, and also retired from the Roswell Manufacturing Co. where she worked for 30 years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hollis T. Grizzle. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Ruby C. Hamilton of Marietta and Mrs. Edna C. Jinks of Roswell. Several nieces, nephews and cousins also survive. Funeral services will be held on Monday, May 3 at 2:00 p.m. in the funeral home chapel. Rev. Carl Jameson and Rev. Laura Parker officiating. Entombment Green Lawn Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Sunday from 2 until 4 and 6 until 8 p.m. at Northside Chapel Funeral Directors, 12050 Crabapple Rd., Roswell, 770-645-1414."
728. “Obituary for Hollis T. Grizzle,” Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 28 Aug 2004, page C8,
"Hollis T. Grizzle, 74, WWII veteran, Roswell mechanic. Date: August 28, 1997. For 40 years, Hollis T. Grizzle kept cars moving in Roswell. An auto mechanic and decorated veteran, Mr. Grizzle operated a service station and worked on cars at a garage at his Roswell residence. Mr. Grizzle, 74, died Saturday of cancer at North Fulton Regional Medical Center. The funeral was Tuesday. Northside Chapel Funeral Directors was in charge of arrangements. A one-time drag racer, Mr. Grizzle operated Grizzle Service Station, a Standard Oil dealer on the corner of Roswell Road."
730. “1880 Decatur, Washington, OH Federal Census - Thomas J. Newell,”
731. “Marcus J. Newell obituary,” Parkersburg News, Parkersburg, Wood, WV, 11-Sep-1931, p. 3, 13-Sep-1931, p. 4, microfilm, WV Archives and History Library, 06-Jun-2003.
732. “Thomas J. Newell obituary,” Parkersburg News, Parkersburg, Wood, WV, 24 Feb 1932, page 6, microfilm, WV Archives and History Library, 06 Jun 2003.
733. “1987 letter from Marion and Newell Denver Fish to Don Braffitt,” Tempe, Maricopa, AZ.
Includes a copy of a 21-Sep-1980 letter from Marion Fish.
735. “1880 District 38, Grayson, VA Federal Census - Coonrod Grubb,”
742. “1880 District 38, Grayson, VA Federal Census - John H. Ward,”
743. “Obituary for Raymond A. Pullins, Jr.,” Lancaster Eagle-Gazette, Lancaster, Fairfield, OH, 19 Sep 1984,
"Raymond A. Pullins Jr., 63, of 410 N. Granville St., Baltimore, died this morning in Veterans Administration Center, Dayton. A veteran of World War II, he was a member of Baltimore VFW No. 3761, and the United Brethren Church. He is survived by his wife, Harriet; daughter, Rhonda Pullins, Baltimore, four sons, Rollin (Butch), Robert, Richard and Randall Pullins, all of Baltimore; eight grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Kenneth (Dorothy) Chaney, Pomeroy; a brother, Donald Pullins, Columbus; serveral nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Rachel Pullins, in 1958. Service tentatively has been arranged for Friday at the Johnson-Smith Funeral Home, Baltimore. Friends may call 2-4 and 7-9 pm Thursday at the funeral home."
744. Nathan Arnold, “Email from Nathan Arnold to Don Braffitt,” 30 Aug 2001.
"Hello... My name is Nathan Arnold... I saw the info on the Will Family... I felt I should give you what I have on them... I live on the farm next to Mt. Hermon Church here in Meigs County, OH near where many of the Wills still live.
Birth Date: December 1866
Death Date: 1951
Burial Place: Mt. Hermon Cemetery Meigs Co., Ohio
Spouse: Matilda Susan WILL
Birth Date: January 5, 1866
Death Date: 1942
Burial Place: Mt. Hermon Cemetery Meigs Co., Ohio
Spouse Father: Moses WILL (1820-1894)
Spouse Mother: Susannah HEATON (1826-1904)
Marriage Date: October 26, 1887
Marriage Place: Meigs County, OH
Children: Raymond Adair
Lawrence W.
(2) 1.1 Raymond Adair PULLINS
Birth Date: January 3, 1891
Death Date: April 1965
Spouse: Addie Alice WOLFE
Birth Date: March 4, 1897
Death Date: May 1983
Spouse Father: GEORGE WOLF (1869-1916)
Spouse Mother: MARY HANNAH POOLER (1874-1906)
Children: Dorothy Alice
Donna Jean
(3) 1.1.1 Dorothy Alice PULLINS
Spouse: Kenneth Eugene CHANEY
Spouse Father: Frank CHANEY
Spouse Mother: Letha WILL
Children: Kenda Kay
William Eugene
(4) Kenda Kay CHANEY
Spouse: Stephen Wayne WILLIAMS
Spouse Father: Elbert WILLIAMS
Spouse Mother: Alice HARRISON
(4) William Eugene CHANEY
(3) 1.1.2 Raymond PULLINS
Spouse: Harriet BEARHS
Spouse Father: Rollin L. BEARHS (1900-1977)
Spouse Mother: Mabel BOLIN (1897-1983)
Children: Rhonda Sue
(4) Rhonda Sue PULLINS
(3) 1.1.3 Donald PULLINS
Spouse: Anna GLAZE
(3) 1.1.4 Donna Jean PULLINS
(2) 1.2 Lawrence W. PULLINS
Birth Date: July 18, 1889
Birth Place: Ohio
Death Date: April 1966"
746. J. B. Boodie, Historical Southern Families, 1960, volume IV.
747. “1880 Crooked Creek, McDowell, NC Federal Census - Joseph Banning,”
750. “1880 Mills River, Henderson, NC Federal Census - Banning/Swayngame,”
752. “1880 Mills River, Henderson, NC Federal Census - Thomas Allison,”
753. “1880 Mills River, Henderson, NC Federal Census - Rufus Banning,”
755. “NH marriages,” 1659-1947.
756. “MI marriages,” 1867-1952.
757. “Will of John Mason Fullwood,” 11 Oct 1843, Mecklenburg, NC, book H, page 140,
759. “1880 Crooked Creek, McDowell, NC Federal Census - Thomas Banning,”
760. “SC marriages,” 1911-1951.
763. “1880 Hendersonville, Henderson, NC Federal Census - John Baning,”
766. “VA divorces 1918-2014.”
767. “Mount Liberty Cemetery, Cutler, Washington, OH,”
768. “Obituary for Janice M. Braffet,” The Oregonian, Portland, Multnomah, OR, 5 Oct 2005.
"Janice M. Braffet. Wednesday, October 05, 2005. A gathering will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2005, in the recreation hall of Wood Village Mobile Home Park for Janice M. Braffet, who died Oct. 2 at age 66. Janice Hedger was born Oct. 28, 1938, in Halliday, N.D. She had lived in Wood Village since 1980. She was a homemaker. In 1980, she married Virgil; he died in the mid-1990s. Survivors include her sons, Tim Reinhardt and Dan Reinhardt; daughter, Pam Jerkins; eight grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. Remembrances to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Arrangements by American Burial."
769. “OR marriages,” 1906-1924, 1906-2009, 1946-2008.
770. “OR divorces,” 1961-1985.
771. “Obituary for Buren Clinton Byrd,” 1 May 1940, Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, UT.
File: BurenByrd1940
773. “Obituary for Forrest L. Hoilman,” The Franklin Press, Franklin, Macon, NC, 09-Oct-1958,
775. “1910-1911 Gray R. Swerer,” 47 Ind. App. 3S4,
"Gray R. Swerer — 47 Ind. App. 3S4. From Probate Court of Marion County (8517) ; Frank B. Ross, Judge. Proceeding by Olive Swerer and others against John F. Gray and others. From an order for plaintiffs, defendants appeal. Affirmed. LecHider & Mgers and Harrg A. Fenton, for appellants. Frank B. Jaqua, for appellees. ADAMS, J. — Isaac P. Gray died testate on February 14, 1895, leaving surviving him his widow, Eliza J. Gray, and his two sons, Pierre and Bayard Gray. Pierre Gray died testate on November 2-rt; 1907, leaving no children, bnt leaving a widow, mother and brother. Eliza J. Gray died on February 13, 1908, testate as to her personal property and intestate as to her real estate. Bayard Gray was the sole heir and legatee of Eliza J. Gray, and was appointed administrator with the will annexed of her estate. Bayard Gray died intestate on May 24, 1908, leaving surviving him no children, widow, father or mother, grandfather or grandmother, brothers or sisters, and no heirs at law either in the ascending or descending line, bnt left as his only heirs at law a maternal aunt and certain maternal and paternal cousins. After the death of Bayard Gray, Benjamin E. Hinshaw was appointed administrator de bonis nnn with the will annexed of the estate of Eliza J. Gray, and Edwin S. Jaqua was appointed administrator of the estate of Bayard Gray. At the date of the death of Eliza J. Gray she was the owner of certain household goods, bank stock, notes and accounts and an uncollected legacy bequeathed to her by the will of her son, Pierre Gray. Such property came into the hands of Hinshaw, administrator, and after collecting the notes, accounts and legacy, upon order of the Probate Court of Marion County, said administrator sold the household goods and bank stock. Said Hinshaw, administrator, on February 10, 1910, turned over to the administrator of the estate of Bayard Gray the sum of $7,263.75. This cause arises upon a petition by the maternal heirs of Bayard Gray for an order of the Probate Court of Marion County directing the distribntion of a portion of their shares in the estate of Bayard Gray in advance of final settlement. Said petition shows that Hinshaw, administrator, prior to the payment of said $7,263.75 to the administrator of the estate of Bayard Gray, had sold the bank stock for $6,600, the household property for $1,263.75, had collected notes and accounts amounting to $1,292, and a legacy bequeathed to decedent by her deceased son, in the sum of $1,362.33, all of which personal property was owned by said Eliza J. Gray at her decease, and that no part of it ever came to Bayard Gray by gift, devise or descent from any other person or source; that no part of said personal property or funds has ever been reinvested, or in any manner changed by said administrator, bnt consists of the identical personal property and funds aforesaid. It is also shown by the petition that the administrator of the estate of Bayard Gray has in his hands, over and above the sum of $7,263.75, more than one-third of the assets of said estate with which to pay all of the debts of said decedent. The petitioners further claim that they are entitled to receive said money, as the maternal heirs of said Bayard Gray, in the several amounts set ont in the petition. ..."
779. “1920 Burningtown, Macon, NC Federal Census,” 15 Jan 1920,
780. “Obituary for James A. McGaha,” Gaston Gazette, Gastonia, Gaston, NC, 5 Dec 2003,
"12/5/2003 James A. McGaha. GASTONIA — James "Mr. Jim" Andrew McGaha, 98, died Dec. 2, 2003, at Century Care of Gastonia. He was born Dec. 2, 1905, in Franklin, son of the late Rufus McGaha and Alice Byrd McGaha. FUNERAL: 11 a.m. Saturday, Woodlawn Baptist Church, Lowell. INTERMENT: Gaston Memorial Park. VISITATION: 6-8 tonight, Greene Funeral Service, South Chapel. Charter member and oldest membr of Woodlawn Baptist Church. Member of original building committee. Sunday School Superintendent, Deacon, custodian and had perfect attendance for Sunday School for 53 years. Past Scoutmaster for 42 years, Troop 47, Lowell. Recipient of the Silver Beaver Award. SURVIVORS: Wife of 70 years, Doris Titman McGaha; Sons and daughters-in-law, Roger and Gail, Allen and Ginger McGaha, Gastonia; Daughter-in-law, Shirley McGaha, Marietta, Ga.; Daughters and sons-in-law, Lynda and Cecil Dail, Kinston, NC, Myra and Larry Black, Dallas; sister, Moena Swing, Lexington; 14 Grandchildren and 18 Great-grandchildren. PRECEDED IN DEATH BY: Son, James “Jimmy” McGaha; Brothers, Jesse, Verl and Felton McGaha; Sisters, Novella Hedrick, Adlee Fullbright and Eula Smith. OFFICIATING CLERGY: Rev. Dr. Marc Francis. MEMORIALS: Woodlawn Baptist Church Building Fund, 1101 N. Main St., Lowell, NC 28098"
782. Ruby Smith Gilliand, The Brookhart Family,
Includes details from the bible of Rev. John Brookhart.
783. William L. Wells, “Ancestral File - John Brookhart and Lydia Christeana Barrows,”
787. “1880 New Paris, Preble, OH Federal Census - Barton W. Swerer,”
790. Janna Hall, “Henry Flick/Fleek of Pennsylvania and Virginia,” 14 Oct 2003,
794. “Bethel Cemetery,” Addison, Gallia, OH,
795. “Ancestral File - Thomas Westlake and Mary Bracee,”
797. “CT births,” 1649-1906.
802. John Wellman, “Email from John Wellman to Don Braffitt on Will/Grimm/Faehnle Families,” 22 Apr 2001.
"My Great uncle Faehnle married Viola Will, and my great aunt Margaret Grimm married Jonas Will. Although the Will line is out of my direct line I had wondered how they connected? I see on your chart that Viola's father Moses and Jonas are brothers. Thanks for sharing this with us. Do you have any information on Jonas Will family. I do have there children, this is all I have on this family, Viola Will who married Faehnle, had one child, Freda Faehnle, Frida did not marry and died in 1977 so this is the end of this line. If you know anyone that I can contact to get information on Jonas Will and Margaret Grimm family please let me know. Thanks Jack Wellman Cincinnati. OH."
803. “Crumly Chapel Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions,” 1858-1966, Birmingham, Jefferson, AL, Robert S. Glasgow, Jr., Acton Printing Co.
804. Bennie Catherine Mellown, Memoirs of a Pre-Civil War Community.
Includes Civil War letters from Ben N. Crumly to his wife Arabella Crumly.
806. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, 1819, volume 1, page 117,
808. “1880 Township 8, Beat 6, DeKalb, AL Federal Census - William Allen,”
809. “Crumley Genealogy Forum - Hannah Crumley and William G. Allen,” 2002,
815. “Coosa Cemetery, Blairsville, Union, GA,”
818. Angie Wheeler, “Email from Angie Wheeler to Don Braffitt,” 5 Mar 2007.
819. “Tweatt - Fonda Flax Carroll Genealogy in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio and South Carolina,” 2014,
822. “Obituary for Dewitt Edwin Blackwell,” The Times Picayune, New Orleans, Orleans, LA, 10 Feb 2005,
''004857 Blackwell - Dewitt Edwin Blackwell On Monday, February 7, 2005. Beloved Husband Of Vivian Wells Blackwell Of 56 Years. Father Of Michael Blackwell, Nancy B. Gilbertson And The Late Debbie Blackwell. Father-In-Law Of Sue Blackwell And Todd Gilbertson. Brother Of Eloise Pope, The Late Monte And Hubert Blackwell. Survived By Four Grandchildren, Several Nieces And Nephews, Extended Family Members Ellen, Eric, Lily And Katie Overmyer, Also His Granddog Abby. Age 82 Years, A Native Of Atlanta, Ga And A Resident Of New Orleans, La For The Past 55 Years. Relatives And Friends Of The Family Are Invited To Attend A Memorial Service At Woodland Presbyterian Church, 5824 Berkley Drive, Algiers On Friday, February 11, 2005 At 11:00 Am. A Private Interment Will Follow. In Lieu Of Flowers, Donations To Friends Of City Park And Algiers Regional Library Are Preferred. Mothe Funeral Homes In Charge Of Arrangements. Times Picayune 02-10-2005"
823. Robert Van Blackwell, “Robert Blackwell Descendants VA 1645, NC, SC, GA .1620-Now,” 1996,
825. “Obituary for Herbert H. "Blackie" Blackwell,” Charlotte Observer, Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC, 25 Aug 1995, page 6C, Copy made 11-Feb-2006 by Joan Raney,
826. “Obituary for Joan Glenn,” The Sun, Bremerton, Kitsap, WA, 15 Jul 2000,
"Joan Glenn. Former Poulsbo resident Joan Stanley Glenn, 72, of Indianola, died of cancer July 12, 2000, at Harrison Hospital. She was born May 8, 1928, in Vancouver, B.C., to Harry B. and Jean E. (Wheeler) Schofield. She married Henry B. Glenn on October 30, 1945, in Seattle. Mrs. Glenn worked as a dental assistant in Kingston and a claims manager and physician's representative for King County Medical in Seattle. She retired in 1981. She enjoyed traveling with friends and family. Survivors include her husband; two daughters, Kathryn Gates of Bend, Ore., and Marguerite Norbut of Kingston; two brothers, John and David Schofield, both of Seattle; seven grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. At her request there will be no services. Memorial donations may be made to Indianola Land Trust, P.O. Box 361, Indianola, WA 98342."
828. “1880 Decatur, Washington, OH Federal Census - Andrew J. Fish,”
832. Patti Schaefer, “25-Jul-2003 email from Patti Schaefer to Don Braffitt,” 25 Jul 2003.
''I show Henry Dill Gifford as date of death: 5 May 1901 at Woodville, Bingham County, Idaho and buried at Rose Hill Cemetery, Woodville, Bingham County, Idaho. Alpheus Gifford ... died at Morely, Hancock, Illinois... I have traced my roots through Almira Ann Braffett back to the beginning of time. I have traced Henry Dill Gifford back to Fornjotur, King in Kvenland - b 0160. I've been working for 4 years on this…''
836. Ancestral File - Cobb Family,
"Includes ancestors of Rachel Cobb in NJ, MA, England, and Wales including surnames Cobb, Smith, Robinson, Hackett, Williams, Haskins, Penniman, Watson, Savie, Eliot/Elliott, Tottle, Alger/Aggar, Gibson, Sayer, Gedge, Sheppey, Dighton/Deighton, Woodward, Bassett/Basset, Theobald, Lygon, Wykys, Smyth, Morgan, Hywell, Button, Madog, Llywelyn, Rhun, Ieuan, Gronwy, Aron, LLywarch, Bledri, Thomas, Gruffudd, Cromwell, Ashe, Spencer, Dairs/Davies, Gwynne, Harewell, de Bitton/Bytton/Button, de Furneaux/Forneaux/Furnellis, de Ralegh, le Tort, Boteler, Fitzwilliam, Reigny"
838. “Monroe, MI obituary search,”
840. “MI deaths,” 1867-1995, 1897-1929, 1921-1952.
841. “1880 Blairsville, Union, GA Federal Census - Thos. H. Hughes,”
842. Emmet R. White, Revolutionary War soldiers of Western North Carolina: Burke County, volume 1, TX State Library,
844. “Obituary for Katherine Bryson Moffitt,” Shelby Star, Shelby, NC, 1999.
"Katherine Moffitt. ASHEVILLE - Mrs. Katherine Bryson Moffitt, 80, of 28 Marlowe Drive, died Thursday, Nov. 4, 1999, at Victoria Health Care Center. A native of Jackson County, she had lived most of her life in Asheville. She was the daughter of the late Thomas "Carter" Bryson and Cordelia Rabb Bryson. She retired from CTS Corp. She was preceded in death in 1967 by her husband, Flake Shannon Moffitt; and in 1985 by her son, George Shannon Moffitt. She is survived by two sons, Garry Moffitt of Asheville and Steven Moffitt and his wife, Beverly, of Cherryville; a brother, Sid Oliver Bryson of Morganton; and three grandsons, Shawn Ryan Moffitt of Clearwater, Fla., and Bradley Steven Moffitt and Bryan Vincent Moffitt of Cherryville. A graveside service will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Enka, with Dr. Ian Walker officiating. The family will receive friends at Chapel of Faith from 1:30 to 3 p.m. before the service. Forest Lawn Funeral Home of Enka is in charge of arrangements."
845. “1880 Montford, McDowell, NC Federal Census - William Moffitt,”
847. “Harmony Grove Cemetery, McDowell, NC,”
852. “SC births,” 1766-1900.
854. “1880 Decatur, Washington, OH Federal Census - Daniel Newell,”
861. “Bethel United Methodist Church, Old Fort, McDowell, NC,”
"From Main Street in Old Fort, turn at light - the Arrowhead -, go approximately 1 1/2 miles, turn right onto Bat Cave Road. Go approx. 3 miles, on this road. You will see church sign on right. Cemetery is behind Church."
862. “1880 Crooked Creek, McDowell, NC Federal Census - Julius L. Bird,”
863. “Belpre, Washington, OH death certificate for Frank Fish,” 1 Jan 1936, Belpre, Washington, OH, 6772,
864. “1880 Johnson, Scotland, MO Federal Census - John Brookheart,”
868. Mary Anne Pierson, “Descendants of William Biram,”
871. Jane Osborne Jones, “Email from Jane Osborne Jones to Don Braffitt on the family of Lucius Tweed Collins and Sarah Ezelda Newell,” 4 Sep 2010.
872. “Keno, Meigs, OH school picture,” 1903.
Picture of the Keno, Meirgs, OH School 1903 - Copy of photo given by Norman Will to Doris Will 1999 Includes 5 siblings: NEWELL, Elva Mary Jesse Esta Nora and their 1st cousin COLLINS, Turner (Fred)
875. “Meigs, OH will for Theresa Radford,” 12 Aug 1892,
876. “Wills Early Records Hampshire, VA,” 929.3 H2315C2, in WV archives,
31-Jul-1816 FLEEK, Henry Sr.
09-Sep-1825 BROOKHART, Rhody Signed by Samuel RICHARDS and Joseph TREVETT
29-Jan-1828 FLEEK, Peter Signed by or mentions Rachel SPEMAN, Peter FLEEK, John SPEMAN
06-Nov-1833 FLEEK, Susan Signed by or mentions Jonathan SAMS and Warrick MARTIN
877. “Cragg Family History,”
Aug-2003 emails from Nita Drummond Cragg to Don Braffitt, "I am descended through Abraham Coler's son Charles Brookhart, then Francis Warren Brookhart, then my mother Mayme Elaine Brookhart Drummond... Abraham (Abaram) Colar Brookhart, b. 26 Mar 1796 at Hampshire Co., Virginia, died in Scotland Co., Missouri on 21 Mar 1875; m. in Athens Co., Ohio to Elizabeth Decker on 14 Feb 1824. She was b. 8 Mar 1802 in New York and died in Prospect Grove,(This area no longer appears on maps) Scotland Co., Missouri on 10 Apr 1871. Abram Colar and wife Elizabeth are buried in the Mt. Moriah Cemetery, Scotland Co., Missouri. They were the parents of nine children. 1. Henry, 2. Sylvanus, 3. Sally Ann, 4., Nancy, 5. Brewer D., 6. Samuel Dutton, 7. Charles L., 8. Moses D., and 9. Abram Colar... There will be a Brookhart Reunion in Macomb, IL 10-Aug-2003. It has been held in that area for many years because my mother's sister lived there and kept it going long after the MO Brookhart Reunion died out."
881. “1880 Mills River, Henderson, NC Federal Census - Alex Swayngame,”
883. “Norman C. Will obituary,” 5 Apr 2004,
"Norman C. Will, 91 Rutland passed away on Monday, April 5, 2004 at Overbrook Center, Middleport. He was born in Chester, OH. on March 1, 1913 son of the late Galen Oderkirk and Elva V. Will. He was retired from the International Brotherhood of Electrical workers. He was a self employed Locksmith and handy-man to all. He was a member of the Democratic Central Committee, Past Master of Harrisonville Masonic Lodge #411, Past Worthy Patron of Harrisonville Order of Eastern Star, Grange, and the Farm Bureau. He was a member of the Dexter Church of Christ where he served as Church Superintendent. In addition to his parents, he was preceded by: Step Mother Mary Will, Son Dean K. Will, Infant Daughter at birth, Sister and Brother in law Ruth and Richard Smith, Brothers Emile, Pearl Lee and Galen Will [sic]. He is survived by Wife of 66years: Allegra Will, Rutland Daughter: Donna (Vance) Higgins, Orient, OH. Sons: Duane (Brenda) Will, Pt Pleasant, WV. Dan (Linda) Will, Pomeroy, OH. Daughter in law: Dottie Will (wife of Dean) Jacksonville, FL. Sister: Alta (Keith) Casdorph, Columbus, OH. Brother: Kirk (Martha) Will, Yakima, Washington. Grandsons: Jeff (Kelly) Zeller, Delaware, OH. Todd (Sandy) Zeller, Cheboygan, Michigan. David Will, Pt Pleasant, WV. Great Grandchildren: Hogan, Holden and Zachery Zeller. Sister in law: Doris Will, Charleston, WV. Freda Will, Columbus, OH. Several Nieces and Nephews. Services will be held at 3pm on Thursday April 8, 2004 at Fisher Funeral Home in Pomeroy with Rev. Roger Watson officiating. Burial will follow in Meigs Memory Gardens in Pomeroy. Friends may call, at the funeral home, on Wednesday April 7, 2004 from 2-4 & 6-8p.m. and 1 hour prior to the services on Thursday. Masonic Services will be conducted at 8P.M. on Wednesday."
884. “Obituary for David Keith Casdorph,” Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, Franklin, OH, 22 Jan 2005,,
"CASDORPH David Keith Casdorph, age 81, of Columbus, died Thursday, January 20, 2005 at Traditions at Mill Run. Retired Computer Systems Analyst at DCSC. He was born February 9, 1923 in Charleston, West Virginia to the late David W. and Viletta Brightwell Casdorph. Survived by wife, Alta Mae Casdorph; brothers, Kermit W. and Benson D. (Ruthie) Casdorph; brothers-in-law, Galen (Freda) Will and Kirk (Martha) Will; sister-in-law, Doris Will; several nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. He was Elder Emeritus and Member of Indianola Church of Christ and its Kum Double Sunday School Class. Member of Beekeepers' Association and owner of Dave's Honey which won many Best of Show awards at the state and county level. U.S. Army Veteran of World War II where he served in the Fighting 69th Infantry Division of the 1st Army in Germany in 1944 to 1945. Funeral Service 4 p.m. Sunday, January 23, 2005 at RUTHERFORD FUNERAL HOME, 2383 North High Street, Columbus, where friends may call from 2-4 p.m. prior to the service. Lloyd Selby and Tim Lueking officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to PMCC of Northern Luzon, c/o Indianola Church of Christ, 2141 Indianola Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201. The family gives special thanks to the loving staff of Traditions at Mill Run for their kindness, care and support."
886. “Obituaries for Richard H. Smith and Ruth Smith,” Columbus Dispatch, 24 Nov 1999,
"SMITH Richard H. "Dick" Smith, 79, of Holiday, Fla., died Friday, 11/19/99 in auto accident in Volusia County, along with his wife, Ruth. He was born in Columbus and moved to Holiday from Columbus in 1994. He was a retired Buyer for Metal Forging Co., Columbus after 30 years of service. He was a member of the Holiday Christian Church and was a volunteer and van driver at Sunshine State Christian Home in Holiday. He is survived by 2 daughters, Susan Kay Bloor, Fenton, Mo. and Kathryn L. Poorman, Spring, Tex.; 4 grandchildren. THOMAS B. DOBIES FUNERAL HOME, Holiday, Fla. SMITH Ruth Smith, 80, of Holiday, Fla., died Friday, 11/19/99 in auto accident in Volusia County, along with her husband, Dick. She was born in Meigs County, Oh. and moved to Holiday from Columbus in 1994. She was a homemaker and a member of Holiday Christian Church and a volunteer at Sunshine State Christian Home in Holiday. She is survived by 2 daughters, Susan Kay Bloor, Fenton, Mo. and Kathryn L. Poorman, Spring, Tex.; 3 brothers, Norman Will, Rutland, Oh., Kirk Will, Yakima, Wash. and Galen Will, Columbus; 1 sister, Alta Mae Casdorph, Columbus; 4 grandchildren. THOMAS B. DOBIES FUNERAL HOME, Holiday, Fla."
887. “Obituary for Galen C. Will,” Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, Franklin, OH, 27 Jun 2008,;PersonID=112319985,
"Galen C. Will. WILL Galen C. Will, age 81, went to be with his Lord Wednesday, June 25, 2008. He was born January 1, 1927, near Pomeroy, Oh., to Galen Oderkirk and Elva Will. Galen graduated from Rutland High School and attended Marshall College. He worked for the C&O Railroad in Huntington, W.Va., served in the Air Force during the Korean War and retired from ODOT as a computer operator. He attended Indianola Church of Christ and was a member of Harrisonville Masonic Lodge #411. He is survived by his loving wife of 44 years, Freda (Epple) Will; and the joy of his life, his 2 children, Stephen (Kelly) Will and Jennifer Will. He is also survived by his sister, Alta Casdorph of Hilliard, Oh.; brother, Kirk (Martha) Will of Yakima, Wash.; sister-in-law, Doris; many nieces, nephews, and loving in-laws he loved and enjoyed. He is preceded in death by brothers Emil, Norman (Allegra) and Lee, sister Ruth, brother-in-law Dick Smith and another love of his life, his granddaughter Christina Marie. He enjoyed gardening and helping others. Galen had a great love for God and family. Funeral service 2 p.m. Saturday, June 28, 2008, at RUTHERFORD FUNERAL HOME, 2383 N. High St., Columbus. Friends may call from 12Noon-2 p.m. prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Korean Christian Gospel Mission (Children's Home), c/o Mike Schmidt, P.O. Box 9384, Fresno, Calif. 93792. Published in The Columbus Dispatch on 6/27/2008."
888. “Obituary for Orville O. Will,” Yakima, WA, Aug 2012,
''Orville O. Will January 15, 1917 - July 26, 2012. Orville (Kirk) O. Will, 95 of Yakima died July 26, 2012 in Yakima. He was born January 15, 1917 in Rutland, Ohio. Kirk was raised in rural southern Ohio during the great depression, one of six children. He knew the value of hard work and personal initiative. He worked his way through Ohio State University and was a teacher prior to entering the army in 1941. He married Margaret (Hope) Stephenson prior to shipping out to the Philippines. He served in the Pacific theater during the rest of WWII, and was saved from participating in the invasion of Japan by the Japanese surrender after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The couple moved to Yakima in 1945. Kirk called Yakima home the rest of his long and productive life. The marriage produced three children, but ended in a divorce in the sixties. Kirk later met and married his true love Martha (Marty), and their union lasted 37 years until his death. Kirk was a very skilled carpenter and cabinet maker, but his greatest professional strength was his organizational ability. He served as General Superintendent for REW, Inc. for over thirty years. He was an avid outdoorsman with a special love for fishing. Like many children of the depression, he was a very frugal man with money, but he was equally generous with his time and skill, always ready to help neighbors, friends and family, and that help was substantial, as he knew how to fix, make or grow just about anything. One of Kirk’s other great loves was traveling. He and Marty were able to see the world for over twenty years before his failing health curtailed their adventures. He was preceded in death by three brothers, one sister, and one child (Jane) and is survived by his sister Alta Casdorph, wife Martha, daughter Julie Nickerson (Tom), son Joe Will (Kathy), four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at the Westminster Presbyterian Church 6015 Summitview, Yakima. Visitation will be 3:00p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday & Tuesday August 6th & 7th 2012 at Shaw & Sons Funeral Directors. Interment will follow in Tahoma Cemetery, Yakima.''
889. “Obituary for Alta Mae Casdorph,” Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, Franklin, OH, 10 Jun 2013,,
"Alta Mae Casdorph, age 90, longtime resident of Columbus, died peacefully on Saturday, June 8, 2013. A native of Rutland, OH, Alta graduated Rutland High School in 1940 and went on to business college in Columbus. A lover of math, she worked as an accountant for many years at Owens-Illinois Glass Co, OSU and the Bureau of Unemployment. While attending college, Alta met her future husband, David Keith Casdorph. They wed on July 4, 1944 and had 61 wonderful years. Together they became expert beekeepers. At the height of this career they sold 4500 pounds of honey and 300 pounds of beeswax candles one summer, all from their back porch. Alta and Keith won "Best of Show" seven times at the Ohio State Fair, and five times at the Delaware County Fair, with their honey displays. Alta and Keith were worldwide travelers, members of the Indianola Church of Christ, Kum Double Sunday School and the Beekeepers Association. Preceded in death by husband, Keith, in 2005, parents Oderkirk and Elva Will, brothers Emil, Lee, Norman, Orville and Galen Will, sister Ruth Smith, nephew Dean Will. Survived by loving nieces and nephews, Sue (Bob) Bloor, Kathy (Mark) Poorman, Donna (Vance) Higgins, Becky (Don Braffitt) Will, Duane (Brenda) Will, Joe (Kathy) Will, Julie (Tom) Nickerson, Jerry (Katie) Will, Stephen (Kelly) Will, John Will, Danny (Linda) Will, Diane Will, Jennifer Will, Dottie Will, Cheryl Crigger, Colleen Hamilton, Anita Casdorph, Craig (Kathy) Casdorph, Cinda (Mark) Wickersham, Dave Casdorph; sisters-in-law, Doris Will, Freda Will, and Martha Will; brother-in-law, Ben (Ruthie) Casdorph; many great-nieces and great-nephews. Friends may call from 6-8 p.m. Monday, June 10, 2013 at RUTHERFORD -CORBIN FUNERAL HOME, 515 High Street, Worthington, where Funeral Service will be held 11 a.m. Tuesday, visiting from 10 a.m. until start of service. As an avid Buckeye Fan, Alta would love us to wear our Scarlet and Gray or other bright colors to honor her. Private family interment, Glen Rest Memorial Estate, Reynoldsburg. Special thanks to the compassionate staffs at Emeritus at Pinnacle and National Church Residences at Mill Run for their loving care. Contributions may be made to Indianola Church of Christ in Alta's memory."
890. “16-Jun-2007 Will family picture taken at The Coast restaurant in Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI at the wedding reception for Randy Will and Heather O’Toole.”
891. “Obituary for Sandra Kay Will,” O’Fallon Progress, O’Fallon, IL, 12 Nov 2010.
"Obituary: Sandra K. Will. Sandra Kay Will, nee Cobert, 62, of O’Fallon, born September 18, 1948, in Moline, Ill., died Wednesday evening, Nov. 10 at the de Greeff Hospice House in St. Louis. Sandy graduated from Augustana College in Rock Island, Ill. with a bachelor of arts degree in math and education. She taught school in Dwight, Ill. until her marriage to John gave her the opportunity to travel, living in Europe for three years. They moved to O’Fallon in 1993. Sandy was a well-liked, long-term substitute teacher in O’Fallon. She was a dedicated wife and mother, and a loving daughter, homemaker, and friend. Sandy was generous with her time and talents, as many friends have received her handmade craft and needlework gifts over the years. Sandra Kay Will, nee Cobert, 62, of O’Fallon, born September 18, 1948, in Moline, Ill., died Wednesday evening, Nov. 10 at the de Greeff Hospice House in St. Louis. She was a PMCO of AMOO Caldron in Rock Island, a Deaconess at Broadway Presbyterian Church in Rock Island, and a member of New Creation Presbyterian Church in O’Fallon, where she creatively supported the youth program. Sandy was preceded in death by her father Clifford Jerome Cobert, Sr. Sandy is survived by her husband, John Will, of O’Fallon, whom she married June 20, 1975 in Rock Island, Ill., her mother Lois O. Cobert, nee Gochanour, of Rock Island, Ill., her daughter Stephanie (Chris) Foster of Highlands Ranch, Colo., her son Randy (Heather ) Will of Milwaukee, Wisc., her four younger brothers Clifford (Deb) Cobert, Jr., of East Peoria, Ill., Michael (Sarah "Sally") Cobert of Rock Island, Ill., Steven (Dawn) Cobert of Middleton, Ohio, and Jeffrey Cobert of Rock Island, Ill., and several nieces and nephews whom she dearly loved. Sandy and her family have kindly requested no flowers be sent, but rather memorial donations in honor of Mrs. Will are requested to any cancer research fund or to Dentistry Handicap, Humanitarian Foundation, 430 Beecher Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230. Condolences may be extended to the family by visiting Friends may call from 9 to 11 a.m., Monday, Nov. 15 at New Creation Presbyterian Church, (St. Michael’s Episcopal Church) 111 O’Fallon Troy Rd., O’Fallon. Due to road closures, use N. Seven Hills Rd., then west on O’Fallon Troy Rd. A Celebration of Life service will be held at 11 a.m., Monday, Nov. 15 at the church, with Rev. Dr. Christian Boyd officiating. A simple luncheon will follow in the fellowship hall. Arrangements entrusted to Wolfersberger Funeral Home in O’Fallon."
892. “Obituary for Sandra Kay Will,” Quad-Cities Online, 13 Nov 2010.
"Sandra Will. Sandra Kay Will, nee Cobert, 62, of O'Fallon, Ill., was born Sept. 18, 1948, in Moline, and went home to Jesus on Wednesday evening, Nov. 10, 2010, at the de Greeff Hospice House in St Louis, Mo. A celebration of life service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Wheelan-Pressly Funeral Home, 3030 7th Ave., Rock Island, with the Rev. Don Gibson officiating. A simple luncheon will follow. Friends may call from 10 a.m. to services at the funeral home. Sandy graduated from Augustana College in Rock Island with a B.A. in math and education. She taught junior high in Dwight, Ill., until her marriage to John gave her the opportunity to travel, living in Europe for three years. They moved to O'Fallon in 1993. Sandy was a well-liked, long-term substitute teacher in O'Fallon. She was a dedicated wife and mother and a loving daughter, homemaker and friend. Sandy was generous with her time and talents, as many friends have received her handmade craft and needlework gifts over the years. She was a PMCO of AMOO Caldron in Rock Island, a deaconess at Broadway Presbyterian Church in Rock Island and a member of New Creation Presbyterian Church in O'Fallon, where she creatively supported the youth program. Sandy is survived by her husband, John Will, of O'Fallon, whom she married June 20, 1975, in Rock Island; her mother, Lois O. Cobert, nee Gochanour, of Rock Island; her daughter Stephanie (Chris) Foster, of Highlands Ranch, Colo.; her son, Randy (Heather) Will, of Milwaukee, Wis.; her four younger brothers, Clifford (Deb) Cobert Jr., of East Peoria, Ill., Michael (Sarah "Sally") Cobert, of Rock Island, Steven (Dawn) Cobert, of Middleton, Ohio, and Jeffrey Cobert, of Rock Island; and several nieces and nephews whom she dearly loved. Sandy was preceded in death by her father, Clifford Jerome Cobert Sr. Sandy and her family have kindly requested that no flowers be sent, but rather, memorial donations in honor of Mrs. Will are requested to any cancer research fund or to Dentisty Handicap, Humanitarian Foundation, 430 Beecher Road, Gahanna, OH 43230. Arrangements entrusted to Wheelan-Pressly Funeral Home, Rock Island."
895. “Letter from Georgia Caplinger to Don Braffitt,” 1988.
896. “Belpre, Washington, OH death certificate for Hattie Waterman,” 29 Apr 1940, Belpre, Washington, OH, 28617,
898. Hardesty's Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia, H. H. Hardesty & Co. Publishers, 1883,,,,
"David Radford: deceased - was a native of Ireland, born in County Wicklow, in April, 1815, who came to Meigs county, Ohio, in 1819, with his parents, William and Ellen (Ashworth) Radford. They have both ended their days in this county. In Meigs county, Ohio, November 6, 1839, David Radford was united in marriage with Theresa, daughter of Josiah and Ursula (Hicox) Rice, who settled in this county in 1803. She was born in Meigs county, May 12, 1821, and has lost her parents by death, her father's death occurring in 1870 and her mother's in 1868. Her father was born in Massachusetts, and was a veteran of the 1812 war, and her mother was a native of New York State. The children of Mr. and Mrs. David Radford were three: Sarah E., (Cummings), born August 21, 1840, lives in Bedford township, this county; Electe, November 6, 1842, lives in this township; William H., December 10, 1845, lives in Chester township. William H., served 100 days in the Ohio National Guards, during the 1861 war. December 21, 1861, he married Harriet L., daughter of William and Rachel (Anderson) Smith. Her father, for many years a justice of the peace in Bedford township, this county, was born in Sussex county, New Jersey, March 22, 1798, and died in Meigs county, Ohio, February 19, 1880. Her mother was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, in 1806, and is still living in Bedford township. William H. Radford is township trustee in Chester township, where he is largely engaged in farming. Pomeroy, Meigs county, Ohio, is his post office address."
902. Jennifer Badger, “Email from Jennifer Badger to Don Braffitt,” 29 Mar 2001.
905. “Chester, Meigs, OH death certificate for David Will,” 23 Mar 1913, Meigs, OH.
909. Jim Comstock, Hardesty's 1882 West Virginia Counties, Richmond, WV, 1973, volume 8 - Wood, pages 118-119, 126,
"PARKER FLEAK — and Gincia J. Hall, both born in Wood county, on September 30, 1838, and February 21, 1841, respectively, were united in marriage in Harris district, this county, July 12, 1860, the Rev. Mr. Mills, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, officiating clergyman. The children of this marriage are as follows: William, born June 14, 1861; Parker, October 11, 1862; Amanda, December 31, 1865; Charles, January 14, 1867; Catherine, May 26, 1868; Sammy, November 3, 1869, died January 25, 1875; George W., January 24, 1871, died in 1874; Mary J., December 30, 1872; Hattie E., January 21, 1875, deceased; Julia Ann, April 27, 1876; Docia E., January 7, 1878. Amanda has established herself in a home of her own in this district. The remaining living children are at home with their parents. Mrs. Fleak was the daughter of Silas and Julia Ann (Boso) Hall, well known in this county, where her mother is still living, her father deceased. John and Mary (Sheets) Fleak, parents of Parker, were residents of this county. His mother died here, and his father is living with him. Parker Fleak was a Union soldier in the war of 1861, a member of the 11th West Virginia Volunteers, and bore himself bravely through all the engagements of his regiment. He is now serving as one of the school board, having been for a number of terms one of the school trustees. Mr. Fleak owns and carries on a good farm of over 100 acres in Harris district, receiving his postoffice mail at Belleville, Wood county, West Virginia.
JOHN FLICK — born in Hampshire county, West Virginia, September 30, 1813, settled in Wood county in 1836. In this county he married his present wife. Sarah Ann McClure, who was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, February 6, 1833. They were married February 1, 1866, the Rev. James Buckley, of the South Methodist Church, the officiating clergyman. They have adopted as their son, James Cruse, born September 23, 1868. The father of John Flick, also named John, died in Hampshire county. His mother, Elizabeth (Brookhart) Flick, died in Athens county, Ohio, in April, 1865. Mrs. Flick’s parents were Isaiah and Nancy (Collins) McClure. Her father died June 22, 1861. Mr. Flick’s first marriage was with Mary, daughter of Henry and Mary Sheets, and the children of their marriage were born as follows: Martha C., born July 4, 1834; Parker, September 30, 1838; John, May 17, 1841; William, June 27, 1844; David, May 8, 1847; Mary, April 29, 1849; Elizabeth, April 6, 1853; Emily, August 20, 1855; Cynthia, November 17, 1858, died in 1861; David, September 5, 1863, deceased. Mrs. Mary Flick died November 16, 1864, and lies buried with her two children who had gone before. She was a member of the Disciples Church, as are Mr. Flick and his present wife. He was an old-time Whig, casting his first vote for Harrison, is now a staunch Republican, and not afraid or ashamed to speak his opinions. He is a hard working farmer, owning 150 acres in Harris district. Postoffice, Belleville, Woodcounty, WestVirginia.
JOHN WILLIAM WIGAL — deceased — was born in Wood county, West Virginia, July 1, 1831, a son of George and Sarah E. (Gill) Wigal, the former of whom now lives in Steele district, this county, and the latter is deceased. In this county February 2, 1854, at the bride's residence, J. W. Wigal was united in marriage with Mary J. Sheets, who was born in this State and county, July 16, 1837, daughter of Henry and Eliza J. Sheets, both now deceased, the former in this county and the latter in Kentucky. The children of this marriage, eleven in number, were as follows: Cora A., January 28, 1855; Eliza A., August 28, 1856; James F., March 23, 1858; Amanda C., March 1, 1860; Henry J., March 14, 1862; George P., January 16, 1864; Cassel, November 3, 1865, died October 4, 1866; Sarah J., October 18, 1867; William L., November 9, 1869; John M., September 10, 1871; Martin A., July 11, 1873. All live at home with their mother, having lately suffered an irreparable loss in the death of the kind husband and father. John William Wigal departed this life on the 18th of July, 1880. He had lived a consistent Christian life for seven years previous to that event, and died in the membership of the Christian Church. In this church his wife and three daughters, Cora, Eliza and Amanda, are also members. Miss Cora is a school teacher, a lover of books, and possesses a good library. The family receive their mail at New England, Wood county, West Virginia."
911. “Pleasant Home Cemetery,” Belleville, Wood, WV,,
Directions: Route 2 to Belleville; left on South Fork of Lee Creek Road about 3 miles to College Hill Road; left and cemetery is at the top of the hill. Fleak burials: Fleak, Charles 1867-1953; Fleak, Hettie 1870-1943, w/o Charles Fleak; Fleak, John 1841-1917; Fleak, Marshall E. died 5/19/1902, Infant; Fleak, Nancy J. died 2/10/1896, Infant; Fleak, Sarah 1840-1911, w/o of John Fleak; Fleak, W. P., 1893-1934, s/o C. and H. Fleak, Jr. O.U.A.M. No. 91.
916. The History of Wood County West Virginia, The West Augusta Historical & Genealogical Society, Taylor Publishing Co., Paoli, PA and Dallas, TX, 1980.
"Abraham Brookhart, page 53, Parker and Gincia Hall Fleak (article submitted by Kathryn Elizabeth Fleak), Griffin, pages 111-112"
917. “Email from Dottie Witkop to Don Braffitt,” 12 Apr 2001.
"Subject: Re: Susanna Flick, Granddaughter of Henry Flick, Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 18:02:16 EDT, My GG Grandmother was Susanna Flick of Hampshire VA. I am studying her family history and believe that she is the Susanna Flick/Fleck or Fleek mentioned in the will of Henry husband of Susan Varner. She was born in Hampshire VA, March 2, 1808. She married J. B. Lees (John Baldwin) in April 10, 1829 Hampshire Cty., son of William Leese/Lees who lived in Hampshire Cty., and had son Henry in 1830, Andrew, Eliza, Catherine, Mary, John Jacob, William, James Monroe, Lydia, Janeva, unknown Lees and Delila. They moved to Newark, Licking Co Ohio, in 1839, and moved to Green County WI 1848, then to Richland Cty WI and then to Bad Axe Cty WI (Viroqua); then in 1876 went by wagon train and oxen to South Dakota. If you can help me figure out who her parents were, sure would appreciate any help I can get and any more information on the Flick line if you have it. Dottie"
919. “Obituary for Mary Schorer,” Cape Cod Times, Barnstable, MA, 6 Oct 2005,
''SCHORER - Mary ''Pat'' (Mosher), of West Falmouth, October 5, 2005. Beloved wife of Roy E. Schorer mother of Roy E. Schorer, Jr. of Quincy, Gary P. Schorer of Norwood, Steven T. Schorer of Potomac, MD and Timothy M. Schorer of Falmouth, MA, sister of Giles E. Mosher of Waban, MA. She also leaves eight grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8, in St. Elizabeth Seton Church, 481 Quaker Rd., N. Falmouth, MA. Burial will follow in Oak Grove Cemetery in Falmouth. Visiting hours will be Friday from 5-8 p.m. in Chapman, Cole amp Gleason Funeral Home, 584 West Falmouth Hwy. (Rte. 28A), WEST FALMOUTH. Memorial donations may be made to the Leukemia amp Lymphoma Society Donor Services, P.O. Box 4072, Pittsfield, MA 01202.''
920. “Obituary for Roy E. Schorer,”, Dec 2012.
"Roy E. Schorer (1927∼2012), age 84 of West Falmouth, MA, died Sunday Dec. 23, 2012 at Falmouth Hospital. He was the husband of Mary P. (Mosher) Schorer who died in 2005. Born in Newton, MA he was a graduate of Northeastern University. Roy worked as an engineer in the clothing and manufacturing industry and for 15 years with the Massachusetts State Lottery. He lived in Westwood, MA before moving to Falmouth 30 years ago. Roy was a member of the Sandwich Yacht Club and Bowerman’s Beach Club in West Falmouth. He leaves four sons Roy E. Schorer, Jr. of Quincy, Gary Schorer of Norwood, Steven Schorer of Potomac, MD and Timothy Schorer of E. Falmouth, 8 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren, three brothers Peter Schorer of AZ, Tom Schorer of CA and Martin Schorer of ME. Services were private. Memorial donations may be made to the Cape Cod Healthcare Foundation for Visiting Nurses Association of Cape Cod, P. O. Box 370 Hyannis, MA 02601."
921. “Vivian Allegra Will obituary,” 7 Apr 2004,
"Vivian Allegra Will, 85, Rutland, passed away on Wednesday, April 7, 2004, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Huntington, WV. She was born on March 15, 1919, in Rutland, OH, daughter of the late Don L. Wood and Corrina Cornell Nicholson Wood. She was Past Worthy Matron, Harrisonville Chapter 255 Order of Eastern Star, 50-Year Member of Harrisonville Grange and past president of Star Garden Club. She was a homemaker and member of the Dexter Church of Christ. In addition to her parents, she was preceded by: Husband of 66 Years: Norman C. Will on April 5, 2004. Son: Dean K. Will. Daughter who died in infancy. She is survived by: Daughter: Donna (Vance) Higgins. Sons: Duane (Brenda) Will, Dan (Linda) Will. Daughter-In-Law: Dottie Will. Grandchildren: Todd (Sandy) Zeller, Jeff (Kellie) Zeller, David Will. Great Grandchildren: Hogan, Holden & Zachery Zeller. Brother: Patrick Wood. Several Nieces and Nephews. Services will be held at 2:00 P.M. on Saturday, April 10, 2004 at Fisher Funeral Home in Pomeroy. Officiating will be Rev. Roger Watson and burial will be in Meigs Memory Gardens. Friends may call on Friday, April 9, from 6-8 P.M. at the funeral home. Eastern Star Services will be conducted at 7:30 P.M. The family has requested that in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions be made to: Dexter Church of Christ."
922. Zirkle Family Historical Association, Sep 1985, volume 3, number 3, “Anna Catherina (Will) Zirkle of Randolph County, W. Va.,”;ct=clnk&gl=us.
"One cannot write of the Will family without speaking of the old Pine Church as this family and the history of this church as so closely interwoven. The original site of the church near the old cemetery is hallowed ground for our family. The old baptismal records of this church, as translated by Kelley, show that John Will, Sr. and his grown family attended this church from about 1785 until the mid-1860's. His sons and daughters inter-married with the Raush, Rinker, Hinton, Pennywit and Zirkle families. In this old cemetery, John Will, Sr., and Jr., with their wives were laid to rest. John Will, Sr., born in Schreisheim, Germany, was raised in Manheim Township, York County, Penn's. He was a member and Trustee of the Little Conewago Church of York Co., Penn's in 1774. John Sr. received lands for this church that had originally been given by his father, Michael Will, in 1750. John served as a Private in the 4th Co., 7th Battalion of York Co., Penn's in the Revolutionary War. He married Maria Susanna Sherman, daughter of Adam Sherman, who has also served in the Revolutionary War in Penn'a. John settled in Shenandoah County, Virginia, prior to 1785. He purchased land that had been previously owned by Adam Penneywit. His deed to this tract noted that one corner was reserved for the original Pine Church lands, and cordered as well on Pences and Penneywit's land. A member of the old Pine Church, he died in 1815, and was buried in this old cemetery with his wife. John Will, Sr.'s father was Michael Will from Schreisheim, Germany, who married Christina Maxel from Lomen, Germany. He was the first Constable of Heidleberg Township, in York County, Penn'a, and was one of the first founders and donated land for Little Conewago Church, in York Co., Penn'a. He passed away in 1773."
924. “1880 District 38, Grayson, VA Federal Census - Delilah Haga,”
928. Larry Allen Will Jr., The Will Family In America: Descendants of Michael Will and Christina Maxel, Mount Airy, MD,
929. “Pomeroy, Meigs, OH death certificate for Galen O. Will,” 31 Mar 1950, Pomeroy, Meigs, OH, 25680,
930. “Rutland, Meigs, OH death certificate for Elva Violet Will,” 29 Jul 1936, Rutland, Meigs, OH, 46817,
931. “Obituary for Mary Meek,” Marietta Times, Marietta, Washington, OH, 6 Dec 1941,
"MARY MEEK. Mrs. Mary Meek of Barlow Succombs -- Mrs. Mary E. Meek, 73 of Barlow, widow of Francis M. Meek and mother of Mrs. Walter R. Schweikert and of Mrs. Joseph Congleton of Marietta, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Worthington, near Barlow on Friday evening following general decline. Mrs. Meek is the daughter of the late William H. and Catherine Brown Hall. She was born in western Washington County on February 5, 1868. On April 4, 1885, she was married to Francis M. Meek. He passed away in March of 1925. Mrs. Meek's home was in Barlow for many years and she went to the Worthington home to be cared for about 3 weeks ago. She was a life long member of the Fairfield Christian Church in Fairfield Township. Survivors are her sons and daughters. Cecil H. Meek and Lewis Meek of Stewart, Alan Meek of Athens, Karl Meek of Columbus, Kenneth B. Meek of Vincent, Mrs. Joseph Congleton and Mrs. Walter R. Schweikert of Marietta and Mrs. Harold Worthington who lives on Watertown Road between Barlow and Watertown. One son, Earl E. Meek, a World War veteran who was shell shocked and gassed in the first World War, died 1934. One daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Newell died in 1929 and a daughter, Gretta died in infancy. There are 35 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Mrs. Margaret Blair of Dunbar is the sister of Mrs. Meek. Funeral Services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Decatur Presbyterian Church, Rev. H.L. Weir of Barlow will officiate. The body will remain at the Worthington Home until the hour for the service. C.H. Mindling is the funeral director."
932. Darlene Nichols, “John Hannibal Newell query,” 9 Feb 1997,,
"I am looking for information on Daniel NEWELL b. 1816 in Vermont and wife Jane Stotts b. 1815. Their son, my ggrandfather, John Hannibal NEWELL, was b. 11 August 1842 in Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio. He married Nettie Agnes ANDREW b. 24 April 1844. Her parents were Thomas ANDREW and Elizabeth BRECKENRIDGE, both were born in Scotland."
933. “Obituary for Gerald D. Meek,” The Athens News, Athens, OH, 20 Apr 2007,
"GERALD MEEK. Albany. Gerald D. Meek, age 78 of Albany passed away early Thursday morning, April 19, 2007 at his home. Born Feb. 9, 1929 in Stewart, he was the son of the late Lewis & Edith Newell Meek. He attended Rome-Canaan High School. He retired as owner and operator of Meek Milk Transportation Company and was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War. A charter member of the Athens Boat and Ski Club, he had served as an Official for the American Waterski Association. He also loved and enjoyed animals. Gerald is survived by his wife, Jennie Lou Alkire Meek; two daughters- Eydie (Richard) Akers of Dayton and Mendy (Richard) Abrahamson of Loveland; a son, Mike (Carol) Meek of Albany; nine grandchildren- Greg (Dawn) Akers, Brian (Laura) Akers, Kim (Carl) McGuirk, Kari (Corey) Hept, Nick Abrahamson, Kady Abrahamson, Christopher (Tracy) Meek, Cassandra (Kevin) Waller and Michael Meek and his fiancé Shawnee Chapman; one great grandchild, Isabelle Meek; a sister, Hazel Steinmeyer of Albany; a brother Lewis Meek, Jr. of Albany; and a brother in law, Robert Hunter of The Plains. Besides his parents he is preceded in death by three sisters- Venia Richards, Leta Leachman May and Mildred Hunter; a brother, Harold Meek. Funeral service will be conducted Sunday 2:00PM at Jagers & Sons Funeral Home by Rev. James Stewart with burial in Alexander Cemetery, Hebbardsville. Friends may Saturday 6-9PM at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to American Waterski Association Education Foundation, 1251 Holy Cow Road, Polk City, Florida 33868-8200 or Athens County Special Olympics, c/o Athens County MRDD Board, 801 W. Union St., Athens 45701."
936. “1880 Decatur, Washington, OH Federal Census - James M. Newell,”
941. “Mount Pleasant Cemetery,” Crab Orchard, Williamson, IL,
942. Jacqueline Sweeney, 25 Nov 2001,
"my father dixieland moore was born dec 18 1876 he lived in hanover county va his parents were named curtis moore and sarah thacker he died dec 19 1950 he had serveral children by his first wife lucy jones [ johnson ] his daughters were gracie; bessie; gladys; mae and his sons were norman; henry sam any one having any info on daddy's children or grandchildren he lived at hewlett va hanover county va. he worked at a feed mill known as dillardsmill."
944. Clinton Hurl Southworth notes
945. “AR deaths,” 1914-1950.
947. “William Radford and family arrival in Philadelphia, PA from Halifax, Nova Scotia on the Schooner Hannah,” Philadelphia, PA passenger lists, 1800-1882, 3 Jul 1819,
On arrival in Philadelphia, the William Radford family probably included William (age about 30), wife Eleanor Ashworth (age about 36), daughter Sarah (age 6), and sons John (age 6), James (age about 5), David (age 4), and Thomas (age 8 months). The arrival date of 03-Jul-1819 in Philadelphia is taken from William's 1827 naturalization record.
File: WilliamRadford1819
949. “Naturalization record for William Radford, originally from Castlemacadam, Wicklow, Ireland,” Meigs, OH, court records 1819-1853, Nov term 1827, page 109, 9 Nov 1827, Record located by Lynda Bell,
"William Radford a native of Ireland personally appeared in open court & being duly sworn doth on oath declare that he was born in the Parish of Castle McAdam in the County of Wicklow Ireland & within the dominions of the King of Great Britain & Ireland that he sailed from Dublin on the 14th of May A.D. 1819 landed in Halifax N.S. June 3rd of the same year from thence sailed to Philadelphia where he arrived on the 3rd July following from thence came to this State & County in August next ensuing where he has since resided, that he is thirty four years of age ..."
File: WilliamRadford1827
951. “Meigs County Agricultural Fair, Sep-1859,” Meigs County Telegraph, Meigs, OH, 20 Sep 1859,
953. “Meigs, OH will probate for William Radford,” 52-3-261,
Will written: 17-Jan-1868; proven: 04-Aug-1869.
954. “Meigs, OH will probate for Ellen Radford,” 52-4-61,
Will written: 05-Jan-1871; witness testimony: 21-Jan-1874; proven: 21-Jan-1875.
957. Cheri Turner, “Email from Cheri Turner to Don Braffitt,” 14 Nov 2003.
958. “Ancestral File - Jacob Haga and Celia Cooper,”
962. “Sheets Cemetery, Wood, WV,” Located in WV off the South Fork of Lee Creek Road on farm owned by Alton Phillips,
963. Lela Wolfe Prewitt, The Wolfe Hawkins-Sheets-Yates-Wheeler and Allied Families, 1964,, accessed 28-Dec-2012, WV State Library #37884, 929.2 W855p.
965. “Wood, VA deed,” 12 Oct 1837, deed book 10, page 244.
John and wife Polly Flick of Athens, OH sell 100 acres on both side of North Fork of Lee Crek to John and Henry Sheets of Wood, VA for $66.66.
968. History of West Virginia, Old and New, volume III, 1923,
"JAMES W. THORNHILL is owner and active proprietor of the J. W. Thornhill planing-mill at Belington, an industry not excelled in mechanical efficiency and management in this section of West Virginia. The various processes of lumber manufacture from the trees in the forest to the finished product are intimate by almost life-long experience to Mr. Thornhill, and he is the type of business man who thoroughly loves the material with which he works. His father was Frank Thornhill, who was born in old Virginia, was a Southerner in sentiment and sympathy on the issues of the Civil war, and at one time was made prisoner and put in Camp Chase, Ohio. He spent his active life as a farmer, and died at Belington in Barbour County in 1873, at the age of fifty-two. He was a strong democrat, and both he and his wife were loyal and active mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church. His wife was Elizabeth Jane Willis, who came from Rappahannock County, Virginia, daughter of Francis Willis. She was born January 7, 1829, and died at Sutton, West Virginia, March 10, 1897, aged sixty-eight. Frank Thornhill was born September 22, 1821, and died November 19, 1873. They began life without special education, were good workers, had high ideals, and reared a family of useful children. The children were: Mary, who married the late Albert Rohrbough, of Belington; Martha Ann, who died at Philippi, wife of S. H. Morrall; Elizabeth Jane, wife of Monroe Phillips, of Belington; and James William. James William Thornhill was born July 31, 1866, in Barker District, Barbour County. When he was a child his parents moved to Belington, where he had the privilege of attending a few brief terms of the common schools. He worked in the fields on the home farm, and as a youth of eighteen found employment in handling lumber in a lumber yard at wages of 10 cents an hour. From com- mon labor he was promoted to inspector, at $35 a month, and for seventeen years he was in the service of the widely known lumber and timber firm of Pardee and Curtin at Sutton, West Virginia. Mr. Thornhill left this firm in 1907 and returned to Belington and took the contract for filling the lumber prod- ucts of the Belington Planing Mill Company. When this firm became financially involved he bought the plant, in 1912. The plant was then of very small dimensions, employing perhaps ten men. Mr. Thornhill at once injected new energy and new possibilities into the business. The plant at the beginning of 1922 has three times the machinery it had when Mr. Thornhill took charge, and its drying kilns have a capacity of 100,000 feet. The planing mill specializes in the manufacture of interior trim and finish from West Virginia wood, including poplar, chestnut, oak and basswood. Much of the output finds market as far away as Cleveland, Ohio and New York City. The bass- wood nearly all goes East, while the oak is marketed in the West, showing that Western people have a higher appreciation and demand for superior wood finish than Eastern people. The business is both wholesale and retail. The principal retail business is done at Zanesville, Ohio, under the name of the F. L. Israel Lumber Company. The plant at Belington is capable of furnishing all the lumber products and finishing required in the building of an entire house. Fourteen acres of ground situated along the Weaver Branch of the Western Maryland Railroad furnishes space for the plant and yard. Mr. Thornhill plans for 1922 a new mill, with a capacity a third larger than the present one, and with greatly im- proved facilities, including four new heavy finishing ma- chines and with power available for its operation. A year after Mr. Thornhill became owner of the old plant an enemy set fire to the lumber yard and everything but the mill was destroyed. The loss entailed was greater than the resources that remained, but with the insurance and the credit he had established he restocked his plant and pushed the business even harder than before. Gradually his energy found fruit in the extending stacks of lumber and the great quantities of finished material in their warehouses and shipped out by the car loads. The buzz and hum of the planers and saws has been sweet music to the loyal men who make up the force of from thirty to forty-five who handle the extensive business of the plant. One of the important departments is that in which the tools are made and dressed and adjusted to do lumber trimming and finishing. In charge of this department is Mr. Mikes, tool maker and dresser, foreman of the mechanical department and an expert in the art of conditioning tools. The planing department is almost dustless, since the machines are all equipped with blower pipes, which suck all dirt and shavings into the boiler-room, where this by-product is utilized at great saving for fuel. A water plant equal to a fire emergency is installed, and an electric system of wiring carries light to any part of the plant and yard. In the new plant the equipments will be such as to supersede the cruder processes of handling product now in use, and these facilities will represent the climax of achievement in ten years under the practical eye of Mr. Thornhill, the owner and manager. The Belington community regards Mr. Thornhill as one of its permanent citizens, and he in turn has made use of his growing prosperity for the benefit of the little city. In 1917 he finished his own home, a spacious and generous residence, the planning and arrangement being the result of the joint co-operation of himself and Mrs. Thornhill. All the finish and much of the other material entering into this home came from his planing mill. Mr. Thornhill was reared in a democratic family and has voted that ticket beginning with Grover Cleveland. He has always been loyal to the Presbyterian Church of his mother, and for a number of years he was an elder in the church of Sutton, while he lived there. Outside of these interests his life has been in his business and in his home, and he has not been attracted into fraternal organizations. On April 11, 1889, Mr. Thornhill married Miss Cora E. Dunham, daughter of John C. Dunham and grand- daughter of Rev. R. F. Dunham, a Baptist minister. She was a niece of R. J. Dunham, of Phillipi. Mrs. Thornhill, who died May 17, 1908, was the mother of three children. The oldest, Mary Leoline, born January 13, 1890, is the wife of W. E. Coffman of Keyser, West Virginia, and her three children are William Eugene, Robert Thornhill and Mary Frances. The only son of Mr. Thornhill by this union is W. Frank Thornhill, who was born September 10, 1892, and is now superintendent of the Thornhill Planing Mill at Belington. He married Flora Griffin, daughter of Rev. Mr. Griffin, and they have two children, Josephine Ann and Catherine Lee. Evelyn Ruth Thornhill, the youngest of the three children, was born December 31, 1898, and is the wife of H. Sherwood Shinn, of Belington, who is now finishing his education in West Virginia University at Morgantown. November 29, 1911, Mr. Thornhill married Miss Grace Margaret Boyd. She was born in Harrison County, August 21, 1891, daughter of Robert Calvin and Jocasta (Good- win) Boyd, being the fourth among their five children. The others are: Bessie May, wife of J. R. McHenry, of Centralia, West Virginia, Benjamin Thomas, of Weston; Robert Coy, of Denver, Colorado; and George Dewey, of Buckhannon. Mrs. Thornhill had a public school educa- tion and was married at the age of twenty at Oakland, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Thornhill have two children, Margaret Lee, born May 11, 1913, and James William, Jr., born May 29, 1916. During the World war the Thornhill home played its part in the burden of financing the war and its auxiliary efforts, taking large amounts of bonds and contributing to the Red Cross, and doing some of the practical work, such as knitting for the soldiers at the front."
971. “Obituary for Christina Marie Bubb,” Columbus Dispatch, 27 Feb 2003,,
''BUBB Christina Marie Bubb, age 13, of Upper Arlington. Beloved child of Jennifer Will, went to sleep in the arms of Jesus on February 25, 2003 surrounded by the angels she saw a few years ago. A child who loved everyone and was loved by all the people she met. Even though afflicted with Nieman-Pick Type C, she attended Indianola Church of Christ and Winderemere Grade School until this past school term. Survived by loving grandparents, Galen and Freda Will; special Uncle, Stephen Will; and Dad, Martin Budd of Toledo, Oh. Also, many cousins and friends. Funeral Service 2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 1, 2003 at RUTHERFORD FUNERAL HOME, 2383 North High Street, where family will receive friends from 12noon until time of service. Bill Benge officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Children's Hospice, 700 Children's Drive, Columbus, Oh. 43205 or Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation, 1760 E. River Road, Suite 115, Tucson, Az. 85718.''
972. Shenandoah County Virginia Abstract of Wills 1772-1850, Gilreath, Amelia C., 1980.
976. “Mitochondrial DNA analysis for Doris Johnson Will,” 2007,
977. “Obituary for Robert Carlton McGee Jr.,” The Daily Progress, Charlottesville, VA, 23 Jul 2010,
''Robert Carlton McGee Jr., of Richmond, gave up the good fight Wednesday, July 21, 2010, at the age of 74. He was born in Richmond on May 24, 1936, son of the late Robert Carlton McGee Sr. and Regina Katherine O'Sullivan McGee. Bob attended the University of Virginia on a baseball scholarship and received his Bachelor's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering in 1960. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, serving as its President for two years, and collected a cadre of fraternity stories that can only be believed by his band of his Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Bob liked to say that he was "an engineer by education; a peddler by inclination and a financier by necessity." Truly a brilliant and entrepreneurial mind, Bob joined Sikorsky Aircraft as a Sales Engineer in the fledgling helicopter industry following a brief stint in the United States Army, where he received the Army Commendation Medal. He founded Southeastern 1st Financial Services, Incorporated to provide financial assistance to emerging small businesses. Bob's life was full of diversity and accomplishment. He was happiest as the "leader of the pack" in every endeavor and he commanded a room when he walked in, he was a creator of the Virginia Small Business Finance Authority, served two Virginia governors in a small business advisory capacity and was appointed to the first Board of Directors of the Center for Innovative Technology. He is a graduate of Leadership Metro Richmond and he served as Board Chairman for Wintergreen Partners Incorporated for a number of years and was a member of the University of Virginia Athletic Foundation Board of Trustees. He loved sports of all kinds and shared this love with youth of all ages by coaching youth football, basketball and baseball. He also coached the Trinity Episcopal High School girls' volleyball team for two years and assisted the TES softball team as a hitting coach. He was an ardent follower of University of Virginia sports with a special commitment to University of Virginia Baseball. His competitive nature drove his life both on and off the playing field. Bob is survived by his wife and best friend of 20 years, Mary Darden McGee; his only sibling, Katherine M. Ford and her husband, Al, and by his proudest accomplishment; his five children, Marjorie M. Caplice and her husband, John, Robert Matthew McGee and his wife, Carol, Katherine M. Will and her husband, Jerry, Lauren M. Boykin and her husband, Kris, and Meagan D. McGee, all of Richmond; five grandchildren, Robert "Bo" J. McGee, Jacob "Jake" R. McGee, Alexis "Lexie" P. Will, Tyler M. Will and Parker A. Snow; and numerous nieces and nephews who will dearly miss Uncle Bob. There will be a private family graveside service at Mount Calvary Cemetery Saturday, July 24, 2010. A memorial service and reception celebrating Bob's full and colorful life will be 3 p.m. Saturday, July 24, 2010, at Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church, 7000 Park Avenue, Richmond. In Bob's memory donations should be made to the Virginia Athletics Foundation, Friends of Virginia Baseball, P.O. Box 400833, Charlottesville, VA 22904 or to Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church, 7000 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA 23226. The family would like to thank the medical and nursing staffs of MCV Hospital's 11 West and the rehabilitation team on 1 North for their loving, compassionate care and their hard-driving motivation. Published in the Daily Progress on July 23, 2010''
979. “1930 Wilson Creek, Grayson, VA Federal Census.”
981. “Obituary for William H. Johnson,” Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, Mercer, WV , 28 May 1969 , page 2.
William H. Johnson, 95, of Athens died Tuesday morning in a Bluefield hospital following brief illness. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Pearl Hash Johnson; five daughters, Mrs. James O. Grubb of Squire, Mrs. Glenn N. Ross of Green Acres City Fla., Mrs. L. F. Sexton of Birdsboro, Pa., Mrs. P. L. Will of Charleston and Mrs. Harold A. Hedrick of Beckley; one son, Wilbur H. Johnson of Athens and 20 grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at 11 a.m. at Reines - Sturdivant Funderal Home Chapel in Independence, Va., with Rev. J. R. Shumate officiating. Burial will follow in Young Cemetery near Troutdale, Va.
982. “Obituary for Pearl Johnson,” Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, Mercer, WV, 29 Jun 1983, page 2.
983. “Obituary for Marie Johnson Ross,” News & Advance, Lynchburg, VA, 16 Feb 2003.
"Marie Johnson Ross, 85, of Valley View Retirement Community died Thursday, Feb. 13, 2003, in Lynchburg General Hospital. She is survived by her husband of 62 years, the Rev. Glen N. Ross of Lynchburg. Born in Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 10, 1917, she was a daughter of the late W.H. Johnson and Pearlie Hash Johnson. Mrs. Ross was a retired teacher and was a member of the First Baptist Church Boynton Beach, Florida. In addition to her husband, she is survived by one daughter, Linda R. Taylor and her husband Ronald of Madison Heights; one son, W. Barton Ross and his wife Jan of Valrico, Fla.; three sisters, Imogene Sexton of Fries, Va. Doris Will of Charleston, W.Va., and Velma Hedrick of Long Beach, N.C.; two grandchildren, Glenn Taylor of Madison Heights and Lynda T. Adams and her husband David of Amherst; four great-grandchildren, Kaity and Ryan Taylor and D.J. and Katlyn Adams; and a special caregiver, Denise Hamlet. One daughter, Glenna Sue Ross, preceded her in death. A funeral service will be conducted at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003, from Whitten Monelison Chapel with the Rev. Charlie Harbin and the Rev. David Heerspink officiating. Interment will follow in Amherst Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Monday at Whitten Monelison Chapel. Those wishing to make memorial contributions should consider the Gideons International, P.O. Box 34, Monroe, VA 24574."
988. “Solomon Fleak obituary,” Parkersburg News, Parkersburg, Wood, WV, 27 Jun 1931, page 6, microfilm, WV Archives and History Library, 06 Jun 2003.
989. Kim and Gale Meyers Kurschner, “Kurschner and Meyers Family History,”
990. Shirley Carey Short, “Emails from Shirley Carey Short to Don Braffitt,” Oct 2003.
"Don I have information about William Lucas's siblings if you want it. I also have children and grandchildren. William's brother Harrison married Mary Lucretia Boso. The BOSOs are all mixed up with the Fleaks. I also have some information about the Fleaks that you don't have."
991. Shirley Carey Short, “Email from Shirley Carey Short to Don Braffitt,” 23 Mar 2004.
"I am Emma Lucas's grand daughter. I have some info on Cora and her twin Dora. Cora and Dora were born 12 Jun. 1899. I thought that Mary Jane Fleak died in childbirth with the twins, but she did not. She did die in childbirth but it was with a baby born 1901. The twins both survived but were adopted out. Cora went to a family by the name of Spencer. We don't know the name of Dora's adopted family. Dora came to Cora's funeral . Cora died 07 Oct.1950, Her husband's name was George Martin. She had two children Robert Collins and Clyde Martin. Robert was born before she was married.Emma Lucas (my grandmother ) was born 21 Jun. 1895 and died 09 Feb. 1964. Hope this was helpful. Shirley"
992. “Frederick Radford and family arrival in Baltimore, MD,” Baltimore, MD passenger lists, summer 1830,
On arrival in Baltimore, the Frederick Radford family included Frederick (age 30), wife Ann Carleton (age 28), and sons Isaac (age 6) and James (age 3). Daughter Sarah (born May 1830 "on the Atlantic") is not listed. The family name is listed as Bradford instead of Radford.
File: FrederickBradford1830
993. “Meigs, OH will probate for Frederick Radford,” 16 Dec 1874,
995. “Obituary for Harold V. Fleak,” Parkersburg News/Sentinel, Parkersburg, Wood, WV, 11 Oct 2006.
"Harold V. Fleak, 84, of New England, W.Va., passed away at the Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital, Parkersburg, on Oct. 9, 2006, after a brief illness. He was born Feb. 10, 1922, a son of the late John and Halda Fleak. Harold joined the United States Marine Corps in 1941 immediately after graduating from Parkersburg High School. After boot camp at Paris Island, S.C., he served the rest of his time in the Pacific Theater during World War II as a radioman. He was involved in numerous island invasions, including Iwo Jima during the historic flag raising. He was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps in 1946 and returned to his home in Wood County. In 1947, he married Ruby Edna Meadows and was married to her for 58 years before her in death in 2005. Harold was hired at Marbon Chemical in late 1957 as an electrician. He retired at age 62 after 27 years of service as a supervisor. When Harold started working for Marbon, he also started planning for his second career and his first love, working on a farm. He purchased a new 1958 Allis Chambers Model CA tractor in 1958 and in 1959, bought a farm on New England Ridge Road. In 1961, he moved to the farm with his wife and children and lived there until his death. His orange tractor was a familiar sight to everyone that lived around the area. That tractor is still in use today and up until his most recent illness, he was still the one using it. After retiring, he and his wife, Ruby, discovered they liked to travel and spent many winters in Florida. They went to the various fairs in Florida and never missed spring training for the Cincinnati Reds. During the rest of the year, they traveled to various state and county fairs to enjoy camping at the fairs and the country and western singers. They also discovered striped bass fishing at Lake Murray in South Carolina. They spent many days together on the lake and camping at the lake with family and friends. He is survived by his sons, Wayne Fleak and wife, Sharon, and Vincent Fleak; daughters, Janet Bonnett and husband, Michael, Joyce McIntire and husband, Ken, and Judy Joy and husband, Gary; two brothers, Lawrence Fleak and Pearl Fleak and wife, Opal; and one brother-in-law, Bob Meadows and wife, Mary. He had 11 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. He loved to be around his grandkids and they all adored him. In addition to his wife and parents, he was preceded in death by two sons, Phillip and James Fleak; one brother, Clifford Fleak and wife, Bertha; one sister, Inez Grady and husband, Manual; and one sister-in-law, Katherine Fleak. Harold’s wishes were to be cremated with no funeral services. His family is honoring those requests. His remains will be divided with some being spread on his farm, some at Lake Murray, S.C., and the rest will be put with his wife at Sunset Memory Gardens. Memorial contributions may be made to the Old Man Rivers Charity Organization (304) 428-6677, located at 703 Pike St., Parkersburg, W.Va. The family would also like to thank everyone for their kindness, thoughts and prayers. Sunset Memorial Funeral Home, Parkersburg, is in charge of arrangements."
996. “Obituary for Pearl L. Fleak Sr.,” Parkersburg News and Sentinel, Parkersburg, Wood, WV,
"Pearl L. Fleak Sr. POSTED: February 19, 2008. Pearl L. Fleak Sr., 88, of Washington, W.Va., passed away Feb. 17, 2008, at Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital. He was born March 21, 1919, in Wood County, a son of the late John W. and Hilda Marlow Fleak. He was a carpenter by trade. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Opal Wright Fleak; nine children, Carolyn Carney and her husband, Jim, of Central, Shirley Fleak and her husband, John, of Williamstown, Betty Nichols and her husband, Bill, of Parkersburg, Susan Nickoson and her husband, Rick, of Coolville, Pearl Fleak Jr. of Washington, Carl Fleak and his wife, Pam, Jerry Fleak and his wife, Candy, Gary Fleak and his wife, Shelia, and David Fleak and his wife, Alicia, all of Washington; 26 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; and one brother, Lawrence Fleak of Parkersburg. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his sister, Inez Grady; and two brothers, Clifford and Harold Fleak. Services will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at Sunset Memorial Funeral Home, Parkersburg, with Pastor Lloyd Keith officiating. Burial will follow in Sunset Memory Gardens. Visitation will be from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. today at the funeral home."
997. “Obituary for Lawrence Fleak,” Parkersburg News and Sentinel, Parkersburg, Wood, WV,
''Lawrence Delbert Fleak, 93, of Parkersburg, passed away Saturday morning, March 27, 2010, at the Arcadia Nursing Center at Coolville. He was born Oct. 27, 1916, in Wood County, a son of the late John and Hulda Marlow Fleak. He was a member of the Lubeck Church of Christ, was a retired carpenter and farmer, and was a Christmas tree grower, having sold trees from his home for many years. He was a member of the Wood County Farm Bureau and the West Virginia Christmas Tree Growers Association. Surviving are two sons, Larry D. (Carol) Fleak of Washington, W.Va., and Ronald L. (Cindy) Fleak of Parkersburg; one daughter, Barbara Fleak Cramlet of Parkersburg; nine grandchildren, Mark Fleak, Mike Fleak, Matt Fleak, Warren Fleak, Bill Fleak, Brad Cramlet, Brian Cramlet, Laura Hopkins and Julie Harrington; 10 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Kathryn Sams Fleak; a grandson, Brent Cramlet; three brothers, Clifford Fleak, Harold Fleak and Pearl Fleak; and a sister, Inez Grady. The funeral service will be 1 p.m. Monday at Kimes Funeral Home, 521 Fifth St., Parkersburg. Evangelists David Newberry and Steve Fuchs will officiate and entombment will follow at Sunset Memory Gardens. Visitation will be 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. today and from noon until time of services Monday.''
1002. “Birth notice for Frieda Faehnle,” Meigs County Republican, Meigs, OH, 10 May 1893,
"Grandpa FAEHNLE! Born, in Middleport, on Wednesday, May 3, 1893, a daughter
to Mr. and Mrs. Albert FAEHNLE."
1005. Brenda Wagner, “Johnson Family of Wilkes County, NC, USA,” 8 May 2019,
1006. “1870 Rock Creek, Wilkes, NC Federal Census,” 7 Jul 1870,
1011. “Obituary for Nola Knight Will,” Meigs, OH.
1012. “PA births,” 1709-1950.
1013. “Obituary for Mrs. M. J. Byers,” The Daily State Journal, Parkersburg, Wood, WV, 10 May 1911, page 1,
1015. “NE marriages,” 1855-1908, 1855-1995.
1016. “LA deaths,” 1819-1964.
1018. “Obituary for Alice Margaret Will,” Hastings Tribune, Hastings, Adams, NE, 30 Dec 1986, page 3.
1019. “Obituary for Robert C. McGee Sr.,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond, VA, 17 Mar 1981, page B-2, 18 Mar 1981, page B-2.
1020. “Obituary for Regina Katherine McGee,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond, VA, 5 Aug 1994, page B2.
1021. Aeriana Will, McGee and Peterson families, 2023.
1023. “Obituary for Vergie E. Anderson,” Roanoke Times, Roanoke, VA, 25 Aug 1990, page A4.
"Vergie E. Anderson. Anderson, Vergie E. Independence - Mrs. Vergie E. Anderson, age 98, passed away at her home, Friday, August 24, 1990. She was the widow of Lee A. Anderson. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Kaye Wellborn, Mrs. Lucie Wright, both of Independence, Va; Mrs. Logene Roberts of Roanoke, Va.; Mrs. Nona Swanson of Rancho Mirage, Calif.; two sons, Herbert Lee Anderson, D. L. Anderson, both of Independence; one sister, Mrs. Mattie Adams, Grant, Va.; thirteen grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren."
1025. “Young Cemetery, Troutdale, Grayson, VA,”,
Located up a scary hill, down into a field, across from the Dunnivan house, on the Dewy Dunnivan Farm. Visited on Decoration Day 10-Aug-2003.
1026. “Obituary for Herbert Lee Anderson,” Roanoke Times, Roanoke, VA, 16 Apr 2006, page B11.
"Herbert Lee Anderson, 87, of Independence, passed away Friday at Twin County Regional Hospital, Galax, Va. He was preceded in death by his wife, Golda Holdaway Anderson and a sister, Nona Swanson. Born March 22, 1919 in Flatridge, Va. to Lee Arthur and Vergie Hash Anderson, he was a veteran of World War II, U. S. Navy, and a retired textile worker. He was a member of First Baptist Church for over 50 years, having served many years on the Board of Deacons and Church Treasurer. He was a former …"
1032. Paul Herndon, “Ancestral File - Jacob Grubb and Margaret Haga,”
1034. “Wilkes County Head of Household Project 1860,”
1035. “1870 Rock Creek, Wilkes, NC Federal Census,” 5 Jul 1870,
1036. “1880 Walnut Grove, Wilkes, NC Federal Census - Wm. Johnson,”
1037. “1880 Rock Creek, Wilkes, NC Federal Census - Joseph L. Johnson,”
1039. “Obituary for Gary W. Johnson,” Bluefield, Mercer, WV, 2 Aug 2013.
"ATHENS — Gary W. Johnson, 50, of 102 Center Street in Athens died Thursday, August 1, 2013 at his residence. Born October 10, 1962 in Princeton, he was the son of the late Wilbur H. Johnson and Nina Phillips Johnson. He was a 1981 graduate of Athens High School, a U.S. Navy veteran, and a member of the Princeton Moose Lodge #1521. Gary was a truck driver and heavy equipment operator with the West Virginia Department of Highways. He was of the Methodist faith. Survivors include his wife, Judy White Johnson of Athens; one daughter, Alyssa McGregor of Charlotte, NC; and one brother, Jeff Johnson and wife Megan Mohn Johnson of Athens. In keeping with Gary's wishes his body has been cremated. A memorial service will be conducted at 6:00 PM Sunday, August 4, 2013 at the George W. Seaver Chapel of Seaver Funeral Home in Princeton with Hospice Chaplain Marquinta Cox officiating. Friends may call at the funeral home from 5:00 PM until the service hour on Sunday. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 921 W. Neville St., Beckley, WV 25801. Online condolences may be sent by visiting Seaver Funeral Home in Princeton is serving the Johnson family."
1041. “Emails from Carolyn McAbee-Gober to Don Braffitt,” Aug 2004.
"Braxton Byrd was a brother to my great-grandfather, John C. Byrd. "Bet" was sister to my great-grandmother, Mary Cathrine SOOTS. w/o John C. Byrd. In otherwords, brothers married sisters. Zachariah Johnson was the step-father of these two girls, not their father. The parents of Mary Catherine & Nancy Elizabeth "Bet" were Elisha Soots & Rebecca Felts. I knew my great-grandmother Mary Catherine Byrd - we called her "Granny"; she was born in 1860. Granny told us many stories of her her father died when she was little and her mother remarried to "old man Johnson".... and then there are the "infamous" stories. ... My grandmother was Rebecca Caroline Byrd who married Arthur Franklin Pennington; they were my mother's parents."
1042. “1870 Rock Creek, Wilkes, NC Federal Census.”
1043. “William Byrd Family of Wilkes County, NC,”
"My grandpa was Larry C. Byrd and his father was William Ivan (Evan) Byrd. Ivan's brother's are George Mckinley Byrd, Solomon, Avery Columbus Byrd, James Oscar Byrd, Manley Garfield Byrd, Frank Byrd. Ivan's sister's were Ollie Viola Byrd Wiles, Ellen Byrd Johnson, and Florence (Duggy or Myra) Byrd Whitley.Ivan's father was William H. Byrd born 1850 and I think he died in 1928. Ivan's mother was Phoebe Brown and I have found in some places her last name was Hawkins which leads me to believe she may have been married more than once. William H. Byrd's father was Braxton and his mother was Jean or Jane Wood."
1045. “Email from Wren Queen of Chandler, OK to Don Braffitt,” 19-Aug-2004.
"I am Wren Queen, the grand daughter of James Alfred Byrd, son of John Calhoun Byrd. My grandfather left N.C. as a young man and went to Montana to homestead in the early 1900's then came to Oklahoma around 1919. We have always known that his family stayed in the NC and Virginia areas ..."
1046. “1880 Rock Creek, Wilkes, NC Federal Census - John L. Johnson,”
1047. Felicia Johnson, “Email from Felicia Johnson to Don Braffitt,” 1 Apr 2006.
"Baxter (I call my husband by his middle name, it is also what he uses professionally) and I live in Chesapeake, VA (Norfolk/VB area). Baxter was raised in Winston-Salem, that is where Della ended up after John died, and Bob was born and raised there. But Baxter and Mabel moved to Virginia Beach in 1948, and Bob and his wife have been here since the 1960's. 3 quarters of my history (for at least 5 generations, and in some cases more) are from Randolph and Guilford counties (NC). My mother was a Johnson, our Johnsons were from Randolph Co. and Orange Co., NC before that. I had been wondering if my Johnsons were at all connected to Baxter's Johnsons, but it doesn't look like it. I don't think any of our Johnsons were in northern VA, and our branch is of Dutch/German descent. ... I know dates are often wrong in census, but it seems that Della was consistent in giving her age, 10 years younger. The main thing that convinces me that I have the correct census is the locations are right for what we know of Baxter's life in 1920 and 1930, there is only the one son, and John's info is consistent. However, the son is named FOY B.!!???? That one I haven't figured out. And actually, I hadn't even known Baxter's middle name until I found your research. His obit only listed his middle initial. So, that is one reason why I need his birth certificate, because I really don't understand this name thing. I call them my "Foy censuses". ... Baxter was born in Knoxville, the 1920 census has them living in Knoxville. ... The funeral home that buried Della has information (I think all Della info was supplied by Baxter) that they moved to Winston-Salem in 1922. Since JLJ died at Christmas 1922 (nice b-day present for Della) perhaps they moved to W-S at the beginning of 1923. Della: b. Dec. 25, 1873, Wilkes Co. (source: Frank Volger & Sons Funeral Home, Winston-Salem); she died May 27, 1948, Forsyth Co., at home, and appears to be buried in an unmarked grave in Salem Cemetery (Forsyth Co.) (source: Death Cert). This has been my Della digging week, and talked with the guy at the cemetery the other day. He had to do some digging to find a record of her, and the only thing close to it is a record of a "J. Johnson, May 1948." I assume it has to be her. He says there is a Moravian cemetery known as Old Salem Cemetery next door which he says often gets confused, but I checked with them, and they have no relevant records. I am writing up little histories on each person/couple/family as I learn more information. I will be happy to share this with you, but I want to get it more complete on Della before I share it with you, if you don't mind. But, I will leave you with this interesting tid-bit of info: Della was born on Christmas day, John died 2 days before, Baxter died 2 days after X-mas, Bob (Baxter's son) died Dec. 20, and my husband was also born on Christmas day. ... Lastly, Baxter and Mabel had 4 children: two boys, two girls, Bob is the only to have passed at this point."
1048. “Obituary for Baxter J. Johnson,” Dec 1971.
File: BaxterJJohnson
1050. “1880 Rock Creek, Wilkes, NC Federal Census - R. F. Baldwin,”
1052. Linda Brenckle, “Solomon Byrd and Nancy McCrary,” 23 Jun 2001,
"Surnames: BYRD, FELTS, MCCRARY, NORMAN, SOOTS, WALKER, WOOD, Seeking info on Braxton BYRD b.1787 caswell co.. Married 23 Dec. 1807 Wilkes Co. to Jean WOOD b. 1786 VA. Only sure of one child. A son Solomon b.1823 Wilkes co.. Married Nancy McCRARY. To my knowledge Braxton stayed in Wilkes co until his death, no dates on death. Solomon moved between wilkes co NC and Smith co VA. Related names FELTS / NORMAN / SOOTS, etc. Anyone have info on a cemetery in HAYS called OLD JOHNSON CEMETERY on BEATRICE HAROLD WALKER FARM also a FELTS cemetery in CLINGMAN ?? Any help will be appreciated and all info I have shared. Thank shared. Thank you."
1055. “1880 Rock Creek, Wilkes, NC Federal Census - Jesse F. Johnson,”
1056. “Picture of Jacob Grubb / Margaret Haga Family - Grayson, VA 1900,”
1058. David H. Halsey, The Halsey Family Record, 1990, accessed 29 Dec 2012, WV State Library #55035, 929.2 H196r,
1062. Mark Carey, “Email on Halsey Family from Mark Carey to Don Braffitt,” 11 May 2004.
"Margaret Halsey who married Joseph Hash was an older sister of my great, great, great grandmother Rachel Halsey... Rachel Halsey married Isaac Peasley in 1821, and they moved their family to McLean County IL in 1834. Some descendants still live in McLean Co. My maternal grandparents and my mother moved to Indianapolis in 1934 where I was born, and I moved to Charleston in 1967 after graduate school... I have a lot of information on Isaac and Rachel (Halsey) Peasley's descendants and would be glad to share... Most of the information I have on the ancestors of William Halsey and Rachel Cobb came from David Halsey's book and from internet sources. I've not done any original research on them yet, so you probably have what I have on them. However, I have done research that shows that most of the published information that shows William and Rachel (Cobb) Halsey's children is full of errors. Two females assigned as daughters were not their daughters, and the birth date given for Rachel Halsey, my ancestor, is 13 years too soon. It appears that the mistakes were made by Rufus Halsey in his book and propagated by others including David Halsey."
1066. Kim James Barr, “Descendants of Joseph Porter,” 2000,
"2Joseph Porter II b: February 4, 1784 in Wilkes Co., NC d: 1870 in Wilkes Co., NC ....+Elizabeth Sarah Johnson m: Abt. 1823 in Wilkes Co., NC d: 1862 in Wilkes Co., NC .... 3Sarah Porter.......+Edmund McGrady m: October 5, 1841 in Wilkes Co., NC ....... 4Rebekah McGrady..........+Abram Hash b: in of the Pine Branch Community, Grayson Co., VA .... 3James Porter b: Abt. 1805 .......+Melinda Bernette m: April 26, 1825 ....... 4Willborn Porter....... 4Phelix Porter....... 4Franklin Porter b: July 5, 1839 d: June 5, 1915 ..........+Mary Higgins b: June 20, 1840 m: January 17, 1856 d: June 1, 1918 ....... 4William Porter....... 4Sarah Porter....... 4Nancy Porter....... 4Peter Porter....... 4Elizabeth Porter.... 3Joseph Porter III b: 1813 in Wilkes (Rowan/Surry) Co., NC d: Bef. 1860 in Warrensville, Ashe Co., NC .......+Rachel Johnson b: 1815 in Wilkes Co., NC m: January 1, 1836 in Wilkes Co., NC d: May 28, 1915 in Jefferson, Ashe Co.,NCFact 1 (2): Lived to age of 100 ....... 4Rachel Porter..........+James Warren.......... 5Josephine Warren.............+Charles Hunter....... 4Marion Porter....... 4Joseph Porter IV....... 4Celia Porter....... 4Andrew Porter....... 4John Porter....... 4William M. Porter b: November 1836 in Wilkes Co., NC d: Abt. 1921 in Warrensville, Ashe Co., NCFact 1 (2): Captured twice during Civil War ..........+[1] Emeline Nee Wiles b: June 15, 1840 in Wilkes Co., NC m: September 6, 1866 in Wilkes Co., NC d: March 3, 1919 in Warrensville, Ashe Co., NCFact 1 (2): First husband was killed in Civil War .......... 5Joseph Evans Porter b: July 15, 1870 in Wilkes Co., NC d: May 19, 1933 .............+Nora Badger b: June 25, 1872 m: August 1889 in Ashe Co., NC d: July 19, 1909 ............. 6Chester Porter............. 6Thad Porter............. 6Rosco M. Porter b: May 1, 1893 in NC d: June 30, 1984 in Akron, Ohio ................+Ora Lee Hamilton m: July 15, 1916 in Akron, Ohio ............. 6Olla Porter b: May 10, 1928 .......... 5John Porter b: January 4, 1876 in Linney, Ashe Co., NC d: September 9, 1944 in Willow Street, Providence Township, Lancaster Co., PAFact 1 (2): Mechanic .............+Bertie Hanks b: December 31, 1877 in Helton, Ashe Co., NC d: July 4, 1898 in Linney, Ashe Co, NCFact 1 (2): Died young due to treatment for a fever ............. 6Ina Porter b: August 24, 1897 in Smethport (Linney), Ashe Co., NC d: May 22, 1985 in Jefferson, NCFact 1 (2): Wrote poetry and painted ................+Everett Roland b: October 1, 1896 in Staggs Creek, Ashe Co., NC m: April 25, 1915 in Staggs Creek, Ashe Co., NC d: January 2, 1966 in Ashe Memorial Hospital, Jefferson, NCFact 1 (2): August 1940 Sheriff of Ashe Co. ..........*2nd Wife of John Porter:.............+Rosa Sharpe b: July 24, 1875 in Dresden, Ashe Co., NC m: March 6, 1900 in Ashe Co., NC d: June 1971 in Willow Street, Near Lancaster, PA 17584Fact 1 (2): SS# 178-40-7014 ............. 6William Lyde Porter d: in PA ............. 6Jean M. Porter b: February 24, 1900 in Dresdon, Ashe Co., NC d: Aft. 1985 in Lancaster or Willow St, PAFact 1 (2): No Children ................+Ed Powell............. 6Edwin Clarence Porter b: August 23, 1903 in Linney, Ashe Co, NC d: June 28, 1979 in Jefferson, NC ................+Sallie Bare b: October 19, 1900 in Ashe Co., NC d: December 24, 1997 in Jefferson, Ashe Co., NC ............. 6John Dewy Porter b: 1906 d: April 28, 1988 in Ashe Co, NC ................+Phyllis Buetner d: Bet. 1995 - 1997 in Jefferson, Ashe Co., NC ............. 6Paris Porter b: Aft. 1906 d: in PA ................+Steve Pelanis.......... 5Margaret Elvira Porter b: March 25, 1880 d: February 2, 1940 .............+Arthur Alexander Jones b: November 27, 1870 m: January 1, 1899 d: November 14, 1948 ............. 6Florence Charlotte Jones b: December 9, 1900 in Ashe Co, NC d: June 4, 1970 ................+Scott Roland b: February 4, 1894 in Clifton, Ashe Co., NC m: July 25, 1917 d: April 1, 1975 in of Lenior, NC .......... 5Effie Mae Porter b: September 5, 1882 in Ashe Co., NC d: July 7, 1965 in Ashe Co., NC .............+Vance Hamilton Dollar b: January 25, 1881 m: October 25, 1902 in Ashe Co., NC d: August 1962 in Ashe Co., NC ....... 4Elisha Porter b: 1838 in Wilkes Co., NC? d: April 27, 1862 in in Civil WarFact 1 (2): Confederate soldier killed during war ..........+[1] Emeline Nee Wiles b: June 15, 1840 in Wilkes Co., NC m: 1859 in Wilkes Co., NC d: March 3, 1919 in Warrensville, Ashe Co., NCFact 1 (2): First husband was killed in Civil War .......... 5? Porter.......... 5? Porter.... 3Andrew Porter.......+Mary Coffey."
1068. “Ancestral File - Jacob Grubb and Eleanor,”
1069. “Email from William Floyd Myers Jr. to Don Braffitt,” 25 Jun 2006.
"My name is William Floyd Myers Jr. I go by Floyd. My mother was Shirley Hash daughter of Peyton Garfield Hash and granddaughter of Abram Hash. I found a chart for Peyton Garfield Hash. The chart lists 6 children. There are 3 other children. Lewis Peyton Hash, James Hash, Eugene Hash. There is a Floyd Hash listed as a son of Peyton. There is no son named Floyd Hash. All children of Peyton are deceased. The last, Myrtle, died on 9/20/05."
1070. “1880 Peak Creek, Ashe, NC Federal Census,”
21-Sep-2004 email from Ann Nobles to Don Braffitt, "The 1880 entry you found for Andrew in Ashe County, NC, appears to be Andrew Jackson Grubb and wife Elizabeth Egner and their children. Andrew, born Feb 1836, was 10 years older than wife Elizabeth, born Feb 1846. The ages for the children fit with my information. The one-year-old twins Nora and Cora are probably the twins I have as Cora and Delia (Sedelia). The son John A. is probably the son I have as Johnny W. Evelyn Egner Watson, of Corbin, KY, is a descendant of Elizabeth's brother John R. Egner. Her father Edgar Egner knew both Cora and Delia well. He said the twins Cora and Sedelia were born in North Carolina while the family was traveling to Kentucky in a covered wagon. This fits with the census entry for 1880."
1071. “Wilson, Grayson, VA death certificate for Jacob Grubb,” 29 Jan 1924,
1072. Hill, Virginia Gazetteer and Classified Business Directory 1911 for Grayson County,
1073. “Email from Beth Hacker to Don Braffitt,” 21 Oct 2003.
1075. “1880 Prathers Creek, Alleghany, NC Federal Census - John Grubb,”
1078. Paul Herndon, “Ancestral File - William Grubb and Elizabeth Hagy,”
1083. “Obituary for Emma Martin Hash,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond, VA, 14 Apr 1994, 15 Apr 1994, page B2.
1084. “Osborne Fort Cemetery, Bridle Creek, Grayson, VA,”,
"Osborne Fort Cemetery 1812-1877: It is located on Rt 711 just east of the River Ridge Thoroughbred Farm's barn no 1 in Independence, VA. Its name is derived from the fort built nearby for the protection of settlers from the Indians. It seems that this area and section of New River was a favorite hunting and fishing site of the Indians, and they didn't give it up without raids and fighting. Early settlers in this area included the surnames of Baker, Cox, Osborne, Hash, Ward, Phipps, Livesay, and Howell. The Osborne tract was between Bridle Creek and Saddle Creek, and the Osborne Fort and cemetery were located thereon. The Osborne Fort Cemetery remained in the Osborne family for 5 generations. During this time the plot was taken care of. But the farm and cemetery passed into other hands and the cemetery was all but destroyed."
1086. Charles "Chuck" Lafay Cloud Jr., “Email on descendants of James Osborne from Chuck Cloud to Don Braffitt,” 19 Sep 2002.
1090. “Obituary for Imogene Sexton,” Roanoke Times, Roanoke, VA, 27 Nov 2010,
"Imogene Johnson Sexton, 91, of Fries, Va., died November 23, 2010. Funeral 3 p.m. Saturday, November 27, 2010, Monta-Vista Mausoleum, Galax. Arrangements by Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home, Independence, Va."
1091. “Obituary for Imogene Sexton,” Charleston Gazette, Charleston, Kanawha, WV, 28 Nov 2010.
"Imogene Sexton of Charleston died Nov. 23, 2010. Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home, Independence, Va., is in charge of arrangements. Service was held in Monta Vista Memory Garden Mausoleum at 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 27, in Galax, Va. Visitation was from 1 to 2:15 Saturday at the funeral home."
1092. “Obituary for Imogene Johnson Sexton,” Galax Gazette, Galax, VA, 29 Nov 2010,
"Imogene Johnson Sexton, 91, Monday, November 29, 2010 at 4:56 pm, Imogene Johnson Sexton, 91, of Charleston, W.Va., formerly of Fries in the Providence Community, died Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2010, at Sweetbriar Assisted Living Center in Dunbar, W.Va. She was the widow of Lucian Ford Sexton. She was born Sept. 12, 1919, at Grant, to the late William H. and Pearl Hash Johnson. Survivors are two sisters, Doris Will of Charleston, W.Va., and Velma Hedrick of North Carolina; and several nieces and nieces. A funeral service was held at 3 p.m., on Saturday, Nov. 27, 2010, at Monta Vista Mausoleum in Galax. The Rev. John Williams officiated. Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home, Independence, is serving the Sexton family."
1094. “Obituary for Everett Vance Owensby, Sr.,” Knoxville Sentinel-News, Knoxville, TN, 19 Jan 1979, page 8, Copy made Jun-2006 by Iris Davenport.
"Owensby, Everett Vance, Sr. age 75 died Wednesday night at St. Mary's Medical Center. He was of the Methodist faith and was a retired employee of the Consolidated Coal Co. where he was a foreman for 17 yrs. He was also a member of the United Mine Workers of America for 17 yrs. Survivors: wife Mrs. June Artrip Owensby, Knoxville, daughters Mrs. Eveoline Legg of Washington, D.C. Mrs. Wanda Sue King of Knoxville, sons Kenneth Owensby, Detroit, Roger Hayden Owensby, Sr., Bluefield, Va., Everett V. Owensby, Jr. of Chattanooga, V.F. Owensby, Stone Mountain, Ga. 15 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. Services 2 p.m. Friday at McCarty Mortuary Chapel. Rev. Harold D. Ray officiating. Interment Asbury Cemetery. Pallbearers: Ralph Lambert, Roger H. Owensby, Jr., Richard A. Owensby, Paul Evans, David Bailey, Ray Smiley. The body is at McCarty Mortuary."
1095. “Obituary for Rev. Glen Noah Ross,” The News & Advance, Lynchburg, VA, 22 Apr 2007.
"Rev. Glen Noah Ross. 1917 - 2007. The Rev. Glen Noah Ross, 90, of Lynchburg, passed Saturday, April 21, 2007, at Lynchburg Health and Rehab. He was preceded in death by his wife, Marie Johnson Ross; a daughter, Glenna Sue Ross; two sisters; and a brother. Born April 17, 1917, in Grant, he was the son of the late John Barton Ross and Bessie Hash Ross. He was the former pastor of Franklin St. Baptist Church, now Sandusky Baptist, in Lynchburg, and also pastored churches in Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Virginia and Texas. He also spent a year in Belize as a missionary. Survivors include a daughter, Linda R. Taylor and husband, Ronald, of Madison Heights; a son, W. Barton Ross and wife, Jan, of Valrico, Fla.; a sister, Charlotte Shupe, of Boissevain; two grandchildren, Glenn E. Taylor and Lynda Adams and husband, David, both of Madison Heights; four great-grandchildren, Kaity and Ryan Taylor, and D.J. and Katlyn Adams; nieces; nephews; other relatives; and friends. A funeral service will be conducted at 1 p.m. Wednesday, at Whitten Monelison Chapel by the Rev. Charlie Harbin and the Rev. David Heerspink. Interment will take place in Amherst Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, at the funeral home and other times at the residence of Linda Taylor, 114 Woodland Dr., Madison Heights. Memorial contributions may be made to the Gideon's or charity of your choice. Whitten Funeral Homes and Cremation Services, Monelison Chapel, is assisting the family. Published in The News & Advance from 4/22/2007 - 4/24/2007."
1096. “MD deaths,” 1898–1982.
1097. Bonnie Tiegs, “Email on Ward family from Bonnie Tiegs to Don Braffitt,” 14 Jun 2001.
1098. Bonnie Tiegs, “Email on Johnson/Hash family from Bonnie Tiegs to Linda Taylor,” 3 Jun 2001.
1099. “Obituary for Evangeline Stella Owensby Legg,” Harrisonburg Daily Record, Harrisonburg, VA, Jul 2001, Copy made Jun-2006 by Angel Joseph-DeLawder.
"Evangeline S. Legg. Evangeline Stella Owensby Legg, 78, New Market, died Wednesday, July 4, 2001, in Charles Town, W. Va. of complications from diabetes and a stroke. Mrs. Legg was born March 17,1923, in Marion, and was the daughter of the late Everett and Lenora Johnson Owensby. She lived her early life in West Virginia and Tennessee. From 1962 until her retirement in 1994, she was an administrative assistant at Foster and Associates of Washington, D.C. After retiring, she and her husband moved to New Market. In 1946, she married William R. Legg, who died in 1999. Surviving are a daughter, Amy Konrad, Charles Town; a son Philip Legg, Roanoke, Texas; two grandchildren; and two brothers. Memorial contributions may be made to the New Market Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 399, New Market, Va. 22844 or the New Market Area Library, 9417 S. Congress St., New Market."
1100. “Obituary for William Ross Legg,” Harrisonburg Daily Record, Harrisonburg, VA, Feb 1999, Copy made Jun-2006 by Angel Joseph-DeLawder.
"William R. Legg. William Ross Legg, 77, Harrisonburg and New Market, died Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1999, at Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg. Mr. Legg was born Aug. 10, 1921, in Maryville, Tenn., and was a son of the late Ross William and Emily Mae Legg. He lived his early life in Tennessee and worked in Washington, D.C. from 1962 until 1994. He lived in Harrisonburg for the past two years while maintaining a home in New Market since 1980. Mr. Legg graduated from the University of Tennessee and was an editor at the National Association of Homebuilders at the time of his retirement. He served in the Army during World War II. Surviving are his wife, Evangeline O. Legg, whom he married Oct. 15, 1946; a daughter, Aimee Legg Konrad, Charles Town, W. Va. ; a son, William Philip Legg, Roanoake, Texas; a sister, Alta Sue Legg, Knoxville, Tenn.; a brother Everett B. Legg, Atlanta, Ga.; and twin grandchildren. Arrangements are by the Lindsey Harrisonburg Funeral Home."
1101. Melissa Grubb, “Email from Melissa Grubb to Don Braffitt,” 16 Jul 2007.
1105. “1854 Kennesaw Lodge No. 33, Marietta, Cobb, GA, Grand Lodge of Georgia,” 1854,
1108. Susan W. Diegel, “Emails on Fain and Mason families from Susan W. Diegel to Don Braffitt,” May 2001.
"You're correct... The father of Mary Ann Fain is John Samuel FAIN, not Mason. He was married to Elizabeth Butt. (I accidentally typed "Mason" instead of Fain.) I've been looking for Mr. Richard Mason who was married to Mary Ann Fain for so long that I have Mason on the brain. Mary Ann Fain & Richard Mason were the parents of my great-grandmother, Julia Cordelia Mason. Born 10/6/1867. Married John Alexander Hampton. Died 2/2/1962. (She was a really old, head-strong, itsy-bitsy woman when I was a child). Their daughter, Carrie Mae Hampton, born 3/3/03 and died 4/23/64 was my grandmother. She married David Vincent Carringer in Murphy, NC. (There's a huge Carringer geneology site on the web under the name of Robert Warren.) Carrie Mae Hampton and David Vincent Carringer were the parents of my mother, Julia Roberta Carringer. Married Herbert Franklin Williams. I copied the following off of the headstones at Maggie's Chapel Cemetery in Brasstown, NC: Mary Ann Fain. 12/29/1829 - 4/29/198. Married to Richard Mason. Richard Mason, 4/17/1827-9/17/1896. ... Hi! I "stumbled" onto your website on the Fain family, by accident, as I was trying to get some information on my ancestors, particularly a Richard Mason. The funny thing is that in trying to find out information on Richard Mason, I located your site which contained the other half of my family tree. My grandmother was Carrie Hampton. Her mother was Julia Cordelia Mason who was married to a John Hampton in Cherokee County, NC. Julia Cordelia Mason's parents were Richard Mason (4/17/1827 - 9/17/1896) and Mary Ann Fain Mason (12/29/1829 - 4/29/1918). I have been advised by my relatives, that Mary Ann Fain Mason's parents were John Samuel Mason, b. 12/14/1797 and Elizabeth Butt. John Samuel Mason and Elizabeth Butt were married in 1819. I have been trying to locate the "Richard Mason" side of my tree and so I typed in "Mary Ann Fain" (his wife) and found your website with the information that I had been given by relatives. Your site contains the exact names that I had been given except that your site did not show the marriage of Mary Ann Fain (my great-great-grandmother) to Richard Mason, etc. Here's the info that I had been given which basically matches your tree: Nicholas Fain (Ireland) m. Elizabeth Taylor. Their Child, Ebenezer Fain married Mary Mercer. Child John Fain m. Elizabeth Butt. Child Mary Ann Fain m. Richard Mason. Child Julia Cordelia Mason m. John Alexander Hampton. Child Carrie Mae Hampton m. David Vincent Carringer (my grandparents) in Murphy, NC. Child Julia Roberta Carringer m. Herbert Franklin Williams (my parents). Child Susan Elaine Williams (me)."
1109. Sue Coats, “Email from Sue Coats to Don Braffitt,” 19 Aug 2006.
"I was researching on the internet for my ancestors. I have been working on this for a long time. My cousin Donna Blackwell Gates sent you some information concerning her Grandfather Marion J. Blackwell. My Grandmother's name was Ila Doris Blackwell Cassell. She was Harvey and Marion Blackwell's sister. She was born in Groveland on April 20, 1900. Her father was Andrew Jackson Blackwell and her mother was Nora Hamilton Marconi Blackwell. My Grandma died on June 14, 1970 from a stroke, a complication from diabetes. She is buried at East Lawn Cemetery in Sacramento, Ca. She was married to Elbert F. Cassell, Inspector and Dept. Zone Commander of the Highway Patrol in Sacramento. They had one child a daughter, Mary-Louise Cassell Bartlett ... . She married Everett Paul Bartlett ... . They had 4 children, Ila Suzanne ..., Everett Paul Jr. ..., Laura Gale ... and Debra Lynn ... . Ila Suzanne is me, Sue. I was married ... to Edwin F. Coats, Jr. Please feel free to contact me. Thanks for all the research and information. Sue"
1112. “"Radfords Lived Ohio's History",” Waid Radford, Athens Messenger, Athens, OH, 1 Apr 1954, page 9.
File: Radford1954
1114. Meigs County History Book, 1979.
1117. “Descendants of Edmund Rice,” 2020,
1119. Julie Wollard Trout, “Hecox Web Site,” 24 Oct 2000,
Based on "Hecox Genealogy".
1122. “1880 Johnson, Scotland, MO Federal Census - William Brookheart,”
1126. Milton T. Jay, M.D., History of Jay County Indiana, Historical Publishing Company, Indianapolis, Marion, IN, volume II, pages 442-443, 1922,,
"Mr. JAQUA was born on March 3, 1861, and is a son of James B. and Eliza J. (AVERY) JAQUA, who had located at Portland in 1853 and whose last days were spent there. James B. JAQUA, who for years was one of the leading members of the bar of the Jay Circuit Court, as is set out elsewhere in this work, was born in Darke county, Ohio, in 1820, and was a son of Judson and Lucinda (BRAFFET) JAQUA, the latter of whom was born in Pennsylvania, a daughter of James BRAFFET, who was a native of Massachusetts, a member of an old colonial family. Judson JAQUA also was a member of a colonial family, his father, Gamaliel JAQUA, a New Yorker, having been a soldier of the Revolution. James B. JAQUA was reared on a farm and his schooling was completed in the old academy at Centerville, Ind .[Wayne Co.] For four or five years thereafter he taught school, meanwhile pursuing the study of law under careful preceptorship, and in 1852, three or four years after his marriage, was admitted to the bar at Hamilton, [Butler Co.] Ohio. Upon his admission to the bar Mr. JAQUA cast about for a likely place in which to open an office for the practice of his profession and in 1853 located at Portland, where he spent the remainder of his life, one of the leaders of the bar and a helpful influence in all good works, the organizer of the Citizens Bank and in other ways influential in the development of the city's cultural and commercial activities. A few years after coming to Jay county he was appointed school examiner for the county and served in that capacity for several years. When the Civil war came on he was appointed draft commissioner for this county arid rendered impartial service in his administration of that trying position. Mr. JAQUA not only was a good lawyer but a prudent business man. He acquired large land interests in the county and was one of the most active builders in the county seat town, in addition to his banking interests having interests in a mill) a hotel and several commercial buildings. It was in 1848 that James B. JAQUA was united in marriage to Eliza J. AVERY, who was born in Nashville, [Davidson Co.] Tenn., a daughter of Daniel AVERY, and who died in Portland in 1871. Of the nine children born to that union six lived to maturity, those besides the subject of this sketch being Alonzo L. JAQUA, of whom further mention is made elsewhere; Genevra I., who married Nathan B. HAWKINS, who was for many years one of the foremost figures in the general commercial life of Portland, and Minnie "L., Carl W. and Frank B. JAQUA. Reared at Portland, Judson A. JAQUA received his schooling in the schools of that city and as a young man for several years studied law in the office of his father. His inclinations, however, favored commercialism rather than the law and in 1878 he entered the Citizens Bank, which had been organized by his father in 1875, and as a clerk in that institution gave his whole thought to the banking business, in which he ever since has been engaged. In due time Mr. JAQUA was made assistant cashier of the bank and in May, 1908, was elected cashier, the position he since has occupied and during which time the interests of the bank have been largely increased. In his political views Mr. JAQUA is "independent." He is a member of the local lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks at Portland. In 1884 Judson A. JAQUA was united in marriage to Addie C. COOLEY, daughter of Charles R. and Catherine COOLEY, and to this union two sons have been born, Charles A., now a resident of Indianapolis, [Marion Co.] who married Geneva MARTIN and has two children, Byron and Janet, and Paul C. JAQUA, assistant cashier of the Citizens Bank of Portland, who married Vera M. SPOHN and has two children, John and Catherine."
1127. “DE births,” 1800-1932.
1128. “DC marriages,” 1830-1921.
1129. “SD deaths,” 1905-1955.
1130. 1913 Denver, CO Directory.
1132. “1880 Marysvale, Piute, UT Federal Census - Geo. W. Gifford,”
1134. “Columbiana County Memorial Park,” Calcutta, Columbiana, OH,
1135. Salinas Weekly Index, Salinas, Monterey, CA, 31 Dec 1893,
"Died -- BRAFFET -- in Salinas City, Jan. 31, 1893, Bertie, son of Mr.&Mrs. Si BRAFFET, aged 3 years, 2 months, 21 days."
1136. “Obituary for Cecelia Beryl Braffet,” 20 Aug 1987, Rockford Register Star, Rockford, IL, page 3B.
"Cecelia Beryl Braffet, 77, 1225 Ramona Terrace, Machesney Park, died Monday, 10 Aug 1987, in the home of a niece in Fort Worth, Texas. Born in 1909 in Chicago, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Branniff. Married Martin Braffet 35 years. Graphologist 15 years, psychic adviser since 1972, lecturing at Rock Valley and Rockford colleges. Member Catholic faith. Former Girl Scout leader. Survivors include her husband, Martin; nephew, Marine Sgt. Louis E. Johnson, Crystal Lake; two nieces, Patricia Beasley and Betty Tarpley, Fort Worth; three great-nieces, Theresa Cooke, Mary Beasley and Tricia Tarpley; three great-nephews, Tim Tarpley, Michael and Patrick Beasley; and great-great-niece, Stephanie Cooke. Memorial Mass was Wednesday, 12 Aug, in St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, Fort Worth. Cremation took place, with the ashes scattered under the Turner oak in Greenwood Cemetery, Fort Worth. Memorials to Hospice Care Inc., 600 8th Ave., Forth Worth, Texas."
1142. “1880 Johnson, Scotland, MO Federal Census - Chas L. Brookheart,”
1143. “Mary Braffett - Pedigree Resource File,” CD 5, Submitted 21-Sep-1999, William (Chip) Albert Kessler, Jr.
1144. “18-Apr-1930 San Miguel, San Luis Obispo, CA Federal Census.”
1145. “Merced, CA marriages.”
1149. “Cumberland, Nova Scotia, Canada deaths,”
1151. “Obituary for Sarah Giles,” Chignecto Post, 26 Jul 1894, page 3, column 4,
"DIED. GILES - At Greenville, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, at the residence of her son, Edward Giles, on the 13 th inst., Mrs. Sarah Giles, widow of the late James Giles, aged 84 years. The deceased was a daughter of the late Hugh McIntyre. She emigrated with her parents from the County Antrim, in the North of Ireland to this country when 21 years of age. Her remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery at Pugwash on Sunday the 15 th inst. And followed to their last resting place by a large number of relatives and friends. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. Father Egan from Springhill."
1153. Timothy McKenny, “Giles Family Nova Scotia,”, 23 Jan 2009.
1154. Salinas Weekly Index, Salinas, Monterey, CA, 15 Oct 1891,
"The BROOKS Trial -- Albert M. BROOKS, charged with an attempt to commit arson, was tried before the Superior Court Tuesday with the following jury: ... Silas BRAFFET, ..."
1155. Salinas Weekly Index, Salinas, Monterey, CA, 13 Dec 1894,
"Born -- BRAFFET -- in Salinas City, Dec. 10, 1894, to the wife of Si BRAFFET, a daughter."
1156. “Obituary for Ray Overcash,” Stanly News and Press, Stanley, NC, 31 Dec 2012,
''Sunday, December 30, 2012 — Ray Allen Overcash, 87, of New London, passed away Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012, at his home. His service was at 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012, in the Stanly Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Clarence Walck officiating. Burial followed in the New London Cemetery with full military rites by the Stanly County DAV Ritual Team and with Masonic Graveside Rites. The family received friends on Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012, from 9:30-10:30 a.m., prior to the funeral service. Born July 29, 1925, in Davidson, N.C., he was the son of the late William Burrett Overcash and Cecil Spencer Overcash. He attended Davidson College and Charlotte University and was a retired Wildlife Officer with 33 years of service. He was a member of New London United Methodist Church, a Veteran of the U.S. Navy during WWII and a member of Roman Eagle Lodge #550 A.F. & A.M., Aberdeen, N.C. He was married to Margaret Blackwell Overcash of the home. Other survivors include daughter, Aleece Overcash Lehman and husband Randy of Oakboro; brother, Bobby Overcash of Concord; and grandchildren Ashlee Ray McKeon and Margaret Noah Anspach. A brother, Charlie Overcash, and a sister, Deannie Brannon, preceded him in death. The family requests that memorials be made to Hospice of Stanly County, 960 N. First St., Albemarle, NC 28001 or to the American Diabetes Association Memorial and Honor Program, PO Box 2680, North Canton, Ohio 44720. Stanly Funeral Home is entrusted with arrangements.''
1157. “Mecklenburg, NC births,” 1865-2012.
1158. “ID marriages,” 1863-1966.
1159. “UT marriages,” 1871-1941.
1163. “MA marriages,” 1620-1988, 1633-1850.
1164. “Sumter, AL deed,” 1838-1841, deed book H, page 532, index page 19,
1165. “Obituary for Giles E. Mosher Jr.,” Boston Herald, Boston, Suffolk, MA, 13 Feb 2013,
''MOSHER Giles E. Jr. of Wellesley and West Falmouth, MA passed away peacefully at his home on February 12, 2013. Mr. Mosher leaves his best friend, confidant and dear wife, Thelma. He was the loving father of Mary Beth Grimm and her husband James of Wellesley; Susan Mosher and Tom MacDonald of Newton; Michelle Cibotti of Canton; Giles E. Mosher III and his wife Susan of Dover; Alison Birmingham and her husband Stephen of Dover; and Caitlyn Ellis and her husband Jason of Wellesley. Cherished grandfather of A.J., Ryan and Meagan Grimm; Kristin Cibotti; Giles E. Mosher IV (Teddy) and Robert Mosher; and Grace and Liza Birmingham. A graduate of Boston College, Northwestern University's School of Financial Public Relations, and Rutgers University Stonier Graduate School of Banking, Mr. Mosher was the former President and Chief Executive Officer of BayBank and Vice Chairman Emeritus of Bank of America. A devoted trustee of Boston College for more than 40 years, Mr. Mosher was also a member of the Finance Council of the Archdiocese of Boston, a Director of Boston Mutual Life Insurance, the Massachusetts Business Development Corporation, and a member of the Board of Trustees of St. Elizabeth's Medical Center for more than four decades. A Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Mr. Mosher was a member of Brae Burn Country Club and the Clover Club of Boston. Funeral from the George F. Doherty & Sons Funeral Home, 477 Washington St. (Rt. 16), WELLESLEY, Saturday at 10:00 A.M. Funeral Mass in St. John the Evangelist Church, 9:00 A.M. Glen Rd, Wellesley Hills at 11:00 A.M. Relatives and friends kindly invited. Visiting hours Friday from 4:00-8:00 P.M. Interment in Newton Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Perpetual Benevolent Fund, c/o Bank of America, 39 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472. For directions and guestbook George F. Doherty & Sons Wellesley (781)-235-4100.''
1171. “1881 Victoria Cross Road, Cumberland, Nova Scotia, Canada Census,”
1172. Hutchinson’s Nova Scotia Directory 1864-1865 Cumberland County,
1174. “Nova Scotia marriages,” 1763-1864, 1823-1905, 1864-1943,
1176. “1880 District 38, Grayson, VA Federal Census,”
1179. “10-Apr-1930 628 Ivy Street, Chico, Butte, CA Federal Census.”
1180. “Obituary for Alta Braffett,” 10 Jun 1960.
"Alta Braffett age 74 services were handled by the Brusie Funeral Home of Chico. She was a native of Browns Valley and lived the last few years in Chico. She died at the Oroville Hospital. Survivors include her husband Ben Braffett of Chico, sister Myrtle Laverty and a cousin Frank Williams both of Camp Beale Rd. Burial was in Browns Valley Cemetery." [Camp Beale Rd is now known as North Beale Rd. and is located in Yuba County in a "suburb" of Marysville known as Linda.]
1183. “Email from daughter-in-law of Annie Braffet to Don Braffitt,” 14 Jan 2006.
1184. “Nova Scotia births,” 1830-1918, 1864-1877, 1908-1918,
1189. “07-Apr-1930 1335 Union Street, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA Federal Census.”
1190. “Obituary for Mellie Rives,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Fulton, GA, 24 Jul 1957, page 17.
Files (2): MellieRives1957b, MellieRives1957a
1191. “1880 Johnson, Scotland, MO Federal Census - Jacob Brookheart,”
1193. Willam L. Wells, “Ancestral File - Lemuel Brookhart and Mary Flick,”
1194. “Cobb, GA marriages.”
File: LeonBellFannieBlackwell
1195. “Obituary for Carl W. Morris, Jr.,” The Eagle Tribune, Haverill, MA, 28 Jul 2003,
''Monday, July 28, 2003. Carl W. Morris Jr. HAVERHILL -- Carl W. "Billy" Morris Jr., 60, died Thursday at Anna Jaques Hospital in Newburyport. Born in Georgetown, he graduated from Georgetown High School. He worked at the Clayton Co. and later at the Morris Painting Co. Mr. Morris leaves wife of 21 years Patricia F. (Seaboyer) Scearbo; daughters Melissa Baron of North Andover, and Sharon Jaffarian of Haverhill; sons Robert J. Braffitt of Raymond, N.H., Scott Braffitt, and James Braffitt, both of Haverhill; sister Eva I. of Plaistow, N.H.; brother Earl D. of Haverhill; seven grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. ARRANGEMENTS: Calling hours are tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. at C. Frank Linnehan & Son Haverhill Funeral Home, 129 Kenoza Ave., Haverhill. Funeral services are Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the funeral home. Burial will follow in Harmony Cemetery, Georgetown.''
1197. “1930 Caroline, VA Federal Census - Southworth.”
1199. “Obituary for Luther J. Southworth,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond, VA, 16 May 1957, page 7.
Files (2): LutherSouthworth1957a, LutherSouthworth1957b
1200. “Obituary for Mattie L. Mundie,” Times-Dispatch, Richmond, VA, 08 Apr 1971, 09 Apr 1971.
File: MattieMundie
1201. Joseph Luther Southworth
1202. “14-Apr-1930 Caroline, VA Federal Census - Ross.”
"Enumeration district 17-7, family 110, William A. Ross head age 58 age at 1st marriage 22 Virginia Poland Virginia, Martha J. wife 63 28 Virginia Virginia Virginia, William T. son 41 32 Virginia Virginia Virginia, Grace daughter-in-law 26 18 Virginia Virginia Virginia, Dorothy M. daughter 7 Virginia Virginia Virginia, Arlene G. daughter 4 Virginia Virginia Virginia. The census taker indented "Daugh" under the relationship column I think in an attempt to clarify that Dorothy M. and Arlene G. were children of William T. and Grace. Under the occupation/industry columns, William A. Ross is listed as a farmer who owns his farm. William T. Ross is listed as a carpenter doing woodworking. Also, there are two columns for veteran information. William T. Ross is listed as a veteran of "WW". The Ross family was the last family enumerated on April 14 in district 17-7. The next family starts the April 15 enumeration for district 17-7."
1205. “Obituary for Belle Seal Garnett,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond, VA, 23 Jan 1950, page 18.
Files (3): BelleSealGarnett1950a, BelleSealGarnett1950b, BelleSealGarnett1950c
1206. Carla Turner, 31 Oct 2002,
"I am searching my family lineage of Augusta Belle Cummings. I do know the following: She was born on August 27, 1868 in Chester Twp., Meigs Co., OH. She died on February 17, 1942 in Parkersburg, WV. She married July 21, 1888 in Mason Co., OH to James Henry F. Teaford. Her father is John Cummings. Her mother is Sarah Ellen Radford who was born on August 21, 1840 in Ohio and died on November 11, 1922 in Meigs Co., Ohio."
1210. “Obituary for Richard Lee Braffett,” Coeur d'Alene Press, Coeur d'Alene, ID, 6 Apr 2011.
"Richard Lee Braffett, 53. Richard Lee Braffett, born Oct. 28, 1957, in Houston, Texas, passed away April 6, 2011, at the Spokane VA hospital where he received the best of care. Rick had endured months of debilitating weakness due to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Rick had served in the U.S. Navy as a nuclear machinist mate. Following that, he worked in the hospitality industry in Orlando, Fla., in hotel and restaurant management. He moved to Coeur d'Alene in 2003 and was employed by the Best Western Coeur d'Alene Inn. He is survived by his parents, Sandra and Jim Foley; brother Chuck Braffett; sister Lisa Newman; and aunt and uncle Wanda and Michael Hayes. He also has numerous cousins, nieces and nephews in Texas. His body is now free from his bodily imprisonment. Those wishing can contribute to your local ALS Association in his memory."
1211. “Mrs. Mary Alice Castro Loses Attempt for Share in Estate of Lucky Baldwin,” Nevada State Journal, Reno, NV, 09 Jul 1940, article located by Gwen MacDonald.
''Superior Judge William S. Baird today ruled as insufficient evidence upon which Mrs. Mary Alice Castro, 41-year-old Santa Maria, Cal., rancher's wife, obtained a jury verdict finding her to be the daughter of late Mrs. Lilly Baldwin Howard. Judge Baird granted a defense motion for a new trial. Plumpish Mrs. Castro had sought to establish her claim to a daughter's share of Mrs. Howard's $443,000 estate. Mrs. Howard was the fourth and last wife of the late Elias Jackson ‘Lucky’ Baldwin, California and Nevada bonanza king. Trial of Mrs. Castrow's case ran three weeks last April. She submitted entries in a family Bible and a letter purportedly written by Mrs. Howard placing her as a baby in the care of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Braffet of Salinas, CA.''
1214. “Obituary for Adam V. Murabito,” Times Herald-Record, Orange, NY, 25 Aug 2000.
"ADAM V. MURABITO Florida, N.Y. Adam M. Murabito of Florida, the infant son of Salvatore V. Murabito Jr. and Michele Matthews Murabito, died Thursday, Aug. 24, 2000, at Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla. He was 8 days old. He was born on Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2000, in Valhalla. Survivors include his mother and father at home; one brother, Nicholas, at home; his paternal grandparents, Salvatore Sr. and Jessie Murabito of Goshen; maternal grandmother, Helen Matthews of Florida, N.Y; maternal great-grandmother, Rita Lupinski of Goshen; and aunts, uncles and cousins. There will be no visitation. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 26, at Donovan Funeral Home, 82 South Church St., Goshen. Interment will be in St. John's Cemetery, Goshen. Memorial contributions may be sent to Cataract Engine & Hose Co., Goshen, N.Y. 19024, or to the charity of one's choice. Arrangements are under the direction of Donovan Funeral Home, Goshen."
1215. “Obituary for Salvatore V. Murabito,” Times Herald-Record, Orange, NY, 26 Jan 2006.
"Salvatore V. Murabito, a retired inspector for Ford Motor Co. in Mahwah, N.J. and a lifetime resident of the area, entered into rest on Jan. 24, 2006 at Arden Hill Hospital. He was 82. The son of the late Vincent and Carmella Martinez Murabito, he was born on May 27, 1923 in Woodbridge, N.J. Mr. Murabito was a US Army veteran of WW II. He proudly served his country in the European Theater. He was a member of the Goshen VFW, American Legion Post #377, Goshen Fire Dept., Goshen Fire Police and County Seat Conservation Club. Survivors include his son, Salvatore V. Murabito Jr. and wife Michele of Florida, N.Y.; two daughters, Jessie Smykla and husband Ronnie of Middletown, Jacqueline McCloud of Bloomingburg; grandchildren, Nicholas Murabito, Kayla and Ronnie Smykla Jr., Jacqueline Harding and Ricky Chevalier; great-grandchildren, Crystal and Justin Robinson, Timothy Harding; sisters, Annie LaRue and husband Leo of West Covina, Calif., Josephine Contarino and husband Rosario of Chester; brother, Frank Murabito and wife Alice of Harrison and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his wife of 42 years, Jessie E. Miller Murabito; grandchildren, Alexander, Adam and Edward Murabito; sister, Carmella Torrisi and brother Anthony Murabito. Visitation will be held on Thursday, January 26 from 2-4 and 6-9 p.m. at the Donovan Funeral Home, 82 South Church St., Goshen, N.Y. Funeral services will be held on Friday, January 27 at 10 a.m. at St. John's Church, 71 Murray Ave., Goshen. Burial will at St. John's Cemetery, Goshen. Memorial contributions may be made to the Goshen Fire Dept. Funeral arrangements are by the Donovan Funeral Home."
1216. “Obituary for Virginia Logene Roberts,” Roanoke Times, Roanoke, VA, 4 Oct 2006, page B6.
"Virginia Logene Roberts, 86, of Roanoke, Va., passed away on Tuesday, October 2, 2007. Lotz Roanoke Chapel is handling her arrangements."
1217. “Dorset Cemetery, Dorset, Ashtabula, OH,”
1221. “Obituary for M. J. Byers,” The Daily State Journal, Parkersburg, Wood, WV, 19 May 1919, page 4,
1222. “Funeral Notice for M. J. Byers,” The Daily State Journal, Parkersburg, Wood, WV, 20 May 1919,
1225. “Obituary for Herbert C. Peterson,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond, VA, 27 Jan 1981, page B-2.
Files (3): HerbertPeterson1981a, HerbertPeterson1981b, HerbertPeterson1981c
1226. “Obituaries for Mary Tucker Peterson,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond, VA, 30 May 1999, page B2, 31 May 1999, page B2.
Files (3): HerbertPeterson1981a, HerbertPeterson1981b, HerbertPeterson1981c
1227. “CA divorces,” 1966-1984.
1228. “History of Kingsburg, Nova Scotia,”
1229. “US Quaker Meeting Records,” 1681-1935.
1230. James Newell, “Email from James Newell to Don Braffitt,” 16 Nov 2003.
"My name is James Newell and I live in Chillicothe, Tx. John P Newell is my gg grandfather. I cant believe I finally found some info on him. Our old family Bible list John P and Abigail's children as, John Bodine, James Gregory, Martha Caroline, Patience, Daniel Nelson, William Hanney, Lydia Margaret, Columbus, Robert Fulton, and Samuel Worth. Samuel Worth is from a second marrage after Abigail died to Lizzy Wells. Robert Fulton is my g grand father and was raised by his older brother Daniel Nelson in Baxter Springs KS. Robert F was a star mail carrier and a keeper of the peace durring the Oklahoma land rush. He married Mary Ethel Schulmberger (spelling ?) from Fort Stockton TX. They had two children, my grandfather Daniel Nelson, and Mary Ethel. They were living in Ravie OK when Daniel Nelson was born, and 3 years later moved and homesteaded land 8 miles east of Lovington NM. After they were there for three years they came to Wilbarger county TX. This is all the info I have on them, except dates. I wonder why Daniel had to raise Robert, why did Abigail die, where is John buried, what happened to Lizzy Wells ect. Would you please contact me and lets compair notes or could you tell me where to look. Thanks a million. James Newell."
1233. Ira B. Peck, A Genealogical History of the Descendants of Joseph Peck, 1868,
1234. “NJ births,” 1670-1980.
1236. “MD marriages,” 1655-1850.
1237. “My New England Ancestors - Foetsch Family,” 2014,
"Frederick W. Foetsch, 52, Victoria Foetsch, 34, and Frances Foetsch, 3, were all buried in Beaverdale Memorial Park in New Haven with a death date of 12/31/1944, and with them was William Foetsch, no age, died 1 /1/1945. (H-148, 1, 2, and 3, owned by Frances Pulaski) This lead to an obit search. From the Meriden Record Journal, Dec 31, 1944: Three Die In F ire At New Haven - New Haven, Conn., Dec 31 - Three members of a family lost their lives, two others were badly burned and another seriously cut as a fire swept through their two and one-half story wooden dwelling early today. The Dead: Fred Foetsch 50, father, Mrs. Fred Foetsch, 3 3, mother, Francis Foetsch, 2 1-2 years old. Critically burned were Edith, 3 1-2, and William, three months old, and cut while smashing a wind ow to escape, was Hugh Short, 7, Mrs. Foetsch's son by a previous marriage. Then from the same paper, Jan 1, 1945: Baby Fourth Victim of New Haven Fire - New Haven, Jan. 1 (AP) -- Three-months-old William Foetsch died at the hospital of St. Raphael today as a result of a fire which early yesterday took the lives of his father, Frederick, a war worker, his mother, Victoria and his two year old sister, Frances. Medical Examiner Marvin M. Scarbrough said the child's death had been due to second degree burns of the face and arms and bronchial pneumonia resulting from i nhaling quantities of smoke during the blaze which fire officials said had been due to a faulty kitchen oil burner.
A researcher in New Haven found death records for the Foetsch family. They all died of 2nd degree burns and smoke inhalation. William, who was only 2 months of age, died the day after the others. Victoria Pulaski Foetsch was born 10 Nov 1910, in Meriden, Ct. Her parents were John Pulaski and Frances Lewandoski, both born in Poland. Frances was the informant for the death records and did not know the name of her son -in-law's parents. The fire was at 45 Thompson St., New Haven, which was where they lived.
Another newspaper account from the New Haven Evening Register of Jan 2, 1945, pp. 1-2, has the following additional details: Services will be held from the mortuary chapel of Francis J. Lupinski tomorrow at 10 o 'clock. ... Two other children who escaped from the burning, four-room apartment through a window are still in the hospital. Edith, 3, is reported in serious condition at the Hospital of St. Raphael suffering from first and second degree burns, while her half-brother, Hugh Short, 7, who helped her to safety by smashing the window and lefting her through, is in good condition at New Haven Hospital. He received severe lacerations to his arm. Foetsch, 50, a machinist at Winchester's who was found lying on the kitchen floor near the back door was dead upon arrival at the hospital from suffocation and second degree burns. His wife, Victoria, 34, died several hours later. They were said by authorities to have b een overcome and fatally burned in an attempt to reach their children. The tragic fire, authorities believed, started in the kitchen of the first floor apartment where a fuel bottle used to fill a kitchen stove was found tipped over. The Short child, son of Mrs. Foetsch by a previous marriage, told [ ] Patrolman Francis P. Mc[ ] that he had been awakened by shouts of his stepfather. He fled from his bed, he said and into the kitchen where he found Foetsch's body. Unable to arouse his stepfather, the boy ran back into his bedroom and lifted his sister from her bed and then smashed a window in the room and after helping her to safety, himself escaped. His shouts for help then aroused neighbors, one of whom turned in a box alarm. Occupants of the second floor, Mrs. Ernest Miller and her three children, were roused and escaped from the building unhurt. The fire swept swiftly through the rooms of the Foetsch home, doing most of the damage to the kitchen and adjacent bedroom. ... Mrs. Foetsch is survived by five brothers Walter, Gustave, Leo, Joseph Pulaski of this city; and John Pulaski with the U. S. Army serving in India; four sisters, Mrs. Albert Kelly, Mrs. William Mossman, Mrs. Frank Barbuto and Mrs. Harold Hott. She also leaves her mother, Mrs. Francis Pulaski of 9 Hazel Street; and four children, Edith Foetsch, Hugh Short, Bobby Short and Marion Short. The latter three children were from a previous marriage. Mr. Foetsch is survived by two daughters, also from a previous marriage. They are Mrs. Peter Limosani of West Haven and Mrs. Ruth Ciarcia of Waterbury."
1238. Willard I. Tyler Brigham, The Tyler Genealogy - The Descendants of Job Tyler, of Andover, Massachusetts, 1619-1700, 1912, volume II, page 592.
1239. “Newfoundland, Canada deaths,” 1850-1949.
1240. Jaime Hayes, 20 Aug 2010, “Email from Jaime Hayes to Don Braffitt,”
"Dr. Oliver Newell (1788-1865) is one of my direct ancestors and I am also trying to identify his ancestry. I have been looking at the 1790 through 1830 Census information for Vermont and have the following comments/observations (I have excluded the Abel Newell and other Newell's of nearby Chittenden Town, Rutland Co., Vermont):
1790 Census
Medal Newell (9 family members) - Milton Town, Chittenden Co., Vermont
Asa Newell (4 family members) - Stafford Town, Orange Co., Vermont
1800 Census - Milton, Chittenden Co., Vermont
John Cooe (5 family members - senior male of 26 and under 45 years old)
Asa Newell (7 family members - senior male of 26 and under 45 years old)
Medad Newell (4 family members - senior male of 45 and upwards years old)
1810 Census (unfortunately not very legible)
1820 Census - Milton, Chittenden Co., Vermont
John Cowee (8 family members - senior male of 45 and upwards years old)
Daniel Newell (8 family members - senior male of 26 and under 45 years old)
Oliver Newell (4 family members - senior male of 26 and under 45 years old)
Asa Newell (10 family members - senior male of 45 and upwards years old)
1830 Census - Milton, Chittenden Co., Vermont
Daniel Newell (10 family members - senior male is 50-60 years old and senior female is 40-50 years old - all others under 20 years old)
Asa Newell (2 family members - he is 60-70 years old and she is 50-60 years old)
i) Medad/Medal Newell - I suspect he could be a brother or father or other of Asa.
ii) Oliver Newell - I suspect that Oliver could be a son of either Medad/Medal or Asa.
iii) John Cooe/Cowee - I suspect that he was the father of Oliver's wife - Sophia Cowee.
iv) Daniel Newell - similar to Oliver - I suspect that he could be a son of either Medad/Medal or Asa.
v) Daniel Newell - I suspect this may be your Daniel Newell. Do you know when he moved away from Vermont ?
vi) Have you ever come across any information regarding John Cooe/Cowee or Medad/Medal Newell ?
vii) For your information - my genealogy website includes an Images section - that includes a web page for the Newell family."
1241. “Ireland marriages,” 1619-1898.
1242. “Ireland births,” 1620-1911.
1243. John Herbert Peterson, The Petersons, Claibornes, and Harrisons, and Some of Their Connections, 1829,
This book was published in the The William and Mary Quarterly, volume 2, number 1, Jan 1922, pages 1-19, with editor Clayton Torrence.